Why do YOU dislike BFA?

The story and just how forced and stupid it feels to watch. Everytime I see Saurfang I’m reminded of how bad it feels.

Oh, and pvp, hate what they did to it. Legion PvP was reasonable and provided incentives to actually do it and level it up. But BFA has none of that, no PvP WQ’s in an expansion all about faction warfare.

This. Forever this.

Not enough engaging content. Just “chores” that are pretty much the same every day.
Questing was fun and had some good stories, but dailies…ugh…especially when most are boring gathering quests.

Of course, what I dislike the most is the “loot-o-rama.” I think they forgot to read the part of the “gaming psychology” papers that found even mice will stop running a maze if they never get the cheese lol.


First of all I hate the talent system. We have the spell book and then the talents and THEN this weird azerite system with a circle to pick EVEN more talents on certain gear but the other gear has regular abilities and then with the latest patch they did something to the circle system that I don’t even want to know about. WTF. Why have all this crap? It’s ridiculous.

Second, why gut professions? And they not only gut them but then they leave them around in a sad vestigial state. My main is a scribe. That used to be a valuable profession. It’s nothing. One of the things I’m most looking forward to in Classic is having professions actually mean something again.

Third, the whole flying fiasco. Just get rid of path finder. It’s obnoxious. Let us buy flying like we did in TBC, LK and MOP.

There’s other issues but these annoy me the most.


Class design.
No pvp vendors.
Pve gear better than pvp gear in pvp.



Because I played it in Legion…and WoD.


I don’t; I actually really like it. I would say “next question” but it took me so long to scroll down to the reply button that I’m exhausted now!

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To be brief:

Music is meh.

Zones are meh.

Story is bad.

Gearing is terrible. Its sad when Benthic as a system is not only better but far more enjoyable than the more demanding gearing simply because of the agency in acquiring it.

Classes are in their worst state they’ve ever been.

Gear pieces look meh. Lack of tier.

Azerite single handedly made me stop playing 3 specs religiously to just playing one spec while feeling demoralized to play others.

Worst designed dungeons we’ve ever had. Definitely eSport focused instead of plebeian normal player focused.

PvP is a joke and no one is laughing.

Gear Resets have never felt more demoralizing.

IE’s are awful and neigh mandatory to max your neck.

Allied Races are underwhelming.

I feel like the Void has been played out and the original reason why people thought it was cool (the mystery, the hidden sinister nature, the forbidden knowledge) has all evaporated in favor of “LOOK AT THE TENTACLES!!! TENTACLES ARE SCARY! LOOK HOW PURPLE EVERYTHING IS!!! PURPLE IS THE MOST SCARY COLOR!!! ARE YOU CREEPED OUT YET???”

Sylvanas sucks.

Thrall looks like a HD textured Roblox avatar.

Dragons still castrated.

Warfronts are tedious. Darkshore is insultingly bad.

Mission Board exists but in a state so boring that its almost funny how little it rewards. Except for when it has a big, important mission, then its just as tedious as the rest of the mission boards. Also, why is so much of the Faction War story told through mission boards? No one ever mentions the fact that, according to the Mission Boards, the Alliance has taken the Crossroads. Would that have been a cool scenario? Hell yeah. Would it have been a cool, world changing thing? Double Hell Yeah. Because its a mission board does it matter and will be brought up in the lore? Absolutely not.

The Night Warrior was obscenely dumb.

Tyrande still has a speech impediment that came from nowhere.

Forsaken Night Elves. Seriously, they’d join the people who killed their people because they are mad at Tyrande? Dude, that would be like if Sylvanas willingly joined the Scourge because Kael’thas wound up being a jerk.

Void Elves: Exists

Gameplay is basically Legion’s gameplay, but worse in every way. Even the World Quests are the same, yet feel somehow worse. Partially because you don’t have that tactile feedback of manually opening your emissary quest box. Having it auto-open is sooooo much more fun than opening a treasure chest /s

Lack of mage tower counterpart.

I could go on, but I feel like I’ve already gone on long enough.

EDIT: Because this has been bothering me…

Deathwing erupted from Deepholm, right? Literally blew apart most of the world. Why is Azerite just now popping up? Why didn’t Azerite show up when a giant death dragon literally erupted from the world it self so hard that continents at the other side of the ocean split apart? Where was the Azerite all Cataclysm??? This story is just Mists of Pandaria 2: Cataclysmic Boogaloo.


awful post content just the same boring very generic quests we already grinded to much in the last two expansion, Azerite system is garbage and continues to be a bland progression system, islands are boring AF, lack really any fun replay value and that goes along with warfrtons, seriously i am done with all these instance based features and i am freaking done WITH NOT getting new real skills and new talents, just cant stand these awful expansion throw away bland progression systems and personal loot continues to be garbage and fails to reward the player and the RNG imo is still trash and i am sorry blizzard but giving us gear easier to make us think we are getting more gear but yet make the stats still awful RNG doesnt help.

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I personally think M+ is trash. While I originally thought that it was a cool idea back in MoP for the timed dungeons, I think it’s really dumb that some BiS is from M+. Personally I feel like this kind of makes raiding somewhat obsolete. Also, bring back class looking tier. Not raid looking tier. So far, I personally did not like a single set of the gear from this xpac raid wise. And stop putting all the unique looking mounts in the shop. Also, I think legendaries should be brought back but not like in legion. I mean more like in WoTLK and Cata. I really liked the idea of how some legendaries were strictly to some classes like the legendary daggers in Cata. That in my opinion gives out some class identity.


I will start off by saying that I think 8.2 has made BFA much better, enough to have kept me around lately.Now that is out of the way, I have some big issues with BFA, some of them started in Legion only to be enhanced here.

One of my biggest issues with the game in its current state is the heavy focus on on instanced content, especially going into the game you realized that between raiding, islands, and mythic + that was ultimate what they were going for, recurrent diablo like designs. I think the spirit of an MMO is in this world content. And while yes the challenges in PvE come from those instanced bits content, it is what makes an MMO feel alive that can only really come from world content. WoW has lot a bit of this over the years, both to its design and some outside forces but overall they have not done much to expand on it.

My other big issue is the story. I have issues with the story and although in the end they may come up with some twist endings that make me rethink how I feel about it, the pacing is quite a problem. For what they seem to want to convey in the story, they really need a lot more frequent updates to keep this engaging. Going months upon months with nothing is making a controversial story feel disconnected more than it should.

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  • Lacks of cool weapon - most look awful

  • Pathfinder
    Please design zones that are interesting with flying instead force people to “experience” it with rep grinds

  • Unnecessary map and quest design just to waste time.
    Collect 10 loot items with low drop chance
    Ground search for small objects all over the map
    Mountain with only 1 way up and map unclear

  • Discovered and extra flight paths not account wide

  • Zone and WQ unlocks not account wide


Well the last DLC I played was Wrath, only just barely dipped into Cata because I got a free trial thing and level 70 from a scroll from a friend…
But what I miss that this lacks is the rep tabards the most… The way they cap rep and time gate things is awful…
Gating (old dlc) Allied Races is stupid.
The way they eliminated PVP servers and the warmode thing is dumb.
Azerite armor shouldn’t have skills in them, instead those should be in our talent trees… then they should make it so the armor upgrades our essences or something.
I pretty much agree with your list though… RNG, Sharding is a mess, I still like the mounts but I agree shop mounts are stupid so is the wow token, and them putting these new re-skins for 70k??? 10k is fine, shouldn’t be more than that.
I feel they are really lacking in content, which is too bad because I have 100’s of ideas, so do others, but instead they threw in “pathfinder” as content, it isn’t. All it does is make me feel like they stole something from me that I already earned, then force me to re-earn it per new zone, which makes absolutely no sense.

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  • The lack of interesting new features. Warfronts and islands are boring.
  • Hiding customization options behind an ill-conceived allied race system.
  • Boring storyline
  • Continued focus on content for a niche group of players.
  • Inconsequential professions
  • Pathfinder
  • Nazjatar
  • Lack of polish in general.

It’s pure unadulterated laziness designed for the sole purpose of psychological manipulation and stringing people along. If 9.0 doesn’t seriously knock it out of the park, Blizzard is toast.


All my complaints were already listed so just… y’know, likes all around!

I want to add;
We received an ilvl squish going into BfA, then had every difficulty go up 15 ilvls each, on top of WF/TF. Feels counter productive unless we get ANOTHER squish after BfA.

I didn’t actually mind most of BFA. Although it had lots of problems still. But the essences not being account wide unlocks killed it at last. Now I’ve gone back to doing previous expacs.

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I really hope any devs see this thread to learn to never make a BS xpac like this again.


Agree with almost all of this. But what’s wrong with Nazjatar? Once you get flying the zone feels great, except for the endless benthic grind.

Losing all the stuff in the artifact tree most classes feel like legion if legions classes sucked. Lost to much as far as procs and what not.

gearing isn’t fun this expac and because someone always cries, No I have I have no issues with casuals getting gear for I am one.

Honestly the magics gone but thats really not blizzards fault. I’ve been playing to long, community isn’t really the same anymore, the immersion is gone with some of the QoL features they’ve added, travel is so trivialized now adays.