"Why do you need better gear if you're a casual?"

Fixed is a finite statement.

“Best its been in years” is relative. It is great. I’m suggesting an improvement.

honestly as a casual player i dont think casual players need mythic tier raid gear or mythic 10+ gear

Agreed. But in PVP, it’s not as clear cut.

Honestly this and many other problems would just be solved by bringing back PvP stats.

Increases the value of honor gear, reduces the power of high ilvl PvE gear, removes incentive for high rank PvE players to get PvP gear, and removes incentive for them to farm random bgs as they now longer need the honor to upgrade PvP pieces for use in PvE.

So I’m going to reiterate this again as players not doing organise group content still don’t need higher ilvls, but Blizzard just needs to adjust their design.

I’d rather see the problem actually be addressed rather than adding a bandaid (higher solo ilvl rewards) that also negatively impact the game in other ways.

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The casual players are wanting better gear cause they’re getting forced out of the causal content (Randoms).

Encountering players with a 20-30 Ilvl advantage is not a “try harder” or “get gud” scenario.


For whatever it’s worth: I’m not interested in better gear at this time. The gear that I have with this character presently allows me to do all the content I like doing (Save for finish the Twisting Corridors, and thats a whole other mess worthy of its own topic)

What I would like is more ways to expand how my character does stuff: New abilities and/or ability modifications. So really, Conduits and maybe legendries are where my interest lies.

Why? Because World of Warcraft is less an RPG and more of a loot shooter and building a character is what I like about RPGs.

Giving me better gear means I kill stuff in .3 seconds instead of .7 seconds. It’s really not necessary.

Realistically we don’t, why do Elite Players need Elite gear to play against Casuals?

All we want is a fair competition, your Elite should be active in the content you obtained it in. Unrated Bgs has a cap of 197, thats where your Elite gear should cap also while engaging in that activity.


I never quite understood this myself - why higher ranks get you higher ilevels, to help you slaughter lower ilevel players even easier.

I can totally understand unique mogs / appearances for high rank, prestige gear, but it being outright stronger always seemed really strange to me. PvP gear should be normalized to at least some level.

WoD had it right.


Then they come in here and tell you to Get Good, and L2P. Its beyond ridiculous… Like having a Corvette race a Chevette and then saying , Hahahaha you suck its a learb to drive problem not the engine difference…

Just drive faster!

This is a great suggestion for after they introduce flying. But I can imagine how annoying it would be randomly picking herbs chilling out then have to deal with elites.

So they want better gear to solo old raids? Why don’t we just tackle the real issue there and balance Legion and BFA raids? Especially Legion, my god. It’s been what? Five years?

Since vanilla this game has had the same model: if you want better gear you need to group up in order to do it. It has evolved over time to give you LF dungeon tool, then raid finder, world quests. Now we have a campaign questline and renown system that gives you better rewards as you go. What else could you want?

As far as pvp goes, there again, group content = best rewards. The best pvpers get in voice chat and coordinate their CCs, etc. And yes, ilvl certainly helps stomp others, but prior expansions it was the same as resistance gear or pvp sets. Yes, perhaps they could equalize the gear across the board for lower pvp brackets. But there again, you’re always going to be at a disadvantage over those that do the group content. It’s an MMO. That’s how it’s designed to be.

Gee, maybe you should group up so you can collect herbs then. That seems to be the only real response anyone in this thread has for anything.

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Lol “geeze guys why don’t you just join an herb farming guild?”


Casual players are not hyper efficent. Some players can max out 177 gear to pull of the best it can using potions and perfect spell rotations and UI systems. While casual players instead get the same amount of power by simply over gearing the heck outta it.

All causal players want is the ability to out gear stuff and destroy. They are obviously never going to hit the same levels as the efficent players with that same gear. Now you have IO in place to tell the difference between the guy who is efficent and the guy who just wants a nice steamroll. So please stop taking the toys away from the casuals who want a nice steamroll, they put in their 15 bucks in too.

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You are getting normal level dungeon gear, and I am like you and can tell you that doing your campaign and upgrading that gear is all you need to do. If they are only hitting 177, what are they doing really that they would need the end game gear?

This is a progression game, that 15 bucks gives you access, nothing more. It doesn’t buy you gear. And just a question, how does one take a toy away from you when you never earned it in the first place?

Casual players just want a path… even if it’s a long annoying path, they want the path. Currently if you only do casual play to get cap at a specific gear level and you can go no further unless you go into non-casual play.

Non-casual play can not always be broken into. And many casual player are annoyed by being forced into it.

What casual players want is a nice annoying long casual grind that they can work on and eventually earn the gear over a long period of time that non-causal players earn very quickly. They don’t want your mythic bracers when you have it, they want to earn it thru grinding 2 months after your already banked it.

Now I ask you why in the heck is it so hard for you to let them have it 2 months after you already banked it.

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How’d they get the Corvette? By doing the same things the Chevette guy has access to but chooses not to do.

It’s not their fault people are bringing knives to gunfights.

You have a path. The covenant story unlocks the best gear for that type of game play. It ended faster than usual to upgrade, that’s all.

You have better now as a casual than you have historically ever had at an expansion launch. But that’s not enough!

I don’t have it, like I told you casual myself. You will get that catch up at the major content patch like we have for the past few expansions.

197 + legendary at 235 + WB 207 + mythic dungeon week (213) + callings (up to 203)

They should already outgear any non instanced content as well as normal, heroic, and half of M+ dungeons, LFR and normal raid.

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Your not getting it:

A PATH!!! A road to follow after you got all the gear from the covenants and pvp and your 197-200. AKA something TO DO that allows your char to progress forward. Something that’s not just a once a week event. Something to grind to that does not involve stepping foot into mythic plus or raiding. That is what they want.
A direction that’s not…well I guess I’ll make a alt and cap that out at 197-200 again. And wash rinse repeat cause the elitist’s will get their feelings hurt if I eventually earn their gear.

Something to keep working for.