Why do YOU dislike BFA?

This would be fine if our Horde characters had a choice to not follow a sociopathic psychopath who’s a war criminal.

That would have been amazing had we been given a choice from the beginning when she torched Teldrassil during a tantrum. Instead we just got lazy writing, and forced non-choices.

I dislike that, and Pathfinder taking far too long. It was nice not having to do any instances, but it should all be available at launch. I appreciate the artwork more when I can see more of it from more angles.

There is a lot I’m surprisingly enjoying however:

  • Love the trinkets & essences with extra skills/spells on them.
  • Love getting an upgrade to the same trinket with said skill, so I don’t have to lose something I enjoy just because the new item might be 5 ilvls higher.
  • Love little details like the mechanocat mount and finding the mount colors for it.
  • And feeding the teal blobs in Nazjatar the crystals for 5 days and getting the slimy battle pets.
  • And all the weird little drops that have fun effects (that should be toys so they don’t take up bag space.)
  • Love the penguin bobsled runs.
  • Warfronts are fun, as are the hunt for rares when it’s patrol time.
    I’m thankful I play mostly BM Hunters, because I’m having a blast having all my favorite talents and Camo too. The only things I miss are Explosive & Snake traps.
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BFA was another contraction of the game. Not an expansion. It cut down, streamlined, pruned, squished, rounded out, and simplified a great many things. To the point that we came out of the changes with less “game” than we had going in.

Other than that overarching awfulness, the Azerite system has really been horrible. It hasn’t been any fun to play with. The traits on armor, gaining and then losing them as you upgrade, the arbitrary shifting of the goal posts going from Uldir to BoD just to give players an unnecessary and wholly unrewarding grind are clear as day. And many players chose to leave rather than stick around and put up with it.

The reward structure of the game is also a major pain point. When rewards don’t feel rewarding, you have a major problem. When you can never (Stress on the never) achieve the reasonable goals you chase after (Or maybe can’t find anything to chase after to begin with) the system is just not working correctly. This is a systems design issue and needs to be addressed promptly or the game will continue to suffer no matter how many fun and engaging activities get added to it in the future.


Terrible class design, too much abilities ripped off from my character, and classes felling like crap with bad mechanics like current arms

The story and lore is completely obnoxious to a point that it look like a fanfic or a bad joke, i would like consistence, especially in the characters, so they don’t look like they were lobotomized, senile or brainwashed and a solid writing without revolving everything to the rule of cool or just to cause shock and impact

The rest i can endure just fine, but those 2 are my main problem

your class is what you are, and everything you do, you do with her, if they are crap the content feels like crap

The story is what you are going to follow most of the time, doing quests and dgs/raids, if it is crap you don’t feel good doing or following


I hate all my characters. Every spec. The classes are so watered down to the point of being fairly generic. I used to run 12 characters with only one or two as mains. But now I can’t find joy in even one class spec.

I feel like Blizzard has done to WoW what it did to Starcraft II and Diablo III: transitioned it into a simpleton’s version so they could focus on their precious e-sports. But in doing so they killed the spark that made those franchises shine.


This expansion contains too many gnomes.

You listed a lot of my issues. So to add, Allied Races still annoy me to high hell. Largest disappointment I’ve had with Blizzard in a long time. (Yes, racial immersion is that important to me in an RPG)

Id love to play a Horde paladin, but my two options are Blood Elf and Tauren, neither of which i have an interest in playing. Im not going to level a Horde alt just to unlock Zandalari. The whole idea just annoys me.

Playing an alt to unlock a race you wanted to play the content through initially.

Overall, i don’t dislike BFA but Blizzards systems are really peeving me.


i like BFA, am enjoying it. Havent stopped enjoying it. but good for you.

The blacklist battleground thing needs a comeback like you say. I always get ashran for epic. Or defense in wintergrasp. At least give the kill 10 get 150 conquest quest for ashran too.

i simply hate classes now.

Especially i hate how elem sham and moonkin is basically same thing with same abilities (different animations) and same mechanics. Biggest difference between them is that moonkin has 2 dots and sham have lava burst instead. Rage bar that you fill with regular casts, one aoe, one ST, that you spend on 2 either ST instant casts or aoe…

Both even have transformation that boost their speed =_=

Destro lock is surprisingly close to them too.

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After much thought, I have concluded the 5 most obvious issues with WoW are the following:

  1. lack of meaningful rewards: From quest rewards in terms of rep/gold/gear to raid gear, the game lacks meaningful rewards. The scaling system and the obsolescence of previous tiers makes the gear treadmill/ap grind completely pointless.

  2. accessibility: While most players claim they want WoW to be more challenging, the truth is that the relative difficulty of mythic+ and punishment for failure has made it so that it is difficult for most of the population to enjoy a smooth dungeon run these days. Raiding has also become considerably more challenging, and this means it is harder to carry a very bad friend through raids. The game has become more “esports” oriented and competitive, and as a result, the majority of players get left behind. There is no meaningful or rewarding non raid/dungeon content in the game. While WoW has always had group content, I would argue that it was never this challenging or punishing for people.

  1. atmosphere: Whether it be due to toxic players waving their epeens around, the sweeping, horrible changes made to the story over the years, the lack of mystery surrounding bosses and immersive quest chains, the faction imbalance, or the homogenization of class abilities, the game feels like it has lost its sense of wonder and atmosphere. I remember being excited to be in a raid zone, and there was always a sense of wonder and mystery. That’s gone. I don’t FEEL like my warlock. I feel like a guy playing a warlock. And that makes all the difference…
  1. grind/timegate/rng: Let’s be honest, the time gating and grind is awful in BFA. This, coupled with RNG, makes the game incredibly frustrating to play. Most people do not have schedules to play everyday, and can instead binge on a few days. These players feel betrayed and cheated since they are forced to wait. Again, while aspects of these things have always been present in WoW, they are taken to the extreme in BFA and are so noticeable and jarring that they ruin the game for a lot of people.

  2. age - The game is old, and honestly pretty stale. While they keep adding new raids, they do not fundamentally change the mechanics of the game enough to keep it compelling and exciting. Everything follows a pretty strict formula, and after so many years, even the most die hard fans are getting bored.

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LOL It was a good read though!

I agree they have really screwed up classes. My son use to play WoW all the time since 2007 and so did my nephew. But I asked him why he stopped playing WoW and he said he was just sick of Blizzard constantly changing (f***king) with classes every new expansion. He said in the past you have abilities, you enjoyed learning to use, but they change it up so much now it’s just ruined the game experience for him. I too feel that classes have been pretty screwed up lately. I use to enjoy playing on my shaman, but the shaman just doesn’t feel right anymore to me. It feels awkward to play. Mages in my opinion are kind of a mess too. Ability mechanics feel slow (thanks to the weird GCD) and clunky to me. I cannot stand this grind though. It seems WoW has become way more “grindy” and I don’t like being forced to have to PVP or PVE certain gated or required areas or raids just to complete a quest line story. I use to love juggling my alts (and I have many) but now it’s almost impossible to hop on one alt to the next to play because of the “grindy” aspect.

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I loved the rep tabbards! I loved the fact that heroics dropped some serious loot, money and you could pick up potions from mobs you killed. It saved me money in game, and I at times would farm for those potions in dungeon runs. Dungeon run rewards just seem like crap to me now.


Basically everything that I dislike has been said a thousand times already.
Resubbed tuesday as life finally had slowed down and I could check out 8.2. Here’s how it went:
-Started nazjatar quest, shortly after a warrior shows up, we’re basically at the same point in quests and we start chatting for a bit, helping each other out.
I get sharded out.
-I start doing the quest hub quests, figure’d i’d pick whichever bodyguard cause all look bland and generic.
-Have to kill an elite for a WQ. No groups, no answer in chat, just 2 dudes tryng to sell runs. Sit there and hope someone shows up, wait 20 minutes.
-At this point in time I realize I’ve spent 2 hours “playing”, although most of it was navigating a map that seems to be specifically designed to waste my time, not to make me wonder at something or get me interested about a feature.
-I realize I’m not even halfway through the list of chores I have acquired, and that I’ll probably have to do that every day plus spam M+ if I want to catch up and raid
-I log off and evaluate my latest decision, rationalize it as going to a bad movie.
-Realize I was, effectively, in a toxic relationship with WoW for the first 10 or so months of BFA. I want to love wow so much, but it’s impossible for me in it’s current iteration.



WoW has become the equivalent of a drunk, abusive bf.


I don’t know that it’s necessary to create such a long and wordy post about what is wrong with BfA/WoW, when its really a lot simpler than all that.

What is wrong with WoW now is that the developers have come to define the meaning of the cliche “lost the plot”. They really, actually have. If the plot is the original meaning of the word - the basic story - they have lost it. They have forgotten what it was that made this game great. They have forgotten the simple reasons why WoW was a success, and that started in Wrath. Now, I started playing in 2009, at the height of Wrath, but even as much as I loved it back then, I still remember the tedium of repeated quest grinding. It was the story that kept me going, the epic-ness of the fight against Arthas and the Scourge. And it was my character being important.

I remember that final fight in Icecrown, when he ‘kills’ us and calls us - and my character - Azeroth’s greatest champions, and how we will be risen and turned against Azeroth. We were an integral part of the story, after fighting our way up to level 80, making ourselves strong through our own efforts, strong enough to fight arguably the best boss in the game, to save our world.

But that’s all been lost. The game has failed to evolve, it’s just been nerfed. Not just classes or spells, but the whole story that is WoW. And our characters aren’t “champions”, we’re no longer important in the story. It makes me sad. And I think it’s one reason I’m looking forward to playing around in Classic, because that was the game when immersion was what it was all about. It might be slow, and clunky, and grindy but I’m looking forward to taking my time, growing my characters and perhaps even having fun again.


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I have not seen this mentioned so I will post my piece. One of the things that I had the most fun with wow was taking a new character and grinding bgs. I would get absolutely stomped as a fresh toon should be. However, I would gradually get an honor piece every few days from the vendor and eventually a conquest piece from daily bag reward.

Over time, I would get stronger and be able to compete with the people I was playing against. This is not just because of fear, but I would help me learn the ins and outs of the class just by trial and error.

Now I do a random bag and get rewards that are worse than leveling dungeon gear it seems and that gear progression and goal oriented style of play is worthless. Anytime I am interested in playing a speck for pvp, I need to do pve to gear up and then I lose interest because it’s what I wanted to do originally.

TLDR: bring back honor and conquest reward venders

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PvP has been my endgame since vanilla.

While I never enjoyed arenas, farming honor for gear in BGs has been enjoyable to me. PvP and PvE became seperate endgames and I didn’t have to raid (the video game equivelent of a group project) and could progress my character how I wanted.

Legion sort of killed progression with templates but it was a change I enjoyed, even with the poor secondary stating, as it made pvp more skill focused rather than gear.

BFA ditched templates (fine) but didn’t re-implement PvP centric stats. The result? Pure PvPers being throttled by raiders/key pushers as PvP gear progression is arduous and is next to impossible to target specific pieces.

The result? You’re forced to run content you have no desire to just so you can get back to what you enjoy, and it’s not a good feeling.

It really shows that the dev lead is under honor rank 10.

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It probably the least expansion I have played. Took waaaay to many breaks to beat burnout and I don’t do that much grinding :rofl:

put very simply, neither the story nor the gameplay keeps me captivated. I find myself getting bored very quickly and logging off to go watch a movie or something.