Why do YOU dislike BFA?

Wish I could like your post more than once. This is -EXACTLY- what happened at the end of MoP, with the empty “Dismantle your Horde” threat by Varian and the players ticked off.

Of COURSE they are not going to remove Horde as a playable faction to alienate half their players. Of COURSE they are not going to do punitive consequences that will directly affect players and their ability to play the game. And of COURSE there cannot be an Alliance “win” without having a subsequent Horde “loss” that leaves a bitter taste in their mouths.

It’s beyond asinine. If the factions were quest/story based directly, then they could do whatever they wanted to tell their story. But as long as they keep this artificial conflict and separation between their player base, it just adds more drama llama that leaves everyone feeling frustrated.

Let folks play whatever class/race they want, and open up the playing field to where ALL players can actually raid/PvP/whatever together without having to keep fighting to balance for two completely separate game experiences.


While I agree with most of the problems listed in this thread, the TRUE reason I dislike BFA is that shear badness of it caused my guild to break apart and none of my friends play anymore.


Class Design: GCD

Terrible loot system: Gear feels more meaningless than ever

No raid tier sets

Alt unfriendly



Blizz cut Saurfang’s ball off , like seriously wtf is that bs he just turned into a complete chicken. I mean yea we lost nazgrim but atleast he died with honor and will for ever be remembered


what i dont like about bfa is removing our legion abilities and then adding then into an azerite ability so we have to " earn them" even though we had them last time. Its like removing mortal strike in 9.0 and then adding it back as a high tier talent.

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RNG is just absurd.
TF/WF- Oh brother where do I start with this. The fact that I can do easier content and have a Chance a piece of loot being better than heroic or even mythic content is just ridiculous. If Blizzard controlled it they would not need to have a stat squish.
Island Expeditions - These are just plain boring and lame to do and only few quest items have any interesting backstory behind them. Mention the horrible rewards and only based on luck. Add the items to the vendor for players sake. Mounts can be 500 or 1000 dubloons and pets can be 250 or 500.
Warfronts - horrible idea and failed to capitalize on the RTS feeling. Heroic doesn’t make it any better and is just there to hand out free gear.
Azerite Necklace - leveling an alt but having to re grind xxx even though you have it? No thanks ill stick to one character.
Warmode - Be a paragraph on whats wrong with it.

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I think it’s better to focus on what’s “good” because it’ll be quicker.

Just give me a moment to think about it.

Not much at all in BfA. I actually did like that new pet dungeon they made in stratholme. That was probably the highlight of this entire expansion so that should put things in perspective for you.

Class design and our ability to customize our gameplay.

How about this…give me HASTE!!!

There are many things I don’t like about BFA, but if the classes are not fun to play, then the rest doesn’t matter. On my alts I don’t even look up the “correct” stat weights anymore. I just stack haste until they feel something close to playable. Devs, for the good of the game either:

  1. Give us back reforging.
  2. Just remove haste as a secondary stat and give me some talents that let me adjust the speed of my gameplay to something that is enjoyable.
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Every stupid world quest “reward” is either off-spec, or the wrong stats. Weapons are always pole arms for my hunter, “held in off hand” for my ret pally, or just plain terrible stats.

The worst part of this terrible expansion is the fact that since one of my level 120 toons can’t fly, they all can’t fly. I can’t log a single main or alt and zip around and explore at max level, and I have zero interest in wasting my time on the new zones or their rep. / opinion ymmv


Oh gosh this is so true. I’ve been saying this forever too. The war has to be like a smoldering conflict that threatens things, but never actually ignites. This is what made the faction conflicts so good in TBC and Vanilla. (IMO)

Great post.

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Class pruning. So many of my abilities are just missing and my class feels incomplete, and I know many others feel the same for their respective class. Fury does feel quite good I won’t lie, but when LITERALLY every single DPS spec in the game is just 1,2,3 hit shiny button it feels horrible.

On the subject of classes, let’s talk about that oh so amazing GCD change. Now they did tone it down a bit and it’s not as bad as it was in 8.0, but it doesn’t excuse the fact that 90% of my abilities being on GCD simply isn’t fun.


Not getting loot from mythic dungeons when ive been working so hard timing it, times it expecting a new weapon or piece of gear, it doesnt happen even even after doing 5 other dungeons only if i dont get kicked.

Raider io existing. Partly why i get declined from groups. It makes be have to grind for 2 months at the beginning of a season which i hate doing.

There are too much daily not world quest dont like doing it if it doesnt get me anything that i need. There is too much grinding.

Removal of a very unique island well, gm island due to exploiters, hint they removed the island but not the exploits they were using to get there. It didn’t do any good for anyone. Pointless removal. I felt very sad when an innocent island got removed due to naughty players.

The dps class imbalance. Range for some reason does way more damage than a majority of dps except for demon hunter and rogue. I noticed this in the recent dps charts.

The affix combo swith and major item level, well everying increase at the beginning of the new season. This always frustrates me during the first 3 months of the season and stresses me out few weeks before.

Making wow too much of an esport and not an actuall game. There is way too much competition and work put into esports and not enough put into making wow fun and exciting.

Come on, i should have to feel stressed and upset while playing a game, i should be having fun. I think blizzard forgot what fun is.


Except for the fact that it’s nowhere near as alt friendly as Legion was (as in no class specific content), I don’t dislike BfA.

My biggest gripe is that they didn’t try anything new (that will live beyond the expansion). No new fun systems…except for the temporary essence system that should have been in at launch.

The AP grind that makes playing alt’s harder.

it’s what they already did in WoD and later. You hit 90 and they took away abilities to earn back as you leveled.

Legion had core abilities removed and put into the talent trees, some as pvp talents which only allowed access during 1 aspect of play.

Beyond horrible garbage fanfic story, frustratingly bad development reasoning in response to many issues that players have been vocal about (azerite, glitches, sharding, the lack of a proper mmo-feeling because of story dictation), lackluster release product (beta for azeroth meme is real), AP returning, RNG roulette on everything including pvp gearing now. Developers need to accept sometimes an idea is bad and drop it and also need to understand that an idea being bad is at the discretion of the players (like when they say they hate azerite armour) and not the devs themselves (like when the devs say they hate flying)

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IDK - I’m having a lot more fun in BFA than I am with Legion and/or WoD. The mission table garbage and raid or die mentality of WoD was bad enough. BFA has a ton of things to do, running m+ is a lot of fun, alts are actually playable with minimal effort. Of course you’ll have people camping these forums claiming the exact opposite, but I doubt they actually play the game anyways.

Late to this party, but here goes:

  • The constant focus on competitive, MDI, rated, etc. I personally think it fosters a community of toxicity. In the past, people were happy to be in a world and just interact with others, to improve their gear over time. But as population of the game declines, what you get left with is those that do enjoy this content, so naturally it becomes their focus. The game is quickly turning into one where leveling and actual zones aren’t even needed. You could have a capital system be a lobby, then you just queue for PvP or Mythic +'s. At the end you get crafting mats, rep, armor/weapons, with quantity/quality relative to how you did. That seriously feels like where this game is going.

  • Rewards/cost being 10x as expensive as legion, without the same ways to generate the revenue. I did not play WoD live, I only played 1.5 patches of Legion. So I did not abuse the mission table gold generation. But because some did, Blizzard now has to drain the economy. Except those who can afford a 350,000 frog mount, 500,000 pterodactyl, 5 million gold brutasaur, it is probably barely a drop in their bucket. Whereas for the vast majority of players, they just aren’t buying them. I used to buy all rep mounts as I got them, and pets, to collect. Now I can’t justify the cost. Having super expensive mounts for those that do the effort (mammoth in wrath, yak in MoP, brutosaur bfa) is fine, but making all “rewards” be that expensive isn’t rewarding. It’s the same with battle pets. In WoD and Legion the pets cost a handful of tokens. Now even the basic pets cost 500+ tokens. I played majority of Uldir patch, now been back for three weeks again, at this point (as someone who likes pet battles) I could buy maybe two pets.

  • The mission table is terrible. Terrible design all around. Random hirelings that are counters. Champion equipment that isn’t worth the cost to buy because the mats requirement is rediculous. The rewards being extremely subpar (apparently 100 gold is worth 40 resources. So you need to do, essentially on a 1 for 1 level, one world quest to get the resources to do a mission to get 100 gold).

  • That leads into everything just not feeling rewarding. AP is a terrible system. Getting AP is not rewarding. RNG loot is not rewarding.

  • Pathfinder (king of). I’m one of those people that if Blizzard absolutely decided no more flying, then fine, I’d deal with it. If there is flying, then I will fly. I’m happy either way. But, designing all these zones to be as un-friendly travel wise as they are is just a pain. The first few times you go through it the content is fun. But when you are having to run up the pyramid for the 100th time, it’s no longer fun. When you have to run around that cliff for the 100th time to do a world quest, it’s no longer fun. Especially so when the entire path is packed full of as much trash as some designer thought could fit without crashing the server.

  • This leads to actually making too much content in such a way to be slow. WQ’s actually take longer than dailies (you travel all over rather than being in a hub). Pathing takes longer. AP makes things take longer, so here is content to generate AP. But it offers no loot, because the loot you get from dungeon grind (more on that below). Conveniently the dungeon grind doesn’t really give AP, so you have to do both. Now their are essences. Oh, you are PvE player that doesn’t like pvp? Well a lot of the best pve essences are gathered through PvP. And vice versa. Mark my words people, that wasn’t a mistake. They did that on purpose to make everyone engage in all the content. Oh, you want to see more of the main storyline? Grind rep. Oh, you want to actually get these essences? Get exalted. Blizzard is so focused on the theory that if someone doesn’t log in for a few days, then they are probably going to cancel their account. Missing the fact that a lot of people might burn out.

  • Alts. Another expansion of being alt-unfriendly. After an Ion AMA on reddit, I’m not even sure if Blizzard understands why the vast majority of people play alts. He talked about finishing gearing your main, then gearing your alt to do all the top content again. They talked about liking other classes because they are better for other content. I think they are majorly off course. A lot of people like alts for a change of pace. Because it’s something different. Because sometimes other classes are just FUN. I think very few people seek to gear alts to the same level as their main. But you would still like to gear them. Instead they put all these systems into place so that keeping current on more than a couple characters is not only unpractical, but with essences, basically impossible. I play monk. I’m an ok brewmaster, ok mistweaver, and a terrible windwalker (seriously, dunno why, I’m terrible at windwalker). Sometimes I want to play melee dps that I might not be poo at. Maybe sometimes I want to play range. It’s a change of pace, it’s fun. Well, now I if I did I couldn’t be doing anything serious on them.

  • The story. As primarily a horde player since 2005, it’s getting really obnoxious so have any sense of faction pride. I imagine Alliance feel this too. Oh look, we have to go to war against another bad Horde leader, and we will get nothing out of it. Joy. Characters are incredibly inconsistent. Rexxar, Voss, Saurfang. This expansion they are are pale reflections of their past selves.

  • Professions are poo. Might as well just remove them at this point.

  • Bugs, so many.

  • Customer support. What happened to this? I remember in the past, if you had an issue and submitted a ticket (even when there were more active players), you would usually get a response within 2-4 hours. If you were online, they would whisper you and talk directly. Now, it takes over a day, and even if you are online they only email you. And the response is usually “lol, too bad, we can’t do anything. Is this resolved?” Uhh, I guess, because you basically just said no, can’t fix it.

  • Too many raid tiers, that just prompts a stat squish at the end of every expansion.

Unpopular opinion:

  • Mythic +'s. I’m sorry, I don’t like them (mostly because of the timer). But also because this expansion they are so trash heavy, and CC’ing carefully through (like old school dungeons) isn’t feasible because of timer. They are trying to promote competitive e-sports, and it brings out the worst in everyone (usually because of the timer). The rewards and cache are completely RNG. RNG drops, with RNG secondary stats, with chance for WF/TF. usually, even if you get something, you are disappointed. I miss running dungeons 5-10 times each, then just being done with them on that character. So endless treadmill. Not constantly having to stress my performance in an MMO. The fear of letting others down, or feeling guilty becuase they let me down. It just feeds into my theory that WoW, tomorrow, could change to a lobby system with no World to explore, and the biggest supporters of mythic + wouldn’t even care. You know, in Diablo, with rifts, I could grind that all day. If I fail a timer or mess-up I only have myself to blame. But with group content it only promotes being picky and exclusive (running with guilds/friends). it promotes the continuation of people not really talking because so many people don’t want to pug them. it promotes the toxicity that has become too prevalent in the game (scrub, I got 1600 io, and you are barely completing 10’s). It creates yet another system of people needing an outside sourcce to know who to invite to their groups (io), similar to the first uses of ilvl calculators before blizzard adopted it. I just hate them. So I only run a few with my guild each week. Because I have to. Because the stupid gear treadmill that makes sure we are logged in everyday.


  • Oh, and mount gear. That was a stupid decision. All because of water walking bug. But people wouldn’t use (and only use) water walking bug, if there wasn’t a necessity for it (so much water everywhere. This expansion that makes sense though), taking so long for flying.

  • Warmode. It just didn’t work. Specifically because of sharding. I either don’t see any alliance in a warmode shard. Or it’s a full on raid with the sole purpose of destroying all red names. Which forces me to try and shard-hop, which is a reflection of the entire poor system.


Have fun getting blood of the enemy essence on your alts. ROFL. you would have to have zero life to get it on more than 2 alts.

And grinding Lucid dreams on more than one character makes me want to gouge out my eye balls.

Do you play the game? 8.2 made this game even more alt unfriendly on top of how much it is to get the right traits to make your character play correctly.

BFA is by far the worst xpac ever. By far. WoD was amazing compared to this dumpster fire.

BFA= Battle for Abilities. Bad For Alts. Butt F-Ked Again. Take your pick.