Why do YOU dislike BFA?

You hit the nail on the head with this.

Bravo. Couldn’t have said it better myself.


I still like one that someone posted a couple of months ago: “Bobbing for Azerite.”


(BFA - Bank Foreclosure Attunement)

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Hahaa, this made my day. :smiley:

Too many blind sheep willing to accept whatever blizz does


Pretty much everything you listed, and omg sharding. I have gotten sharded to another server so many times in the middle of combat, especially when trying to kill world bosses and rares. It’s so annoying and yet its apparently working as intended…I couldn’t even complete my Brawler’s Guild quest chain one day because it kept sharding me to another server with no people in there, so I finally gave up.

Also, everything is about keeping you online as much as possible. I have a family, so I don’t have a whole lot of time like I used to when I was in high school and college to play this game. By the time I get done with the emissaries and dailies for the new areas, I don’t have much time to do anything else that I want to do like the pet battle dungeons and transmog runs.

Not to mention, most of my friends have quit playing and I have social anxiety so hard to do dungeons and raid achievement runs like I used to, especially with my limited time. I’ve basically given up being caught up with everyone else now. Also, ever since Cata, every expansion I end up taking more and more breaks.

In order of importance to me I’d say:
Making PvP far less viable as a means to gear for PvP. As a corollary, giving PvE players a gearing advantage in PvP.


Sharding destroyed the small server feel.

Azerite traits and randomized gear.


Definitely way too much RNG, to a point where it’s detrimental to the health of the game and its gear progression - and it beats down players on top of it, making everything done in game feel empty and useless. I’m of the mindset that the only RNG that should be in the game from a gearing standpoint is which items drop from a loot table. Titanforging, random sockets, random items from vendors rather than just buying an item you want, are all huge negatives to this game right now.

Vendors need to be addressed and rolled back to how they were way back in TBC/WotLK/Cataclysm, for both PVE and PVP. Blizzard says vendors are confusing, then give us benthic, which are vendors, but with layers of RNG and a patch-specific currency you have to farm to buy said items. Is this really better than justice/valor vendors? Highly doubtful.

Mythic+ should have a vendor with items you can purchase with currency from your weekly cache. The weekly cache shouldn’t be a lootbox.

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PvP has been the worst it has ever been.

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Just adding my two cents.

This is a middle child expansion. They don’t have as many resources allocated to expansions like this because of the realities of the dev cycle.



Top 3 are obviously better overall than the bottom 3. The use the middle child expansions to catch their breath. Work on a new class etc. Revamp systems etc.

Don’t burn yourself out on BFA. Wait for Shadowlands or whatever. That one is likely going to be solid.

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They are wasting resources on this classic launch.

Its called an alt for a reason…

I don’t dislike BfA. I dislike the general design direction that has been in place since well before BfA. I see the content and class desigb as two separate issues. While I haven’t necessarily enjoyed all of the content, there’s no question that I have more to do than I did in legion. They tried some new things that missed the mark. But they are trying and we should be providing feeback on how to make those things fun, or suggesting possible replacements.

Class design, at least as far as i can tell from the forums, has been shat since the changes following MoP. So I don’t see the point in dumping on the current expac because of a design philosophy that was implemented two expansions prior.

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Too much fair and good criticism to Blizzard in one thread, be careful, they might lock it after reading too much truth.

Pathfinder is still by far my biggest gripe. I can deal with the ilvl scaling. The ilvl progression of green, blue, purple/epic not meaning anything anymore. The questing so divided into instance that I can’t even play with my friends (I know the ‘quest replay’ feature is fixing this, it can’t come soon enough!) … but Pathfinder is my dealbreaker.

Why? Well if I wasn’t feeling the endgame in the past, or whatever the current patch’s goal was outside of raids/M+s, I could just fly and screw around collecting pets and mounts, leveling alts, taking in the scenery peacefully. Now it’s a fight to the death just to pick up a single strand of seaweed. (And before anyone cries about laziness, yes I DID unlock it for all 3 expansions…it’s just painfully unfun to do so.)

I had all sorts of reps done that many turned their noses up at, from Argent Tournament to Molten Front. The cosmetic rewards were worth it, and sometimes in town I still whip them out and /mountspecial for fun or wear the tabards or whatever. Now? The ‘reward’ is a basic gameplay feature. And they haven’t even tried to revolutionize ground travel beyond the awful mount equipment system, which is just a poorly-done version of ESO’s mount training. In ESO yes you had to log on and do it daily, per character, but the reward was a BLINDINGLY fast ground mount, 100% anti-daze, and +60 inventory slots complete with armor for each slot of the mount (on some models) to show off your accomplishment. In WoW? You unlock a feature that’s a decade old and earn a single mount that is kind of meh.

If they did away with flying 100% but implemented ESO’s system to a T, I’d be content. If they copied FFXIV’s “Pathfinder” of ‘do the zone’s quest, then collect some orbs on all 4 corners of the zone’ and then flying was permanently unlocked, I’d be ecstatic? This current system of grinding reps, waiting almost a year, then grinding more reps?! Without any real cosmetics that make you feel special for putting in the work?

Absolute garbage.


I agree on the RNG but for me it’s the gearing. I hate that boots 20 ilevels lower than my best ones sim higher in the raid. I hate the trait system and how I can’t use gear because it doesn’t have the right traits on it. I hate how primary stats are pretty irrelevant and you can’t simply look at gear and tell if it’s actually an upgrade or not. It used to be that if it was a high enough ilevel increase it was an upgrade because the primary stat increase alone made it worth it. I hate having to unlock another talent tree in my neck piece. I hate how I run the same content as other people and due to my bad luck I’m almost 10 ilevels below them on gear.


Kilrogg is hardly an rp realm. Calm down

Personally I dislike that all content is either so easy you can AFK or tuned to be highly inaccessible. I also dislike that a lot of the content they are trying to push feels like dry, unfulfilling (islands, warfronts, invasions) due a combination of lack of difficulty, poor reward structure, etc. Another thing I dislike is the current socket/tertiary stat/wf/tf loot system designed to make you feel obligated to continue to grind but also simultaneously making loot feel unrewarding.

Also azerite armor and neck is stupid, horribly balanced, etc. And pvp is still atrocious.

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lots wrong with Nazj, the zone is absolute garbage, absolute pain in the AZZ to get around, monster density is a absolute joke around the travel roads, flight paths, grave yard placement all awful and all of that just combines a really piss poor not fun experience, broken isles all over again, i swear blizzard doesnt know how to make post cost zones fun, they always make them unenjoyable and a pain in the butt to get around. and i am sorry " once you get flying doesnt give blizzard a pass on horrible zone design"

People like you suck.