Why do Wrathion and Sabellian's dragon forms look different?

Ooh, I did not know this. Thanks for the info, what an interesting mystery :dracthyr_tea:

Ah cool, yeah then something almost certainly is up with Wrathion.

Hold on I could have sworn he stated who his dad was in one of the questlines.

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Yeah, dragon lineage has always been kinda weird.

He’s lying about it. Wrathion makes the claim Deathwing is his father so that his bid for leadership of the black dragonflight will have more legitimacy.


Nelfarian doesn’t exist as far as I know lol. Nefarian is blackwing, and he was dead long before Wrathion was ever conceived.

OOOH ok got you.

Now that makes sense. No wonder I was confused.

Nelfarian is deathwing’s name.

No, Neltharion is. I only correct because you’re referring to 3 dragons when only 2 of them exist. Neltharion, Nefarian. No Nelfarian lol.


Um, I’m sorry to be that kind of person, but…

Are we 100% sure we can discard the incest explanation?


Oh… oops. That was my goof LOL I WAS SPELLING IT WRONG

I was putting the F in there and it should have been th… well I was close.

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We can actually

Cuz due to Wrathions age, Neltharion was full on deathwing mode, and as we know due to other writing

Due to his uh, molten body his partners all kind of die, so it would have been impossible for him to father Wrathion

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Sabellian is old, Wrathion is a whelp with delusions of adequacy.


Wrathion has unique features like that of an aspect, much like how Kalecgos got a unique model after he turned into an aspect… which I think is a story hint that he’s supposed to be the aspect. At least from an artistic point of view.

Wrathion’s model is closer to Deathwing’s.

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Sinestra. Deathwing was still fathering whelps once he was corrupted.

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Sinestra is the only one to survive, and they weren’t exactly going at after the first try cuz it almost killed her as well

Neltharion stopped having kids once he became Deathwing

But could there be a case of a dormant egg just sitting around?

Because one is a mature leader of the Black Dragonflight and future Aspect and the other is just Wrathion.


I suppose there could be some dormant eggs sitting around buried somewhere long forgotten and hidden from when he was still Neltharion

But writers havent touched on anything like that, as far as we know he stopped having kids long ago

Remeber Sindragosa afterimage said “child of my flight” to Kale the current Aspect.
So they may just use the literal term “son” as in of the flight or its interchangeable much like the English language.

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