Why do YOU dislike BFA?

They still refuse to give High Elves to the Alliance despite them being one of the Alliance’s most long-associated races. The way Blizzard has dealt with that issue just sort of leaves a bad feeling, and their conduct there extends to all elements of Warcraft today. It’s basically a “here’s a plate of dung and you’ll like it” mentality when it comes to addressing subscriber desires and concerns.

On BFA I have this…duality. I read the stuff, listen to the music, watch the cintematics, think of the story, get that “kick” when I think of Teldrassil, feel the rush of the Alliance invading Dazar’Alor, etc. All of it gets me “into” it.

Then…I log in…and instantly get bored and have nothing I actually want to do in-game.

Warmode: Great concept, terrible execution. Since no one actually does world PVP, or helps people. I spent getting spawn killed from one end of Mechagon to the other without any other support. Alliance also outnumbered horde, yet they were also buffed for WM. In the end, PVP/ normal server separation shouldn’t of happened. Also, only being able to turn it off within one area, is bad design. Also, resurrection timers need to be removed for WM. If I’m being ganked by multiple people, and basically spawn camped. I shouldn’t be timed.

Pathfinding/ Flying: I can’t play WM within some areas, without being absolutely camped by fliers, and having no ability to fight a 5vs 1 fight. Unless someone helps, or I eventually get to a safe area. The grind isn’t terrible, but small zones such as Mechagon shouldn’t have flying. It enables people to be lazy during world PVP.

Lore: Horde writing is terrible at best.

Community: BFA has WM, yet no one helps with world PVP when you are being camped. WOTLK/ TBC. As soon as you rallied for help. You’d have most of the people in the zone destroying them until they ran off. I see this as the opposite in BFA. The community is worse, and driven towards loners.

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I don’t dislike it.

I know exactly what I’m getting when I buy a Blizzard expansion.

The rough edges are sanded just a little more. There will be a few features I don’t like but probably won’t affect me too much.

It’s an RPG so there will be grinds.

I play the game to raid. Always have. I appreciate others don’t share that view, but to me it’s an essential feature in MMOs. If it’s not present I’m not interested.

Raids in BFA are top quality. The rest of the game is ok, wouldn’t really miss any of if it was cut tho.

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Very informative post!

I would say that playing alts, azerite armor and keeping up on your necklace has kept me sticking to one character this whole expansion.

When they released allied races, they shouldve never of nerfed leveling to the point where you need to stack up on heirlooms, use xp pots, etc when trying to level at a decent pace. Then even with the nerfs to HoA levelling, its still very difficult to keep up with other toons when you want just pvp on equal ground.

The constant ability pruning didnt help either.

I miss the ability that allowed druids to take a classes ability and use it for their own benefit. I forget what it was called though :thinking:

What I don’t like about BfA?

HoA being a poor man’s replacement for Artifact Weapons. I mean, I didn’t exactly love the grind for my Artifact Weapon, but at least it felt as if I was putting something toward my character. I don’t get that feeling with the Heart of Azeroth, I think I would have rather have had Artifact Weapons instead of the HoA. The giant sword? Sucks out all the power from the weapon, and have to use Azerite to repower the weapon with different traits. I imagine that would have been way better, would still suck because of the AP grind. But not suck as much.

War Campaign feels lackluster that I just don’t feel the need to do it. I’ll just watch the cinematics on youtube.

War Fronts could have been handled better. They sounded interesting, but they were so face roll easy for the rewards it offered. Now the rewards are lackluster cause of newer content.

Warmode is a big bleh, I only ever use it for the Exp bonus for leveling alts. Most of the time, when you encounter players of the opposite faction at the same level, they’ll leave you alone because they, themselves, just want to level their alts. And I just want to be left alone because I just want to level my alt. OF course, there are exceptions (DAMN CHAOTIC ROGUES!), but most of the PvP in Warmode seems to be at max level or gankers. And I turn Warmode off when I get to max level. Reimplement PVP realms next expansion, because if people have to be bribed to engage in the possibility of World PvP, then is it really that successful?

Here’s how I would fix PvP realms: Remove Warmode, reimplement PvP Realms. WPvP should be the experience. :wink: Although, now that they implemented a bonus to “War Mode” it might be hard to put the toothpaste back in the bottle, so maybe keep the bonus but with the caveat that you must engage in WPvP with similarly leveled opponents. Bonus not granted to gankers.

Pathfinder in it’s current form: I put up with the Part 2 crap in Legion because I enjoyed Legion. I didn’t enjoy BfA nearly as much so waiting til the expansion was basically half over was painful. If Pathfinder is to stay, it needs to award flight by the first major content patch, at the latest. A Part 2 to Pathfinder can be purely for any new added zones introduced in later patches. But no more waiting til x.2 for flight please. Put it in at x.1 at the latest. I like the Pathfinder system, just not the way they currently implement it.

There’s probably more, but that’s the gist of it right now.

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Eh, if you think about it Blood elves were high elves until Arthas decided to Genocide them.

You also have to think, the Alliance equally betrayed the high elves after they suffered heavy losses. If the alliance never screwed with Kael back in WC3 they might of ended up being an alliance race. Lore wise, there’s only a handful of high elves that still support the alliance.

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Hired by Blizzard to downplay legitimate complaints on the forums with ‘Kek’ humor.

I hate the story; how ugly it has become. I hate how we (Horde and Alliance) were driven to such animosity this expac. In a world where conflict and war is so prevalent, I play games for escapism; to be the hero, or not, to be ‘me’, with my ethics and my morals, adventuring the world I’m logging into.

I hate that so many beloved Lore characters have been dealt this same ‘ugly stick’, and are now vilified and hated by so many.

I hate the writing. It is filled with holes and extended, unattainable reaches of common sense and stupidity. I hate that we are forced to be a part of it.

I hate World Quests; we have done that. (I REALLY hate them.)

I hate the RNG. I am still having to go back to Val’sharah, Azsuna and Suramar to complete World Quests for the Paragon Mounts. Still doing BfA World Quests.

I hate Warmode and the removal of PvP Servers.

I think that’s it.

I log on every day because I love Warcraft, and there is always something to do. I’m just not doing BfA content.


Because it’s a single-player game and not an MMORPG. All content is instanced with people you’ll never meet again unless you BYOG.

BFA by itself is fine for me so far. the issue ive had overall is just feeling so much weaker compared to Legion…… but at the same time Legion was my Favorite Expansion I TRULY enjoyed it my Toons felt Powerful! I was the Leader of my Order! we Slayed Great Enemy’s! I Conquered Difficult Challenges (Mage tower, M+ , M raids ect ect) I Farmed Weapon Appearances, Legendries, or just AP to unlock my next level of power!!!

BFA I do my Weekly quest (if its something I want to do) Emissary’s daily, a little PvP… then I…… log onto the next toon or log off. Granted this expansion I lack the Time to Raid and do M+.

piss poor end game content, complete trash personal loot and RNG system, Azerite system was a complete failure, no improvements or additions to the imo very bland and small talent trees, world quest feature received no upgrades just the same extremely bland and repetitive grind, islands and warfronts failed to offer any sort of true replay ability which resulted in the game feeling very empty, raids were extremely bland, had way to much trash and thanks to the piss poor RNG system, the grind to get anything was unbearable. at the end of the day the expansion failed to offer anything new, it doubled down on what we liked from legion and didnt change enough and the new features were absolute failures which left major holes in the end game fun.

That being said, the expansion launch was awesome, the zones were a blast, the 110-120 experience was a blast and the story content was a blast but sadly the post expansion content has been easily some of the worst yet. Idk what it is but the last several expansions have had just really awful post content.

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I really do not mind the Solo progression, it really does not bother me. Lately Ninja Looters been quite infuriated. Last time I’ve recalled this up and arms about the Dungeon Finder content has not really started until the removal of Ninja-Looting. :rofl:

What sort of annoys me would be the poor quality righting and many steps backwards the writing team made.

There were numerous waste of potential.

I’m actually enjoying this expansion, but what keeps me from being consistently subbed is all the small, niggling annoyances that eat away at the fun over time.

From random gear, to trivial, unfun content I have to repeat if I ever want to roll a tank or a healer alt - it’s not game-ruining stuff on its own, but it does mean all I really do lately is get to a point I’d like to be at on my main and just stop.

Building a character the first time is fun enough, but repeating it feels like punishment. It’s not challenging, or fun, or even novel (like the class halls were - new scenery does a lot to help this feeling). So I just turn off.

I forgot to mention the plot. The story this expansion isn’t the usual, entertaining sort of Blizzard schlock, it’s just bad. Usually it’s so bad it’s good, corny stuff you can have fun with and laugh at. BFA’s plot by comparison feels like I’m re-reading My Immortal.


Being constantly reminded yet again that Edge Lady is the writers’ waifu and I will have her shoved in my face until the servers shut down for good and will do so with a smile on my face…or siffer the wrath of the howling monkeys that deify the corpse.

She’s overstayed her welcome since Cata. Just end her existence already! I’m tired of feeling dirty every time I log in to this guy just to get the other half of the experience.

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Yeah, I can’t even get RNG to work. I almost always get three runes for loot running a wing of EP. Thanks! Three runes.

Enough to destroy the game for me. I was helping a friend out level flying after leveling four alts and at first making an attempt to get pretty much all available essences except for the M+ one, and boy was that a mistake. Now helping this guy with flying I am bored to tears in zones I really do love but was sick of by the time I earned flying about a week and half into 8.2, and no as a war mode player I didn’t feel I could wait. You’re just a walking gankfest without flying in WM.

A cheap way to spend the same money on the same amount of content and get people to continue subscribing. These expansion aren’t longer than Wrath or Cata, they’re just gated.

Their system means that the game is only in balance during .3 releases and are then broken with .4 releases, at which point we agonize through more rotten breakage until the next .3.

Absolutely ruins my game. I feel I have to do the grind as quickly as possible to unlock the cool stuff, and by the time I do I’m sick of it.

Unlike with Northrend, which was big to compensate for flying, zones are getting smaller and now they’re all as crowded and horrible as Argus was. Not to mention stuck in combat every five seconds.

Yeah, some of the coolest stuff in the game is trinkets, and yet they won’t let us use, say, five with only two being counted for ilvl so we can use some of the old trinkets, like the one with a goblin nurse that calls me fat, so why should I go for any of these trinkets, rings, or other cool things when they’re obsolete in two weeks?

Ashran. Tol Barad was on point being Kul Tiran, but Ashran. Blacklist had to go because of queues – cheap way to fix queue system is to force everyone into everything.

You must mean the stuck in combat bug they’re only now “being made aware of” when there was and is an endless post in the old forums that was just flat-out ignored and reads like a trauma victims’ forum.

People expect the same basic things with each expansion, for them to build on what they’ve done before, and instead they scrap it, make it worthless/useless/tied to a zone I’ll never be in later. "This expansion you get the armor you want and a ton of class stories, next time you get one faction story and your don’t bother crafting unless you love to slave raid and dungeons.

Balance? What balance? Imbalance. That we have everywhere. My Garrosh Alliance are miserable and my Draenor Horde are miserable. Blizzard says AH code is keeping servers small so if new AH code then maybe bigger servers and then what, cram little servers together? The game is more and more overcrowded because you’re now obsessessed with tiny zones and cramming as many quests and mobs into as small a location as possible … hey, it’s all Argus now!

-no titanforging weapons
-azerite necklace feels repititive and the same on alts
–removal of pvp templates
-war of thorns-lorewise
-lack of skipping intro quests for mechagon/naz on alts
-professions tied with raid progression instead of independent of group activities
-lack of pvp vendors alongside the pvp templates removal; pvp vendors would have alievated player agency.
-I miss class based sets. They didnt have to tie it with raiding but I do miss collecting new sets. Tier sets and pvp sets are an example of these.

I do like BFA mostly though

No real innovation… same old rep grind and RNG , Quests --> WQ . There we a few things good about BFA but to few . But at least we get the Bee mount or wait

Alliance players can work with Barry to locate the hive and court the favor of the Hivemother in order to earn the Honeyback Harvester mount

you guest it another gated rep grind , Innovation at lts finest .

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Gameplay wise I like it. In fact I think its the 3rd best expansion. MoP and Legion being the best of them.

Story is where I have my issues. BfA is like Mass Effect 3. Fun game to play, but its story has issues.

I’ve been hesitant to state my personal issues with BfA but I’ve been burned by people, and also because of bad game mechanics such as the excessive RNG with gearing for the most part.

I’m not playing as much as I would love to, and sort of waiting until my sub runs out right now. I can’t bring myself to do M+ despite liking them, but pugging is miserable, and I’m also burnt out on raiding.

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