Why do Wrathion and Sabellian's dragon forms look different?

Either I missed something, or im too tired, so lemme recap so I know we’re on the same page

Neltharion is not Wrathions father cuz we know he was no longer able to “do the do” at the point of Wrathions birth

I thought that was the whole thing, like sure they single go he had with Sinestra after going molten mode may have resulted in some eggs, but we don’t know anything about then cuz it’s never been mentioned

Well, yeah. But for Dragons that’s pretty much always been like that.

Yes, she survived and the big part of defeating her was because she was the last brood mother.

She was dead when we fought her. She was taken out by Dargonax prior to Cataclysm and subsequently reanimated by the old gods. At any rate, none of the eggs around her when she’s fought are actually hers. Her final mating with Deathwing bore no offspring whatsoever, and the damage done to her body by it made it so she would never be able to reproduce again.

To tl;dr it: She worked with the Dragonmaw Orcs in Outland for a while in exchange for some Netherwing eggs. Those Netherwing eggs (and an adult netherdragon she’d captured) were then used in her experiments, culminating in Dargonax. Dargonax offed her, after which the old gods had their minions reassemble and reanimate her corpse using their power. She then resumed working on the twilight dragonflight until her second death at the hands of adventurers.

Pretty much a case of “Stop the Main Character”.

During your fight against her she says their life force is her’s. Which is a strong indicator the she gave them life.

She poured her life force into them at the behest of the whispers she was hearing (which were a combination of Deathwing’s and those of the old gods). They were not her offspring, and in truth the life force she poured into them wasn’t her own either. She no longer had any - she was pouring the power of the void into them, the very power keeping her body animated. She’d have died on her own even if adventurers never showed up, but there would’ve been a much bigger mess of twilight dragons to deal with.

The entire purpose of her reanimation was to bring forth a new clutch of twilight dragons. They cared not if doing so used up whatever meager power was keeping her “alive” in the process. She was, after all, the one that created the twilight dragons in the first place. She’d mistakenly believed that it was an act of rebellion against Deathwing (she hated him after their attempted mating), but in truth his whispers pushed her to it - and saw her name their flight what she did.

Wrathion is still a child. Sabellian is MUCH older.
So Wrathion’s model is pretty much still a whelp.
Think of him like a pokemon’s awkward middle evolution.

Dragons overall seem to change looks based on their life experience rather than purely their genetics.

You can see it is that they gather natural energy all their lives, the different dragons live in different places in the world… naturally gathering different energy, looking different when they become adults.

We have seen all sorts of different types of looking dragons throughout the years with different powers because they had been residing in different places.

So can undead monks not weave life magic?

Also nothing I’ve seen beyond this forum says she can’t have children. We also know she isn’t needed to create more twilight dragons as long after we learned of her defeat more were being made.

How do we know Sabellian isn’t Wrathion’s Uncle Pappy.

Maybe that’s why he came out all different.

He got them Kentucky Genes.

Magic and life force are not the same thing. She was pouring her life force into them, and her life force was essentially whatever amount of the void’s power those cultists pumped into her when their masters had them reanimate her.

The inability to have children thing is more something the player-base inferred based on context. When Deathwing burned her, the damage was a kind of thing where nobody could even remotely justify how she was still alive. The scars present on her during the battle against her were the very ones inflicted by him, and we were informed those scars weren’t merely superficial. Her insides were ruined by the coupling as well.

In any case, a good deal of the information about Sinestra requires you to read one or more of the novels. They didn’t bother putting a decently sized chunk of information about what happened to her/what all she did in the actual game itself, and the wowpedia article is woefully incomplete. I mean, you can see some of the Netherwing stuff in the game if you go do the right Burning Crusade quests, but otherwise, yeah.

As for the twilight dragons, the primary reason for their continuation is simple: they can breed. Unlike Nefarian’s chromatic dragons (with the exception of Chromatus), they are not sterile. Of note, Vexiona and her brood, the voidwings, are explicitly referred to as part of the twilight dragonflight. More to the point, Vexiona was one of the twilight dragons nurtured by Sinestra.

And why is Sabellion the cooler one.

I hate Wrathion. One moment I’m the hero that helped him save Azeroth numerous times, the next moment he doesn’t know who I am.

Team Sabellion all the way.


Okay??? So now it’s her life force? Does it matter where she got it from? And what are the grounds of life force and life magic being not the same, what -is- life force?

thats simple Flower
Wrathions a drake

Sabellian is a dragon.
the difference is.

Wrathion is just a punk who needs too grow up.
Sabellian is an adult who’s calm headed and gets results.

In the World of Warcraft lore, Wrathion and Sabellian are both black dragons, and they do share the same father, Neltharion (also known as Deathwing). However, it is not uncommon for dragons of the same species to have different appearances, just as humans can have different facial features and hair colors.

It’s also worth noting that in the game, the models for each dragon species are designed to be visually distinct from one another. This allows players to easily identify which type of dragon they are facing in game, and helps to make each species feel distinct and unique. The design differences between Wrathion and Sabellian’s dragon forms could simply be a result of the different models used for black dragons in the game.

In the lore of the game, dragons are powerful, magical creatures that are capable of shapeshifting into various forms. It’s possible that Wrathion and Sabellian could choose to take on different dragon forms for various reasons, such as to better fit in with their surroundings or to better accomplish a specific task.

Overall, it’s important to remember that the appearance of dragons in the game is largely a matter of artistic interpretation and design, and may not necessarily reflect the true appearance of dragons in the game’s lore.

Wrathion’s unique because he’s the next Aspect. It’s why Sabellian’s just a generic black dragon.

Im fine with them looking different but I wish Saballion didnt look like a basic dragon.

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Its jind of a shame they are going this route. There was a time when wrathion was an interesting character but hes been so mishandled he really doesn’t make sense in the story anymore.

Me and my sister look very different.

Is it not normal for Wrathion to look different to his uncle?