Why do you like/play Survival Hunter?

Why? To prevent people from giving feedback? You’ll just make up more excuses for every other time too.

Early expansion: “Shut up about X! The expansion just started so no changes are coming!”
Mid expansion: “Shut up about X! It’s the middle of the expansion and they aren’t thinking about that!”
Late expansion: “Shut up about X! They aren’t in the changes phase yet!”
Alpha: “Shut up about X! If Blizzard wants to change X they will say so!”
Beta: “Shut up about X! It isn’t Alpha anymore so there won’t be any more big changes!”
Pre-Launch: “Shut up about X! It’s too late to change anything, the new xpac is already finalized!”

Sorry bud but it is always a good time to give feedback. Even if Blizzard won’t do anything about it in SL at this point, it is important to express what we think about the content they are putting out, rather than just shutting up about everything and never giving any feedback ever about anything.