Why do Wrathion and Sabellian's dragon forms look different?

If they’re related, why do their dragon forms look nothing alike? It looks like they’re not even the same breed of dragon even though they share the same father. They look completely different from each other.

Edit: pic for comparison

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Wrathion came from another dimension where everything is more cringe than the base world


Don’t they have different moms though?



No idea, but those must be some really strong mom dragon genes because they don’t look at all related

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That’s like my brother and I.

We have the same mom and dad but we look different. I have blond hair and he has black hair and his facial structure is similar to hers while mine is similar to dad’s.

Genetics do weird things.


Wrathion is Deathwing’s grandson, not son.


Sabellion is Wrathion’s uncle so it’s possibly just a stage in development but Wrathion’s model does stand out compared to every other dragon in game.

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Ah didn’t know that, they often refer to each other as “brother” in game and I took it literally. Sometimes Sabellian even calls Wrathion “little brother”, too.

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I thought they were brother’s cause they share the same dad I thought? Nelfarian.

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Wrathion has a unique model, and was cared for by the red dragons I believe (possibly altered in there efforts to cleanse corruption). Sabelian has the normal dragon model.

From a gameplay perspective this suggests Wrathion is important thus unique model and Sabellian is not so much important.

Sabellian also claims or at least the black dragons that came along with him to have clenased the corruption and gathered the black drakes together and defend the future clutch in outland.

Wrathion used that unique model for a few expansions already.


I just looked it up.

Wrathion’s dad = Nelfarian
Sab’s dad = “deathwing” aka NELFARIAN

They are brothers.

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I don’t believe that’s the case. Wrathion is the son of Onyxia’s sister. And uh… Neltharion. Nefarian is Onyxia’s brother.


Nefarian, eldest son of deathwing, brother of Sabellion, uncle of Wrathion.

Deathwing is Neltharian, close.


Or it was the cable guy


This is what I was going on. Nefarian is not nelfarian.

Neltharion is wrathion’s dad. He references it several times in lore.

According to the article, Nelfarian is Sabellion’s dad.

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They used a weird Titan relic to construct one uncorrupted egg from the remains of several corrupted ones, so who even knows what Wrathion looks like genetically? We’re probably lucky he doesn’t have three heads.


Sabellian was a half brother of Nyxondra

Making Sabellian a half uncle to Wrathion

Guess Wrathion dragon form is different due to the various experiments he went through

It’s more of a Father of the flight thing

Neltharion is his grandfather genetically as it was one of his daughters, Nyxondria, who gave birth to Wrathion

We do not know who Wrathions actual father is


Wrathion is a whelp and Sabellion is as old as Nefarion, who is as old as the game pretty much. A full grown dragon since before we had access to BWL.

Wrathion will likely get a new model in the future, but for now we’re seeing him grow up.

I read that he was also born uncorrupted from his mother’s lore. “She is the mother of the uncorrupted black dragon egg which later hatches Wrathion”

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Wrathion’s father wasn’t revealed, but it definitely wasn’t Nefarian or Neltharion. Nefarian was busy being dead at the time, and Neltharion was off making the Barrens suck even more than they already did.


There’s a quest chain in Cataclysm about the egg. The mother was Nyxondra, who was subjected to a great many experiments by members of the red dragonflight in order to produce an uncorrupted egg.