"Why do you need better gear if you're a casual?"

I don’t care. I just play the game in a sensible way. I played hard core the first 3-4 years. starting since 2004 I get the idea. I can’t bear seeing leet, brow beating and pressuring children and young people and helping them throw away their lives with deranged peer pressure.

The predominant life state amongst the “leet” is animality.

I am not leet. Again take a moment of your precious time and look at my toon. You outgear me on every level and I am telling you this is entitled.

So you chose to play 12 hrs a day, even in vanilla I couldn’t do that, I was in Uni and worked. Still managed to raid even back then.

Again all on you and your time management. The thing that gets me is casuals like us got geared super fast for once, which was awesome, but left us wanting more. I took this time to play alts more since it’s leaps and bounds easier to catch them up compared to BfA.

This makes zero sense, you should have stopped at the first edit.

Look it up in a dictionary.

No need, you are shouting words at the sky…

I didn’t start a thread saying how terrible "leet " are. It’s an obsession with some people. Makes them feel superior. But in most case their real life is in shambles. It’s a sad thing.

Oh please, give me a break. Calling something idiotic is hardly an expression of vitriol.

It really hasn’t. The best and most egalitarian way to do it would be to have a vendor that sells all the possible gear as well as offering a way to upgrade it and have every type of content offer a way to earn currency with which to buy and upgrade whatever it is you need. This of course would be in addition and as a supplement to gear dropping as it always has. This isn’t some foreign concept either as similar systems exist in plenty of other games and have functioned reasonably well for decades. Blizzard just chooses not to go this route although why I can’t say.

This is simply not true. There is literally no reason for people to push a key beyond 15+ and yet they do it every day just for the challenge. As for the “path of least resistance” well that’s exactly what the vast majority of players do and the game hasn’t imploded yet so your irrational fear of that slippery slope is just that, irrational.

Lastly, the problem is that currently only some types of contents offer a path to getting the best gear while others either don’t let you get beyond a certain level or have an artificial gating imposed on them which makes the game unfair and not fun to play. The toxicity comes from the people who benefit from the current system and who had desperate to hold on their their “elite” standing at the cost of everyone else and frustrated is understandably boiling over because of how particularly blatant the situation is in SL.

Nah I get you wanted to leave out your toxic line but it’s there. And you are, in every thread you have put this up in.

How? When the game has always rewarded you this way that is why. I get it in your mind this is the best thing for WoW, but it isn’t. The other games that went these routes are all free to play now, you find plenty of their players here in our forums saying as much.

It doesn’t need to be equal in any sense. Britney Spears had it right… work. This is not new, happens in every expansion, entitled people exist, and I have to give Blizzard credit on not caving.

It is true. It happened in WoD when the remove gear from LFR. People didn’t raid until it was fixed. All you are going on here is what you feel would happen, when the actual proof of it happening is presented your argument is “this is not true” when it is.

This is a you thing, nothing else. They are not preventing you from doing anything and you need to get that concept down. You choose to not do X you will not get rewards from X, nor should you ever in this game.

I had 3 advanced degrees and a Family and Career, and businesses, before I ever played wow—and money to spare. I was shocked to see young people throwing away their lives.
There is only so much time in a day.

And with all those degrees I am sure you were able to understand what your personal limitations were. So apply that to this game, and realize that you get what you put in.

Also, what people choose to do with their time is on them. You making statements like “people throwing away their lives” is no different than the people who blame music for stupid actions.

There is no reason to change the gearing anymore than they already have.

Just keep it up.

Blizzard realized years ago they need to adapt to the vast majority of players who have busy lives and realize this is a video game, not an education or a career. They have taken plenty of flak from those concerned about Video game addiction. The horror stories are all on Youtube for the world to see.

And they haven’t changed the formula other than opening up the content more, and what do they get for it?

This. You.

If you NEED gear WORK for it like the “elites”. Don’t expect a huge payday so you can slap people around in BGs. If you’re casual, you’re going to have gear as such. This is the way.

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They want to work for their gear. They just don’t want the possibilities to stop leaving them in only one direction. That one direction being go thru the gauntlet of people acting like Eric Cartman to further their ability to get gear.

Like sane people they kind of want an option to avoid the Eric Cartmans by working harder on something else…anything else.

This mentality is not casual only. Even raider’s feel the need to avoid the Eric Cartmans and would like a nice grindy Cartman free option.

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I don’t tell you weak people who need a big group to gear up, what you need to do. Go and kill BOTS all day. do it over and over and think you are leet. I don’t care what you do.

And? I mean, seriously its not like they could not re align the stats.

It’s an MMO Karen. We need groups. It’s what MMO’s do… Just get better and you’ll get an invite as well… Also, I solo’d level 8 Twisting Corridor quite a while ago. So I’m stronker than you as a solo player as well. PvP/PvE, I’ve done more content that your solo questing.

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because everyone enjoys a sense of progression.


Well the solution that problem isn’t to give everyone 220ilvl gear

It’s to return to the 2 tiers of pvp gear with pvp stats

Life is family, school and work, Hobbies that consume all your time to the detriment of family, school and career–that becomes like a drug or alcohol addiction, is an escape from reality, not a Hobbie.

Everyone has stuff going on. Don’t act like you live a glorious life over all others. You are just mad because the time you spend doing something isn’t as effective. Nice attempt at a deflection though, you don’t want accountability or to learn high ability. You want to piss and moan about how not getting your way is everyone else’s fault.

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