Why do we have to do the Blue Dragonflight Quest on our Tarecgosa Toon for the Mount?

Players that have the staff and dont want to play anything else*

I’m comparing legendary questlines to legendary questlines and I’m comparing mounts to mounts.

It’s a legendary storyline meant for certain classes or specs. Just like the others I mentioned.

No. The point was to do exactly what we asked of them: give staff owners a way to transform without having to take up bag space.

No one is being punished. :roll_eyes:

Because it’s only a QoL change for staff owners.


So if I get the staff Im not a staff owner. Got it, my confusion.

The only way you could use the form in the first place was to have the staff to begin with. How does that change? If you don’t play that character anymore, then what difference does it make if you get the mount?

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Well then google is a dirty liar. I looked it up so I wouldn’t fly all the way out there and get mad at the chain not starting or whatever if it wasn’t an option.

I probably still won’t do it unless I’m REALLY bored one day, but I guess that is nice to know.

Your CHARACTER is the staff owner. You aren’t entitled to a legendary weapon on use on every character just because you did it on one.

Because people keep equating this as some unfair thing that we’re getting a new mount when we aren’t.

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Because I put in the work to get it? Its really not a difficult concept.

And yes I get the whole “But you didnt get it on this toon”. I understand that concept and Im not confused by it - Im saying its a crap decision and I dont like it. Im hardly alone on that.

I understand what you’re saying.

The point I’m trying to make is, your whole account can’t use the mount. It’s still only usable by the character that has the staff.

I spent months when it was current content getting that staff with a casual guild on a character I no longer play much who I leveled specifically for my QoL update and you’re going to sit here an act entitled because you “put in the work?”

That’s a nonsensical argument. It’s a legendary. You aren’t entitled to the on use effect of a legendary on your entire account. Period.

Yeah I get that but it feels bad to have the quest suddenly added, it seperated out into a mount, an account wide achievement but still locked to that toon.

This entire issue is why account wide stuff started in the first place.

I understand why they made the choices they made but I dont have to like it.

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It’s not. If you didn’t care about the transformation ages ago, then you have no right to care now. This isn’t a new mount. It’s ONLY a QoL update for staff owners. It’s ONLY in the mount journal because we asked to not have to carry the staff to transform.

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Thats your opinion and this is mine.

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This isn’t opinion, it’s fact:

And your entitlement is based off of a very incorrect perspective.

You can “agree to disagree” as you wish, but you’re still incorrect.

Enjoy your day.

if they were gonna do the work to make the mount an actual mount, should have just made it account-wide once you get the staff. dont really see a point keeping it locked only to classes who can use the staff

opinions can’t be incorrect, get off your high horse lol

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The arrogance to think your opinion is somehow the only valid one, lol.

You can have your opinion, I can have mine, neither is “right”.

Thats kind of how opinions work.

I believe that’s what the reference of opinion that they were making.


Hahaha, this is pretty funny. If you want to call out my reading, perhaps we should look at the fact that you said “main” and the person you are quoting clearly referenced an alt. Apologies for actually reading your text and taking the meaning at face value.

Well done, columbo. Now look the achievement points on her armoury.

Fact is, no one is forcing anyone to do anything. You want the mount, get the staff on the toon you want it on.

Buddy you’re replying to a week old thread, I’ve long since forgotten what we were talking about and can’t be bothered to re-read it.

Type faster next time.