Why do you allow griefing?

The source is all the posts from Blues in the CSF from when I started posting there back in BC. Do you have a source to back up your wrong statement?

Also quote my whole statement before you call me wrong. It takes way more then just killing NPCs to be considered griefing, and even then they use zone disruption and not griefing.


hate to poke a hole in you’re theory not thst its a bad one but people don’t go to the movies anymore they just steal them


I’d counter your reply if it hadn’t made me laugh.


Yes, as I’ve tried to say (possibly not very clearly) I understand your frustration. I even agree with it, having experienced it myself.

I’d be quit happy if they turned the guards into mini zone bosses, strength-wise, so they could put up a decent fight to defend their posts. Beyond agreeing with you in that respect and saying I would be happy to see change, I’m not sure what more I can say. There is how we would like it, and there is how it is at the moment.

Which makes absolute sense and was pretty much what I was trying to say. :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s why I had highlighted the “disruption” part of the EULA that I quoted.

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Also just to humor you here is a link to just one of the Blue posts I found in two seconds of searching…

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I cant say im perfect but i do pay my 11.25 a month for better version of netflix lol but so much has changed in way to short of a time span il swear by it… earth iff by 3 degree’s, no one wants to know their neighbors and everyone has 10ft walls around their precious “stuff” while the other majority lives in poverty you know? i know i know kinda off topic but i think its true what they say…

the internet is the devil

20 years ago people didnt do this…well maybe one in like a blue moon… there was no reason to… now everyone takes great joy in another humans pain… its just wrong

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Killing low levels and low level NPCs is part what makes the game magical. The best games are those that not everything goes to plan. So you are level 20 and your NPC is getting ganked. You have choices, you can go to another quest giver, you can try to make friends with the ganker, you can call your guildmates to come and assist. You have choices and thats what makes the game fun. Sure it’s a inconvenience, but have choices, don’t ask to limit it.

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The hilarious part of this entire discussion is that it’s now devolved into an argument over semantics, instead of addressing different ways to help curb the behavior.

Someone mentioned guards as mini bosses.

I mentioned making quest givers untargetable.

There are ways to let people still kill NPCs without screwing lowbies out of their questing experience.

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the behavior has existed for the entire duration that the game has existed. how to stop it is obvious, and blizzard doesn’t care to. so what are we really talking about.

God forbid we bring it up in hopes that maybe Blizz will actually listen, hmm?

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This is just whining without a purpose. Those mobs respawn in under 3 minutes.

I’ve always thought they should make all the guards elite and level caped to the current expansion. I have heard someone argue though that doing so would take away the ability for anyone but level capped raids to attack opposite faction locations. So not sure.

i mean it’s fine to make a suggestion, but i don’t think the discussion staying on topic really matters. there’s nothing to discuss, we don’t need to brainstorm how to make it so npc’s aren’t killed.

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it’s world of warcraft. no one is safe, not even quest givers.

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Well using that definition of griefing killing quest NPCs isn’t griefing because the ability to kill them is intended.


And are immediately killed again before anyone can turn in a quest.

What I’d like to know is what kind of sad, pathetic person gets pleasure out of ruining the fun of others? Oh, never mind, I just answered my own question.


Walk over to a different area and quest for a while. There’s tons of quest areas for this exact reason.

Maybe scale them? Certain level ranges make them a certain level? I’m not sure.

Clearly some of us are. And that’s purely your opinion.

Perhaps add something to the discussion, since there’s obviously things to discuss. And if you feel there isn’t anything for you, personally, to discuss, then… :wave: