"Why do you need better gear if you're a casual?"

So an addendum to this. Last night I spent however many hours playing and organizing RBGs. It’s a bad system. One person has to be the marketing director for 9 freeloaders. Then half of those freeloaders leave, win or lose. We won our first match and I still lost 5 people. WTF?!?!

The system.
Is not.

Why does one person have to work this hard to pull off a team only to get an individual ranking? It’s worse than bad, it’s illogical.

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Cap locking path doesn’t make your point, at all.

There is a path, and plenty more, you choose not to take part in at all, and come here demanding more once you completed the most basic.

That’s your issue, not a path, you don’t want to do the paths provided for you and want a new game, it’s not going to happen.

There is stuff to keep working for, the harder content, or an alt. The story isn’t done yet, and this always happens to people before the release of it. If you never had it happen before, well welcome to WoW.

That was your path. You’ve consumed the content too quickly and now are upset there’s not more. This is how we get timegates!

All paths come to an end. /Looks wistfully into the snowy distance

Here’s the problem encapsulated in one post.

“doing the most basic” is, what? LFG?

“Working for” is what? Grabbing healers and a tank in group finder?

Neither of these things have anything to do with PVP, they require no skill more than the other, and the latter - the “hard” system - is difficult becuase it’s a pain in the neck, not because it requires any skill. It’s the height of absurdity to think everyone is planning out team comps.

I YOLO’d last night and won 2 out of 3 matches before the server crash, lost to a RBG team of 1500, and when the severs came back up I joined another team and walked off with the remaining 54 points.

That’s not skill. And just because some teams work at it, doesn’t mean skill is necessary as evidenced by me. We’re so interested in telling people to “git gud” we make ourselves look like idiots by applying it to a skill-less systems.

This is a PVP thread, and your PVE arguments shall not pass.

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Everything people consider is hard content isn’t actually hard. It just involves dealing with a multitude of other people’s massive tude’s.

Give us 4 AI and most casuals could run some mythic plus without issue.

Instead of forcing people to enter your content by blocking then from good gear because they refuse to play with you… perhaps try and stop coming onto the forums and giving us all excellent examples of why we want to avoid you.


Y’all say just as much stuff that makes people want to avoid you. Stones in glass houses.


“Why do you need the best gear if you don’t push the cutting edge content?” is one of the most toxic and, frankly, idiotic arguments I’ve seen advanced on the forums and I’ve seen my fair share of them over the years.

Getting gear is the only way to empower your character in this game. Improving your gear is directly proportional to the power of your character and thus on your ability to do anything in the game in the most efficient way possible.

It doesn’t matter if you are trying to push 20+ keys and time them or trying to solo an old raid on Mythic, all of these are legitimate goals to have in the game and each just as relevant as any of the others. This idea that somehow only whatever is cutting edge at the moment is the only legitimate reason to play the game is a horribly flawed notion and it unquestionably undermines the health of the game.

This is an MMO, toxic competition over resources is utterly unnecessary. There is no need fight over who should get access to pieces of code and pixels that are infinite. People don’t push cutting edge content because they want better gear. They do it for the thrill of sportsmanship and they will continue to do it even if everyone else has access to the best gear. Just as everyone else will continue to have no interest at all in pushing that content even if they have the best gear.

Anyone and everyone who puts the time and effort into it should be able to obtain the best available gear and improve their character so that they can tackle whatever aspect of the game they wish in the most effective way possible.


I would argue your statement is worse, actual vitriol over entitlement.

Yep and in 16 years, the formula has been made easier with various levels of content to suit pretty much everyone.

Again with the extremes! You need a snickers. This has always been the community, and never have the devs blocked anyone from content. If you see toxicity in someone else having better gear because they did the harder content, that’s a you problem, not on everyone one else. I am not seeing a toxic competition at all, I am casual, and I see a pile of other casuals who feel they deserve things without putting in the work. It is really that simple, and you are being disengenuous with your toxic competition over resources comment. I have yet to see anyone in game make these rants, it’s only here, and the same handful of people.

They won’t continue to take part in the higher content if a path with less resistance opens up. You thinking otherwise is laughable, remember when they tried to rework loot in LFR in WoD? I do. At best you are hoping it works this way, but you can’t be bothered to think of the consequences… That’s the issue here.

It’s weird that you end on this, when it’s the reality of the game. They get the gear for the content they complete, like it has been for 16 + years now. You will get it if you work towards it. So why the rest of this post?

Why do people want a decent, fair chance to get the same gear,-----so they can pvp, successfully.

Because non-guilded, solo players do pvp. duh.

Easy answer.

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So those people you call successful… they got there by working for that gear to roflstomp you. You don’t want to do the work yet want to get the roflstomp benefit…

See the problem here? This game has always required some form of time sink to get gear, and yet they brought back the set, and here we are with the PvPers wanting so much more!

Your grasp of reality is slim. NOT everyone wants to play in the game 12 hours a day and requires constant interaction with a bunch of freaks.

PVP is a good match for those people who have in most cases been hardcore raiders in the ancient past and have a LIFE.

PVP takes less time and takes more skill and more of a challenge. More of a challenge than fighting boss BOTS over and over and over and over again.

Cool an attack from a perpetually entitled person! I will have a tough time sleeping tonight knowing that you are battling with my thought process.

You don’t have to. You’d be doing that minute one when this all launched, we are months in. Those people had that gear months ago, let’s be real here. Your time management skill or lack thereof does not give you a pass on progression that has been here forever.

Good news though, in a few months, they’ll give you that gear as catch up and I am sure we will meet here again because it won’t be enough for you.

I’ve heard the same thing for many years but the BOT fighters think they are doing the “hard” content. Then with top ilvl gear go into pvp—which is REALLY why they want the Mythic gear in the first place so they can kill others easily. What satisfaction is there in repeating the same content 30 times against computer bots.

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So you are basing your argument on a conspiracy theory you heard whispers of…

Yeah it all makes sense.

Right a “conspiracy” I bet that’s your answer to everything. How bout get a job and do that 8-12 hours a day. or attend college and get a career.

Just a conspiracy.

It is when you use a literal conspiracy theory to try to net your entitled self gear without putting in the time. I mean really even the evil botters you refer to did the work to get the gear.

I am working right now. This is how I spend my time between projects. It’s fun to interact with entitled people like you, keeps the day moving.

It’s because we (so called casuals) don’t want to be around entitled, leet fruit loops. Been there done that. It’s pitiful to see them throw their real lives away.

I am casual, look at me. I don’t want this game to go the route of others that went FTP over catering to people who don’t want to consume the content, that’s you.

You call them leet fruit loops? Funny, they are actually playing the game. What would you call yourself when you come to the forums instead to demand it?

I play the game within the limits of having a life.

Many don’t. I know exactly how much time is involved with all the extraneous stuff that comes with being guilded and repeating the same content over and over and over again.

I and others just want a path to get the high ilvl gear. We don’t care what the leet want and get sick of seeing these threads about “casuals.”

And I couldn’t care less about other games. This is the only one I play and when Diablo 4 comes out I’ll play that till I’ve beat the bosses. I don’t care about the ridiculous ultra “hard” modes designed to keep the obsessed playing the game.

So do they, they managed their time better. You are one twisted individual to think all these people do is play WoW. Most of them only raid log, because they put in the hard work early on.

With our interactions here alone, I wouldn’t group with you ever, and I assume plenty of others would feel the same. You will get from the community what you put out there. Many survive and get gear just fine through LFG, but they don’t tend to be the people making claims like yours.