Why do YOU dislike BFA?

They want details. OK

I’ll start…

Too much RNG - One of the great aspects of wow used to be once they progressed the game towards the badge system which helped to counter bad rng/luck by allowing you to farm up for gear instead of running on the wheel and hoping a pellet would fall into your hands. It created goals to work towards. You know how many of X you needed to do in order to reach your goal. It made the worst parts of the grinding more bearable.

What we have now is that wheel for both pve’ers and pvp’ers with pve’ers having the luxury of breaking down azerite gear for badges. Pvp’ers are stuck hoping their chest doesn’t give duplicate rewards from weeks prior which are either broken down for mats or pve badges. And due to the lack of pvp gear, this path leads to much longer periods of farming the rng to get the upgrades. If the gear is non-azerite, you’re screwed and waiting until next week. The way for pvp’ers to get around this is to be shoved into an aspect of the game they don’t really want to do. M+ and raiding.

For the pve’ers, they are still in the same boat of having none of the bad rng protection that badges brought outside of azerite armor. And now without ML, and the restrictions on trading, the hamster wheel feels even more daunting.

Too much rep gating - In the past, if there was a rep grind that seemed long, you could run dungeons that rewarded rep for that faction and/or equip the rep tabard. This helped to address lack of quests and to add other pathways to gain rep. We all took a step back to waiting for more quests to become available so we can do what we want inside of blizzard’s determined timeline. This was a move in the wrong direction.

Which leads to:

Too much timegating -

"You guys are consuming the content too fast in the couple of hours you would finish it and then complain about no content. So they have to space it!"

That is often the response we see whenever we have a problem with the drip-feeding of content that is released during patch cycles. Such as when we were waiting for the Broken Shore questline to finally unlock flying that took weeks in itself.

Class design(lack of) - We’ve had 3 expansions of pruning and with each the classes have become worse than before. Some classes/specs were released broken and were told to wait until a later patch which has now been kicked down the road to 9.0. Some feel incomplete. And with those incomplete classes/specs are what should be core abilities put into the talent trees(looking at you Warlock).

Iconic aspects of certain classes have been removed from the class or the spec(Shaman totems, rogue poisons, warrior stances, etc) for the sake of “class fantasy.” The only class fantasy served was that we were left fantasizing about how it USED to be.

And with each round of pruning came the same response of, “we hear you. we don’t want to keep removing things.” Only to be followed up with even more pruning.

If blizzard was capable of providing expansions worth of content in each patch, it wouldn’t matter that much when the vehicle in which you experience the content is UNFUN and/or broken.

This issue should be top priority. If your car is out of gas, you aren’t going to kick the tires and give it a paint job to fix it. You can try but it won’t work. The classes are pruned and gutted and are running on empty. Return them to glory.

Pathfinder - We were told that the whole purpose was to make sure we experience the world that the art team created as if we weren’t before. Before pathfinder, we leveled up on the ground. We experienced the world. And when we completed the leveling, we could reward ourselves flying for that work. The cost was relatively expensive for the average player. It was another goal to look forward to other than just, "Now I can que/group up for dugeons/raids and grind for gear until the next patch so you can do that again."

With each expansion, pathfinder has grown more and more deep and the wait has been longer and longer it seems. You couple this with bad class design and you have recipe for logoffs/unsubs. It’s not interesting. It is not fun. This is just a game, not labor. There’s no need to turn everything into a laborious endeavor.

Which leads to:

Dazing, bad pathing, and tedious obstacles - You know what I’m talking about.

  • You need to run up to that quest hub and you zig-zag up 10 different levels to reach it when it makes no sense for the path to be that way.
  • Or you have roads leading through packs of mobs that will excessively daze you unless you are a tank or have an absorb.
  • Or water next to water next to water JUST deep enough to make sure you have to swim it(this was rectified with the strider mount which has now been gutted). The mount equipment replacement seems to be a means to remove/gate water walking in the future.
  • The layers of terrain with objectives strangely buried to where it is an objective in itself just to find the right spot.

All of these things seem to all have a common denominator. Time inflation. It’s not interesting. It’s not fun. It’s just more tedious labor.

Which leads to:

Removal of fun or conveniences - Each new patch brings new nerfs to old items/abilities that were primarily just used for fun purposes OR items players spent time farming before due to convenience(example: Water strider). It makes the effort put into getting these items worthless which in turn makes the items themselves inevitably worthless. Why farm for something you know is going to be made nearly obsolete later? We need more reasons to farm and invest our time, not less.

(From a pvp perspective)

The removal of blacklist and the design of the bg’s themselves - Being unable to blacklist battlegrounds makes for a pretty bad experience when you see that loading screen of that dreaded bg. The one you want to blacklist. Most of the time it’s better for your playing experience to just take the debuff and reque later due to the dislike of the bg and the boring class design. If you were to take a poll, I wouldn’t be surprised if we found out that pvp’ers dislike most of the regular bg’s. So instead of levels of fun bg’s, we have levels of bearable to unbearable bg’s. When you couple this with the gearing system(lack of) in pvp now, and class design issues, it again is NOT FUN.

And whoever thought it was a good idea to bring Ashran back without allowing us to blacklist, please move them.

Glitches and bugs - I am looking at you, combat bug. Take a look at the bug forum. There are so many topics being created daily. I don’t remember it being so bad until recently. And most of the bugs were reported in Beta/PTR or have existed for a long time and just overlooked. WoW in the past would delay a patch if it wasn’t ready. The idea now is to release it asap and just fix as it goes along.

Lag, disconnects, and random hiccups - The lag and etc in BFA seems to be worse than ever. This was also evident on high pop realms when it was taking FOREVER to withdraw/deposit from the gbanks and even the auction house. While this was fixed, it took you OVER A YEAR to fix it. We may seem demanding but we can be patient. But not THAT patient.

Laziness in gear design - So many, so so many reskins. While minor to some, this laziness has removed a large part of farming that we would do for transmogs. Why go and do that dungeon for that piece 50 ilvls lower with the same skin of the mog you already have? Obsolete content became obsolete very fast.

Clipping of the gear through the character models is also another issue(although admittedly minor, it is still common).

Mount reskins fall into this category, as well. Good mounts go to the shop and the rest are ugly reskins that aren’t worth farming for. Someone wasted their time designing them for sure. Unless you’re a completionist/collector, why bother? They should be interesting and not lazy reskins.

While I couldn’t include EVERY single thought I personally have and I tried to limit the rambling on my biggest complaints, I feel I have given a decent enough list of “feedback” for those that feel we must provide it to them. What are your complaints?

EDIT: Forgot about CRZ and sharding.

P.S. When I go to mount my class mount and it gets interrupted either due to combat or my own choice, can you please make it also interrupt the audio? The continuous screeching that carries on even after interrupt is annoying.


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You can’t complain about people not giving details and then whine about details. Don’t like it? Don’t click.


The entire horde campaign for the most part.

I hate everything that’s happened horde side.

I’m tired of blizzard turning our leaders to generic one dimension bad guys.


Blizz didn’t turn them. They just are.


I don’t mind the RNG nearly as much as I mind the time gating and especially the class pruning. I was a caster main in Legion and now I just can’t play it or any long range caster. If feels clunky and wrong to me.


You hit every single reason why I left the game. Surprisingly enough I found that leaving Wow was the greatest thing I ever did. Allowed me to try other games out, and surprisingly found one that is hands down better than WoW.


I dislike how gear is handed out in the warfronts. Getting multiples of the same piece is very irritating.

Don’t care much for obscenely overpriced mounts.

Nothing else worth mentioning spring to mind at the moment.


Too many people are crying over too many small little things… like the water strider or portals.


The issue is all those small things in combination with the rest. Well lets just say STRAW CAMEL BACK.


Why I think BFA is one of the worst WoW expansions ever:

  • Removal of artifact weapons - Legion’s artifact weapons didn’t feel like actual gear. After all, everyone had them. Instead they felt like the second half of our talent tree, and contained many fun talents. Transitioning from Legion to BFA felt like losing half of my talents. My character felt enormously weaker, and even today still feels weaker than it did in Legion. That’s not a good thing for an MMO where there should be a clear sense of forward power progression.
  • Azerite armor - its a garbage system. Class tier sets were much better. Hopefully this is the only expansion we’ll see the system in. It has gotten better as the expansion progressed, but still seems vastly inferior to tier sets.
  • Loss of legion legendaries - the Legion legendary system was fun and exciting. I think BFA should have kept the system but gotten rid of all the “mandatory” legendaries that improved throughput. Legendaries would still be fun if all legendaries helped utility and survivability only.
  • Warfronts - fun the first time you do them, incredibly boring after that. These had so much potential as 40v40 epic battlegrounds with NPCs. Like Vanilla AV. Instead they are garbage.
  • Island Expeditions - “yawn”
  • Overly aggressive sharding - it’s frustrating to see players, resource nodes and rare mobs disappear when you get close. It also does not feel realistic.
  • Warmode/Hordemode - Funny that a system intended to promote PVP has done more to segregate the factions than anything added before. Now you don’t even see members of the other faction out in the world as they exist in a different dimension.
  • Early BFA was an absolute mess - It felt like Blizzard took every feature that was fun in Legion and broke it, then added a bunch of new features which all sucked.
  • Too many huge buffs and nerfs - Early BFA featured a constant stream of giant buffs and nerfs for the first 3rd of the expansion. This gave a sense of impermanence… you couldn’t go out and grind your BiS azerite gear today, because tomorrow Blizzard would nerf it into oblivion. Very frustrating. BFA has gotten better as the expansion progressed, but it shouldn’t have been like this in the first place. It’s like Blizzard forgot all the lessons of old about not hitting players with huge buffs/nerfs mid-expansion and then had to relearn those lessons.

Overall, I rate BFA as the worst Blizzard expansion ever. However, it does seem to be getting better as the expansion progresses. I expect it to overtake WoD before the expansion cycle finishes.


Couldn’t have said it better myself!


i love BFA …

  • GCD
  • Class design
  • World design; Go back to the old zones and realize how open they are. Have mountains and what not, but were rarely designed to trip you up and cause you to go the wrong way just to add that extra minute of travel.
  • Pathfinder
  • WQ’s like the Tortollan BS
  • Ilvl scaling, should of just been level.
  • Imbalance of the factions
  • Crap show they call sharding
  • Vendor removal because Ion couldn’t’ find them.
  • Class pruning. Removing abilities and putting them as talents and trying to call it new.
  • Reusing the same thing we had last time but in a different name. Artifact weapons = Heart of Azeroth. Pretending like it’s new and improved.
  • The crap design that presents this game as a chore instead of fun.
  • Very alt unfriendly game. I have to spend hours on my main just to get anywhere and meanwhile, being on the alt is absolutely the same boring slog.

World Questing and Dailies. I loathe them. I see it as the most anti-MMO element in the game today. The second most anti-MMO element in the game is instanced content. All the good stuff is instanced to make a somewhat competitive landscape of fairness for their e-sports crap.

What EverQuest 1999 had over this was oodles of group content outside of instances. Basically it had no instanced content. All the raids and dungeons were open world. This mean EQ 1999 didn’t need “content” like world quests and dailies to be entertaining. You had compelling things to do IN the world and with the P2P dynamism this made it all so much more interesting / funny.

I suspect that the dev team sees participation metrics in WQ and Dailies and think people actually enjoy that tripe. If so that is leading them down a path of ruin. SOME times they are good and SOME people actually enjoy them. The vast majority of us would rather have rep tabards or banners and pick a spot in the world to grind rep for a few hours a day.


For starters, I’m still not fond of them killing first aid, instead of making it better; which they actually previously did in WoD with poison and disease cure potions, and in Legion with first aid quests.

Also, I was initially excited about what I thought was an engineering water mount; which I’d been wanting for a while, but turned out to be a consumable that only lasts a few seconds. And, if they gave inscribers a means of unlocking things, then why couldn’t they give engineers theirs back?

And WHY in the HELL did they add those other annoying flying sounds to flying machines?! They used to be my favorite mount, before they started sounding like they were falling apart while flying.


I’m a fairly new player but one thing that seems inconsistent is loot that you get from your M+ and Rated Chest. It seems like the worse feeling getting something utterly garbage from the weekly chest or for example in my case replacing my bracers two times a week it isn’t fun. I would perfer if it was like the conquest weekly reward where you could actually pick which item you get for that weekly reward instead of rolling a dice. And also having azerite gear which is like 10+20 item level but doesn’t have the best traits can kinda leave you feeling hopeless. Instead of saying “Yo, I just got a 430 Chest piece nice!” Its “430 but it doesn’t have (really strong class azerite trait) so I don’t know if its worth upgrading or not” Also how you can force someones cds in arenas with a pve trinket is really stupid, I don’t think your trinkets should do as much damage as your entire rotation.


Honestly I never like doing world quest that much I perfer PVP, but the tortollan quest are actually a waste of time. “Walk around in a shape” “match the shells” “a turtle made it to the water” all of those quest are short but just a waste of time in my eyes.


This hit the nail on the head for me.


Rep gating, RNG and Sharding are the three biggest non small issues to me that has simply made this game a shadow of what it was in my opinion.

Was there Rep Gating in the past? Of course there was but it wasn’t so blatant and in your face. Let’s face facts that you can’t look at the world map and NOT see that the quests shown are directly tied to Rep.

RNG to me is a part of any major game you play. From Spades to Online gambling. It appears WoW took it to mean almost everything has to rely on random numbers. Table missions to Fishing to Loot to Gear. I miss the Tier system of loot simply because the only RNG factor you had to hope for was the item to drop. Now it’s: Hope for TF or WF, Hope for the right stats, Hope it has a gem slot and more. RNG is like a mirage. One of these days you’ll get what you want but until then, you’re chasing something that’s stacked against you.

Lastly, Sharding. There’s nothing more frustrating than just wanting to play and go about your business. You see something as simple as going to loot a mob or mobs that wandered off and when you get there, gone. Poof! Or you go to assist someone and join their group, the world changes. Not game changing but after a while it just gets old and adds to the frustration from all the other things.

The whole “Death from a Thousand Cuts” is a real thing and it’s why I don’t judge anyone finally getting to that point and unsubbing.

My 2cp and what I dislike most about this Expansion.