Why do YOU dislike BFA?

Yeah you complained about farming for armor that will be outdated later on being a factor of why you dislike BfA when this has been done since like the dawn of time.

Also you should Google what tasteless means since obviously you don’t seem to know what it means. Your entire original post is littered with tasteless reasons to dislike BfA.

No I didn’t.

This had nothing to do with gear becoming outdated.

Pass. It doesn’t apply and it’s obvious you have nothing valuable to bring to the table so to the dumpster.

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For me the biggest contributor to me unsub and move on was the diablo3 influence on bfa. Even more so than legion, the idea of seasons in wow, and literally farming the SAME Fin ITEM again, but at a higher ilvl, is so offputting I quit. Combined with all the crazy Diablo style loot rng. And doing the same dungeons AGAIN to get the same Gear AGAIN… yeah no thanks.


I am just bored. M+ wasn’t a system that I liked even during Legion, so I kinda hate the idea of repeating the same dungeon(However, I do understand the benefits of the replayability) just on higher difficult, same reason why I think the system is boring with raids, you gotta do normal, then heroic and if your guild is willing, Mythic.

Anyways, I feel like MMORPGs should have a focus on the open world, but everything in WoW is just instanced, the world feels dead because the incentive to do stuff like WQs are minimal. In a way, when you don’t feel like doing M+ and it’s not raid nights, what do you do? You AFK in your faction hub or PvP a bit.

In short, my biggest gripe isn’t exactly with BFA, but with the direction WoW has gone to, the game feels way too linear for an MMORPG, BFA was just the culmination of all these problems over the years.


The description I give to people asking about BfA is that Bliz kept a running list of what was good and what was bad from Legion and other xpacs, and sent the wrong one off to development. And, they just keep doubling down.

The new ptr is up, and it currently has a warfront set in durotar and more characters related to the war campaign. No one likes warfronts, and the story is - yet again - just MoP 2.0. The game’s in a sad state when even the ptr leaks just irritate me further.

im doing all of these chores waiting for the fun stuff to happen.

but the fun stuff doesnt happen.

the entire game just feels like doing busywork now, and none of it is interesting enough on its own. you know what felt good in Legion? when in nighthold i finally hit 54 on my weapon and that grind was done. then i could start doing other things because i finally completed a task.

blizz seem so adverse to allowing us to complete a task. they just keep dogpiling things on top of it to make us keep playing. got a gear drop finally? well it didnt roll TF and a socket, its trash, gotta keep grinding for that max TF and socket. what was good about vanilla wow was that when you got a drop, that slot was done. you could start working towards getting another slot BIS. blizz keeps moving the goal posts so that you can never reach your goal, so why bother running across the field to a endgoal youll never reach?

also there is no mage tower this xpack. a single player challenge that rewards great transmog. this is the first xpack since cata that doesnt have a challenge appearance for doing some hard content. MOP, WOD and Legion all had challenge appearances to unlock. i know the xpack isnt over yet, but there hasnt even been any indication of anything on the horizon. no more tier sets is also really bad. i didnt care one bit about the set bonuses, but no more sets really sucks. because what they have offered for appearances this xpack has been extremely weak. they are putting in literally 1/3 of the artistic effort for output now and what we have to show for it is this so far this xpack? bleh yuck. M+ last xpack was infinitely fun, the dungeons are very cool this xpack but just arnt as fun to run as last xpack, theres just too many obnoxious things you have to deal with. pvp is just a mess, i dont even want to go into it.

whatever happened to making a game fun? if you make a fun game people will play it. now we just play the game to do boring chores all of the time. it just isnt fun anymore cause " oh you have to have X level on your neck", " you have to have X traits otherwise your going to do no dmg cause blizz cant balance for junk ", "you have to have X level of a essence otherwise your not going to be doing any dmg ", " you have to grind this and this and this until the next patch when you have to keep doing the same thing over and over ".

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GCD changes, overall unintelligent class design, horrible IU changes.


I’ve been enjoying BFA until 8.2 launched and I just got bored. It’s a complete 180 to the expansion and we’re most definitely heading into another Siege of Orgrimmar patch. 8.2 should’ve been Horde retaliating after what happened in BoD and then 8.3 can be Rise of Azshara and 8.4 can be what Blizzard has plans for 8.3. Why is it there only has to be 3 patches, expect WoD which had only 1 patch, for an expansion?

While there is an endless list of why people dislike BFA, I think the biggest complaints most people have agreed on are: Time-gating, Azerite necklace, warforge/titanforging, GCD changes, and finally lackluster classes that are too pruned.

  • Removal of Legion weapon artefacts
  • Bad plot writing
  • GCD
  • RNG
  • Titanforging/Socketing
  • Specs not sharing secondary stat preferences
  • Non account wide AP system
  • Azerite system, reforging and costs
  • Benefit scaling of world quests post content patches
  • Lack of Conquest/ honour vendor
  • Spec diversity. Talents still disproportionate in value in each tier leading to cookie cutter specs or dead talents

Doesnt matter because the devs dont care. They refuse to make the changes that are needed.

I personally dont like the RNG
The removal of pvp vendors
The rep grinds for progression and fun stuff
Poor balance
pruning went too ffar
The azerite system

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Its so full of impossibilities, stories getting rewritten mid explanations and just not making sense. That turns me off most. BFA has no concomitant or believable story on horde side.

Because it feels like a game wearing warcrafts skin

I feel like having to re release the oldest version of the game goes to show it’s fallen far to far away from what it used to be

BFA is still an MMO… an MMORPG. MM -Massive Multiplayer… like Million Players… way better than other MMO who consider themselves Massive. I tried SWTOR… I was lonely there as I cant find a group for dungeons. Just came back to WoW instead coz WoW is way way more Massive… I can find groups here and there way way easier.

BFA is still an RPG becoz the player assumes a role of a character in a fantasy world. Whatever how you define it, BFA is an RPG. People may not like the character they assume to role. There are several combination of selections of characters or roles to choose from. If you dont like the selections, go find another game… or make your own game. What I am pretty sure is the characters in WoW in my opinion is far better than other characters from other games. WoW is enormous… tons of stuffs to explore. This is why WoW is still the best MMO out there.

Most things I do not like pre-date BFA. But BFA in particular:

Azerite Gear - Huge mistake for a number of reasons. The initial plan was that we would grind the same azerite traits over and over for the entire expansion. They’ve made it better over time but it still is not that good.

Expulsom/Scrapper - You have to put hundreds if not thousands of items into the scrapping machine if you want to craft stuff. It just isn’t interesting game play.

Disjointed Story - Not much to say but I don’t find the story compelling. I don’t care for the million meaningless subplots. Just focus on a few key things and make those the basis of the story.

Warfronts - Shocking how easy these were and that they gave heroic-raid level loot as a reward. There were many directions they could have gone with them and they went with the worst one.

The story. My favorite lore character being garroshed. Yet another tiresome lecture about honor.

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Couple of personal ones;

  • AP and Essence system have made keeping multiple characters up to date a horrid time sinking nightmare chore.

  • Revenge of the GCD. “Its for the greater good.”

  • Awful disjointed writing. Did we ever actually finish our revenge in Darkshore? When did that happen? cos I FOR ONE DIDN’T NOTICE ANYTHING ACTUALLY CONCLUDE!

And now one the raid leader in me wants to get off the chest:

  • Personal Loot was a disaster.

  • Removal of Tier, and Mythic’s dominance have all but eroded Raiding’s feel of progression.

  • There’s not even any offset to farm the appearance of anymore! Come on, Guys!

  • Raids -even brand new released ones- being overall behind what a Mythic+ can do for you now.

Why. Bother.


They failed because a Faction War story can’t really exist in WoW. Not in the center stage, at least.

For every Horde victory there must be an equal Alliance victory, for every Alliance loss there must be a Horde loss.

For every good act of the Horde, there must be an evil act of the Alliance. For every good act of the Alliance there must be an evil act of the Horde.

Every Alliance city lost, the Horde must lose a city.

The paradigm must be completely balanced or else you risk ostracizing players of either faction. Ostracized players means players unsubbing, thus to keep the subs rolling perfect balance must be maintained.

And the thing about perfect balance in a war story? It leaves everyone unsatisfied and disappointed. You can’t have one faction win over the other because you’d just ostracize 50% of your players.

I’ve been saying since Blizzcon 2017 that things would be exactly like this. Stalemate after stalemate, any progress made getting completely nullified for the sake of keeping things balanced. It’s a no win scenario for Blizzard and one they should have never tread. BFA’s fate was sealed the moment it was green lit.

If the Alliance wins, Horde players get mad. Horde wins, Alliance gets mad. Neither win? Everyone gets mad. No conclusion will be satisfying for millions (or hundreds of thousands, depending on your reckoning with sub numbers) of players. There was no way for Blizzard to come out on top with this expansion.

Faction Conflict stories can exist, but not as the main event. Side stories, zone quests, a couple battles here and there are all good…but Faction War stories are doomed to fail on a fundamental level due to WoW’s core structure.


My biggest thing is there’s stuff that I want to do, but I just can’t find the motivation to do it. I want to log on and do stuff, but it just doesn’t feel fun or rewarding to do any of it.

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I agree. Which seems to point more towards people really disliking the game direction/quality more so than the actual expac itself.