Why do Wrathion and Sabellian's dragon forms look different?

Dragon Alabama?!

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Banjos intensify.


Sinestria was left mauled, burned, and barely alive by the experience. They mated once. All subsequent whelps produced by Sinestria were made through other means.

I just assumed they were different because of the age difference. Wrathion isn’t a full grown adult yet. Plus, he’s always been “special”.

The way you put that is funny. Good one.

Even once is still producing offspring. It’s not a ton, but that’s still a grouping of eggs that may or may not hatch, survive, etc. It is not impossible that Wrathion is a direct son of Deathwing, and conceived after his full corruption.

Sinestra isn’t Wrathions mother though

It is 100% impossible he is the son of Deathwing. We see his mother in the game, and she is not mauled, burned, etc. during the quest chain in which she is introduced. Nor is she involved in Deathwing’s cataclysmic shenanigans. Players are made privvy to quite a bit of information regarding her and her fate.

She gets taken captive by a member of the red dragonflight (with player assistance) and subjected to experiments to produce an uncorrupted black dragon egg. Her name was Nyxondra, and she was the sister of Nefarian, Onyxia, and Sabellian. The father is never revealed, but we know for a fact it isn’t Deathwing or Nefarian. It quite literally can’t be.

They don’t have either of the same parents.

You aren’t wrong, but…

looks at Sinestra

…the whole insane molten body thing didn’t stop the dude from “performing”… poor, poor Sinestra…

And just think that was “earlier” on in his magma monster transformation

Imagine what happened to the later ones he tried

Cuz he certainly wasn’t trying Sinestra again cuz she reaaaallly hated him

Oh, but not just Sinestria. He tried to mate with the other two as well. Sinestria was just the “lucky” one in that she survived.

One’s really old and the other is a youngster.

Also, Wrathion is just a kid, so he hasn’t grown into his adult dragon form.

The bigger question is why did they ruin Chrome’s dragon form.

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Sabellian: “Wrathion… I am your father!”
Wrathion: “No! No! That’s impossible!”
Sabellian: “Search your feelings you KNOW it to be true!”

Sure would explain a great many quirks Wrathion has…

He did make a clutch with Sinestra though… probably shouldn’t of from the outcome.

If that ends up being true then Wrathion’s parents would be brother and sister, ewwwwwww

I guess that would explain why he looks weird though lol :dracthyr_shrug:

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I thought Tyrande was Nelfarion :smirk:

We were the ones who harvested Wrathions egg lol

Do badlands quest, you get to see why he hated the red dragons so much

I did eo them… what does that have to do with what happened to Sinestra?