"Why do you need better gear if you're a casual?"

I would guess the que would take much longer to pop.

tldrOST; so the experience’d noobs can carry the greater-noob.

For the good of the noobs.

No, I didn’t say for the greater-noobs.

Cost of doing business.

Why are casuals even allowed to have gear?

So what you’re REALLY saying is that you wish that battlegrounds had better balance.

It’s not that you need better gear, it’s that you shouldn’t be forced to face such geared players if you’re not in a position to obtain that gear yourself. And that makes a lot of sense.

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Shouldn’t matter what a casual needs better gear for . There has to be a way for them to get decent gear . And I’m not talking 184 ilvl. But definitely not 226 either . I thought of myself as a casual , I do mythic plus . eventually at some point this expac I’ll push into 10-14s, maybe a 15 . But it’s been a really slow go just using M+ For gearing . It’s hard to get higher item level through just M+ And taking a long time .

It has to do with the last 3 letters of this type of game MMORPG.

Increasing player power is the entire point. If you get stopped because of players gatekeeping your progress that’s the fault of the game designers by not having ways to increase power outside of the first 3 letters MMO.

So it’s a delicate balance.

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Covenant gear and AH boe’s will bring you way past 200 ilvl, which is above normal Nathria.

There you go.

Hi. This is something everyone is subject to, not just people who refuse to do content.

Players aren’t gate keeping. All players in this tier have a maximum ilvl that they can attain. It isn’t just exclusive to whatever the hell yall are calling casuals.

Exactly, and without giving players the ability to attain a sense of accomplishment they are going to lose players.


You could always do m+, raid, or rated pvp if you want a sense of accomplishment.

Ya know. Things that wow has been centered around since launch.

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M+ has been around since Legion, not launch. As a follow up, M+ has some of the most toxic people mixed in there and that drives off people fast. Rated pvp was mostly Arenas since they launched with BC, and they are very comp/spec reliant which anyone who does them can tell you. Go in with the wrong comp and in the wrong specs and you will just get endlessly stomped…real fun. As for raiding, as people have posted in many, many threads, the covenant gear gets people to 197. Getting above that requires a raid team who wont just boot a new raider due to low numbers as they learn. Good luck with that.

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I don’t disagree with anything you’re saying here, except maybe to say that players telling other players what they do or don’t “need” doesn’t really feel right to me. However, I agree that as difficulty increases, rewards should increase. My personal definition of “difficulty,” however, might not be the same as others.


Everyone has access to ilvl 197 or 198 gear.

Honour items can be upgraded to there.

Not to mention covenant items sit slightly above 200.

Okay, since you asked, I’ll give my answer.
I haven’t done a single mythic or anything above LFR.
Now why do I need better gear? The simple answer is, because it’s fun to get upgrades.
The more complicated answer is rooted in the question itself.
Why would anyone care what I have, or the means to which I acquired it?
My minor upgrades have no effect on your group, guild or your own solo play.
Even if I sat at 220, it means absolutely nothing to you. It’s like we are playing D&D with a different Dungeon master. Yours gives you gear for for doing his dungeons and bosses. Mine gives me things for exploring and doing quests. Both are valid ways to play. Your elite Dungeon master has made your things very difficult, mine didn’t.
Does that take away from your experience? No. Not at all.
If you enjoy the harder content, then you do. It’s great you enjoy that challenge. That doesn’t give you exclusive rights to gear in the game. Your bragging rights should be in the epic adventure of taking down that boss, raid or Dungeon.
When you look at this from a different lense and see we all play the game, just at different levels and experience it in different ways, doesn’t mean the more “casual” should be locked out of the same gear.
Your Dungeon master wouldn’t do that. They typically give out what they can that’s both fun and helps the characters no matter what level or difficulty.
Just take a step back and look at things overall, not just from a “better than you” attitude.


Okay. Let’s split hairs then. The inference was that instanced group content has existed since launch as the main and sometimes only means of character progression.

Whatever. This can be said of every facet of any online game, period. It’s also an invalid reason for you to simply practice and be able to do content.

Another history lesson from someone who I have been playing longer than. Comps have existed in all forms of content since inception. This isn’t exclusive to wow, but is a main stay in any multiplayer game that features any semblance of competitiveness in nature.

So fix your comp, but I largely think this is far more of a skill related issue than you are willing to take accountability for.

So find a guild. It’s what I did, and what the overwhelming majority of players do who raid. Blizzard has made it easier than ever for you to find a guild with exactly the sort of people you are looking to play with.

I’m reading a bunch of excuses as to why you think you should just be handed gear without doing content, and not a one of them is valid.

It isn’t how you specifically acquired your gear that anyone cares about, or what gear you have specifically. It’s that introducing systems that trivialize what WoW has always been about (competitive instanced content for upgrades) is what everyone who actually enjoys the core function of WoW are pushing back against.

Okay, you want to cherry pick my post. That’s fine.
The entire thing explained the rationale of gear, but I’ll indulge your reply.
Right now the way it sits, the game is creating a virtual second class citizen if all they want to do is quest, explore and the story mode. Somehow saying that their gameplay is lesser because of not wanting to raid or pvp.
That is simply wrong.
It’s a video game. We shouldn’t be locked directly into one or two ways of doing things or “tough luck”.
At the very minimum there should be 3, ways to get the highest level of gear (whatever that number is). Dungeons /raids, pvp and questing/story.
That removes the idea of the second class player. Makes things more or less equal, just in case a person decides to actually go into the other parts of the game.
Currently, make up method is at the newest patch. While I don’t agree with that, there’s precious little I can do about it. I have to just deal with it.
I can hope that the devs read this and start thinking of ways to get gear to us all, based on what we enjoy doing in the game.


so you want the same powerlevel as those that sacrifice real life to play more, but without sacrificing anything?

interesting concept, wish we could bring that to real life :wink:

It’s dead easy to get over 200 without anything but solo/queued content. Basically passes up M0, LFR, normal raid, and M+2-6.

Good catch sir. I don’t pvp so I’d be perfectly fine at 200 to fight the overworld, but the true answer is “we need that gear to pvp,” unfortunately.

No. No it isn’t. WoW has always been about competitive grouped content for rewards. Always. It has never deviated from this very successful formula.

Duh. It’s a video game that follows a game design philosophy. Just like all games do.

Dungeons. Raids. PvP. There you go. There are your three ways of obtaining the highest gear levels.


Rewards the same as

Then you have effectively trivialized what has made wow so great over the years just because you can’t be bothered to play the game the way it’s meant to be played.

Nope. This is entirely up to you as a player to not feel this way. In a multiplayer game as large and as competitive as WoW, you are delusional if you think questing/story is ever going to reward you with items anywhere near what you get from playing the game how it’s meant to be played.

Covenant gear and AH BOE’S are your trope if all you intend to do is quest sir, as it should be.