Why do you allow griefing?

You don’t know this. It could be nothing more than Blizzard not wanting to spend the time to put in a solution. They don’t seem to care enough about curbing the toxicity in their own game to do something about it.

This is warcraft. Why is that so hard for you to understand? You are an orc arent you?

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I think that the OP is right in this situation; it is definitely griefing to kill off NPC’s that you are trying to turn quests into. you can’t level if you don’t hand in quests and given that these guys are obviously at max level or at a level far above the NPC’s then yeah it is fair to say that even if he turned on pvp to attack them that he would be swatted like a fly. only way to really turn the tables is to have a bunch of level 120’s come out, enable pvp and then kill them but that is a temporary fix at best


Ok so let’s take a stab at this again.

Killing quest givers is not greifing in the eyes of Blizzard.

They have repeatedly said this is allowable. If it goes on for a long time, say a week straight, then they MAY step in for zone disruption.

This used to pop up a lot in the past and they have been fairly consistent in their response. At least in the forums.

Sorry I don’t have better news OP, and sorry I misunderstood and thought it was a Warmode problem as well.

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Well…it’s kind of a unknown at the moment, isn’t it? I mean, under the old server rules it wouldn’t have been griefing, because there was a PvP solution.

But now, if someone has Warmode turned off, they’ve opted out of PvP supposedly. They’re not supposed to have to deal with people trying to force them into PvP outside of the designated PvP phase. So at the moment, it’s a bit of an unknown what the “new” stance is on repeatedly preventing someone from being able to continue on with their PvE questing, wouldn’t you think?

Well if the OP enables PvP he will be shared and not see them anyway.

In a way it would probably solve his issue for the time being. Course he would open himself up for attack in the process though.

So maybe they should take another look at this and clarify.


NPCs can still be killed tho.
You didn’t read the post, you just posted your copy paste hate-reply for PvPers.

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That’s not how people work.
You say could you stop clipping your toe nails on the dining room table and then deal with the situation as it plays out not abandon everyone that’s not perfect.

the MVP who posted above seems to think differently. if they were attacking low level players who had pvp enabled, then no that would not be griefing. but attacking quest givers in a random zone that gives them no real benefit but to annoy other players yeah that ain’t cool and should be stopped


I mean people have been complaining about it since launch. The Blues have been explaining why it isn’t griefing and why GMs will only do something in very extreme circumstances. Changing the NPCs to not be attackable won’t really be that big of a deal, I think it is safe to say that if they felt it was an issue they would have changed it by now. Again this isn’t something that has just became a problem in the last few years, we are talking about this being an issue since launch.

Not to mention Blizzard has said that it is working the way they want it to and that NPCs are intentionally attackable. I don’t see why they would lie about that for all of these years.

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Lol OP are you new? Attacking npcs doesn’t instantly make it 100% griefing. I suggest you learn a thing or two on the subject. Blizz allows us to attack npcs. The person was in the right. Want to cry over it then cry to the devs who allow it.

Otherwise report it and move on. Coming here isn’t going to help you. And if nothing was done after you reported after a bit then blizz sees that the player is doing nothing wrong. /shrugs/

Which if it is something going on for nearly a day to long hours then maybe blizz will take action but otherwise they just won’t.

Now this makes me want to get on a toon and go and attack npcs. All because of this whining of yours.

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If people have been complaining about this for years, how does that not tell Blizzard that this is indeed an issue?

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Same as they could on pve servers. What’s your point?

And that MVP was wrong and there are numerous quotes from Blues linked in this thread that shows that. Again Blizzard will ONLY intercede in very very rare situations. This is the actual word from Blizzard, it isn’t speculation this is actually what Blizzard has said about the subject.


Problem is here that phasing will often put you out of phase with whoever is doing the attacking. It’s probably the one real World pvp killer.


Is it cool? Absolutely not.

Is it allowable? You betcha.

Just because the mvp disagrees or feels different means not much, unfortunately. They are players just like us.

Time and time again, I have seen posts, especially in CS, of people complaining of exactly this. And time and time again, the response has been the same.

Does this mean they will not change their position? Absolutely not. But as of now, it has been consistent.

There are options to the OP. They can choose to use them or not. Itnis solely up to them.

To be clear, I am in no way defending these players. But it is not greifing. Jerk move, yes. Greifing, no


According to blizzard(The opinion that matters). It isn’t.


Some players thinking it is an issue doesn’t mean that Blizzard thinks it is or that it is an actual issue. At the end of the day it is Blizzard’s game, if they feel it is working the way they want it to, that really is all that matters. We aren’t being forced to play. Again Blizzard has said this is how they intend it to work.


Ok, they make the low level NPCs and such unkillable.

Doesn’t do one baby kodo turd worth of fixing the problem.

The people who think its cool to grief lowbies? You know what they will do?

Kill the lowbies.

Then of course run like the pansies they are once characters who might be able to fight back show up…and that’s IF people bring their mains over to play.