Why do YOU dislike BFA?

I just hate stupid people and players
the expansion is fine

though I hate everything about the Troll look. I’m sick of seeing square circular patterns everywhere

/ Yawn

Too much blah blah blah…

Some few people got bored… Those who are hardcore who beat the endgame really fast can get bored… coz I understand… they beat the game.

But the rest who got bored? They were stucked. They dont know WoW is an MMO. MMO is full of grinding. Dont play MMO if you dont like grinding.

RNG is RNG. Whether you played in 2004 Classic where you get epic upgrades every 2 weeks from 40-man raids, or you play today in BFA where epics are raining but most of epics nowadays are garbage… roughly the same as Classic as you would get an upgrade every 2 weeks. RNG is RNG.

The game is simple. You get gear to kill mobs… to kill dungeons full of mobs. This game is not dress-up Hello Kitty game where you get gear to dress up your toon. There are tons of mini games in WoW. But pls dont forget killing mobs on dungeons is the core content of the game.

BFA is not a perfect game but it’s not a bad game. It’s still the best MMO out there. Casuals can play it… BFA has tons of stuffs to do. Hardcores can play it. Mythic Raiding difficulties is awesome. Mythic 15+ must be challenging and fun.

Pvp is just bad in bfa.

  • Warmode is a disaster
  • Faction imbalance makes rated difficult
  • No vendors
  • Pvp gearing sucks compared to pve

I agree. Your post was definitely heavy on the blah blah blah.


Actually burst out laughing. Scared the crap out of my dog.

Ok. For starters, the expansion was badly bugged and imbalanced for fresh 120s, when normal mobs were pounding even plate wearers into mush due to gearing. They’ve since adjusted it, but the gear disparity is still somewhat stupid.

RNG is beyond ridiculous to where EVERYTHING in the game is a roll of the dice to see if it’s worth keeping or not. Reputation/AP/etc are all incredibly grindy, and punitively painful to even bother on alts. Likewise, Professions are pointless as either the raiders who can craft the high end gear are already replacing it, and everything is BoP to strangle any thought of actually having player crafting be viable.

The mission table is fine, if somewhat boring. WQs are a continuation from Legion, though the reputation gains are painfully low, and badly needs some catchup mechanisms for newer players and alts. Pathfinder would have been fine EXCEPT for dragging it out so long that completing it feels like an annoyance versus an actual reward.

Oh, and the entire Alliance/Horde faction “conflict” is just as stupid as it was when Garrosh was around, and moreso because Sylvanas is a completely unsympathetic character who should never have been made Warchief. Instead, it forces Horde players into a ramrodded badly written narrative that Blizzard has painted themselves into a corner with.

They are NOT going to get rid of the Horde or have any lasting actual consequences anymore than at the end of MoP, so again, what’s the point? Doubly so after the lessons of Legion about the races/classes banding together against common enemies, only to grow stupid and start hur huring about Blue vs Red.

I really want to see both factions become story/quest based, and allow players to pick whatever mix of race/class to play. It would also get rid of the badly imbalanced and annoying PvP and raiding problems Blizz can never fix by forcing players to pick one side or the other only.

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Forgot about the actual reputation gear rewards. It’s insane that even at the beginning of the expansion the gear from quartermasters was way lower than the gear you would already have by the time you get the required rep.

Like what’s even the point in putting that gear there? It’s mog trash.


Gear isn’t rewarding, professions are a joke, most classes are a watered down version of how they played in Legion, which was already a massively watered down version of WoD, which was MoP, but worse.

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Time to change the paradigm.

Not being able to fly despite unlocking it the hard way in previous expansions. Seriously, this crap is annoying. Locking it behind arbitrary requirements every expansion is just pissing people off. So you want people to see the grand world you’ve created? Then make it engaging. There’s literally nothing that stands out as memorable. I’d see enough of the areas just questing and/or farming. The amount of trains I see because of this nonsense is kind of comical. Sooner or later it’s going to cause issues. Someone will pop a AoE not knowing that another player is dragging a congealed mass of aggro and instantly it all jumps that poor player. I do it myself. If I want to get somewhere I’m not stopping to kill every single mob in the way. Unless they can knock me off my mount they’re SOL.


Although i find many reasons very valid I struggle with being built into 1 thing during an expansion only to be cut down the next. Tank self sustain was way to good in legion, but the transition to BFA was a bit large for me personally.

Better, but then why are you here? :rofl:

Also to the OP, they’ve been making armor obsolete since the dawn of raiding. Literally you’d go into classic get nature resist armor for a raid to later on replace it for frost resist gear. Nothing new there, the rest of your complaints are just mediocre and tasteless.

Artifact removal Agree with the removal of artifact weapons. Felt nice having something like another talent tree and having more abilities.
Azerite Armor agree with as well.
Legiondaries Glad they’re gone. They didn’t feel like a legendary like its predecessors. And required little to no effort to obtaining one. Should have just ended with the rings in WoD and not continue to ruin the name “Legendary” with the horrible implementation of these reskins.
Warfronts Agree with again as well as Island Expeditions. sharding and Warmode and the rest

World of RNG Craft. How is a 445 EVER worse than a 415?!? 47.5k Residuum just gone. I literally just logged out. Killed my will to play today.


Don’t even kno what you’re responding to as I said nothing about any of that.

whatever that means. :joy:

  • Azerite / Essences Grind.
  • Reputation Grind for Allied Races, specially Mag’har, was ugly. The Zandalari at least made sense. But Mag’har? We already had their trust, earned way back then.
  • Pathfinder came too late. Casual World Questing is much more fun with it now.
  • Warfronts - It 's basically a Garrison invasion in a group where you can’t lose. Any PVP battleground is more fun than that - even the ones I dread such as Silvershard Mines or Deepwind.
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The absolute dog pile of a war story. We were promised something different look at the BFA cinimatic see the faction pride on both sides thats what we were sold.

We were told Sylvanas would have good reasons for the war and the burning of the tree would be a big mystery both were outright lies. Instead we got the same recycled facting conflict we have had since Warcraft 2. Horde bad Alliance good, Horde splits Alliance wins.

How can the writers make such amazing zone stories for Zandalar and Kul’tiras but drop the ball over and over again with the faction conflict?

This was Blizz chance to tell a compelling war story and they blew it cause of laziness of incompetence I’m not sure which.


I was willing to suffer it being a faction or Old God expac if IEs had let me actually go out and explore islands or if Warfronts had been an RTS.

It was sold to me on bold-faced lies.

And then the faction story and Old God stories were still bad on top of that.

I knew in prepatch when Blizzard did Teldrasil that there was no redeeming the story from that point, and they had locked themselves into two potential predictable paths for it to go.

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I don’t.


WOW has not been a real MMO for atleast 3 expansions now

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