Again, not everyone is even close to this. Please stop with the moronic fallacies and take part. I really can’t be polite to you anymore, you are the problem here, not the people doing the content.
It’s a game, treat it as that. I find you hilarious in this alone, you can come here and post for literal hours about needing that gear yet can’t be bothered to take part.
Please stop ruining our casual name, and become more self aware of your epic entitlement.
Um … because everything in the game becomes faster, easier and more enjoyable with better gear and the core joy of a MMO is character progression not getting to and plateauing at some arbitrary threshold the leets say “is good enough for you losers”.
Those elites did that work you want to skip. I get it, you want to be carried, then find elite friends who will do that for you. Expecting random players who put in the work to drop everything to help you is silly.
Yep it sure is! So why do you want to take that away?
People aren’t saying you don’t need rewards at all. They are saying that people don’t need heroic or mythic raid equivalent gear to do world content. You can absolutely overcome all world content with the gear that comes from world content.
There has to be some sort of risk reward for better gear though. If you have no real risk of failure, or any difficulty challenge, there really shouldn’t be high end rewards for that content.
There is a reason heroic dungeons drop 171, while mythic dungeons drop 184.
There is a reason LFR drops 184 and normal raids drop 200.
You don’t “need” mythic dungeons gear to do heroic dungeons.
Feel better? Did that help you get any point across other than I get why people won’t group with you?
Where is anyone holding you back? You can run your own keys, but let’s be fair, you don’t want to start at the bottom and work your way up. You’d rather come here and lie claiming you can’t get access when clearly you can you just can’t be bothered.
I am casual as they come, take a gander. Want to know why I am here? I am tired of the game changing for people who don’t play it, pretty simple right? But do carry on with the labels, you are a peach!
Nobody has a continuous progression path though. In each patch, raiders, mythic plus dungeon people hit a wall, and usually it’s tied to the content they participate in.
Some guilds never move into mythic raids due to difficulty. Some clear normal and work on heroic bosses to see how fair they can go. They don’t have a continuous gear path.
At some point people have to accept that they are only going to go so far each patch, if they never step into a higher difficulty piece of content. It’s just the way the game works.
I can understand a request for something added for solo progression, but at a certain point it will have to require overcoming some difficulty threshold like everything else in the game.
Once the next patch is released, the gear caps are raised and we all have some room to do content to get better items.
I think there is a basic confusion between lack of skill and those avoiding annoyance.
Challenges are a good determination of skill.
Annoyance does not equal a challenge.
People avoiding annoyance are not un-skilled for avoiding the annoyance.
Wanting a challenge does not equal it needs to be annoying.
I am doing pvp and slowly upgrading, but it’s forcing me into rated, meaning either a pvp guild or pugs.
In the meantime I can get either 40 conquest a day with a reg BG and 65 with Epic, providing Alliance can win, which is regularly about 2 wins to 8-10 losses a day. After a win the conquest on reg BG drops to 8 and on Epic 15.
Often it is 10 losses out of 10 matches. They have gear in the 220’s and 230’s
Looking at rated LFG pugs most want at least 1600 minimum.
Reg BGs should give Conquest win or lose since there are reasons Horde dominates where I play and it’s completely mismatched 85% of the time.
I mean, I think we’re getting back into the discussion of whether or not higher end gear should be rewarded from doing “easier” content. Random BG’s shouldn’t reward high end pvp gear just like world quests shouldn’t reward mythic raid gear.
It’s just unrealistic to think that you should get high end gear from just showing up to enough random bgs
It’s far more difficult to do pvp than kill Giant preprogrammed BOTS, in regimented “raids,” especially when you are playing against players with 220’s and 230’s gear 20 or more ilvl above.
Even without a gear difference, PVP is more difficult. Raids are just trained seals.
People who think otherwise are kidding themselves.
Because…apparently people enjoy playing World of Warcraft. Go figure! You need to realize there’s a LOT of people in this game who have called it home for 15 years.