I’m sure you can figure it out too if you take a minute.
Well bummer to know that I will have to level my lock. Shes like 58, so it could be worse, i already grinder out the legendary so whats more grinding?
I wanted to lvl an alt anyway. So ill just work on it between stuff on my main.
Heres to hoping they change it though and save me some time.
i heard the questline is only available to people who have completed the quest though…therefore locking in only being able to use it on the person who got the staff.
I didn’t want to let her go but I did,it was for those at the end of the questline that had the staff.
Thank you Blizzard for this memory
Because it’s an unlock for the legendary staff itself, not for your account achievement.
I’m leveling my Priest.
Auuuugh… and once more the pains of maining a druid are apparent. I was thinking of getting the staff with her, but maybe I will get it with my mage instead. I want to be able to use the mount.
Because the staff/mount is locked to that particular character to begin with. It would seem the point of this is more to allow the mount to be used by the appropriate character without the hassle of using the staff, not open the mount up to the account.
Are we really complaining about a staff you have had 12 years to get?
You can’t even use it on a second character (level 70 even) that has the staff. I tested this last night.
You would have to do the quest line for every character that has the legendary staff, which is idiotic.
This is not true for me.
Wow …
Not everybody has played for 12 years
Not everybody plays a character that is eligible for it
Not everybody who got it plays that character anymore
Not everybody who got it even plays on the same server anymore
And, believe it or not, not everybody plays the same character that got it, and in fact leveled another character of the same class on a different server to play with friends, and now don’t want to level an old character for a class they already have, on a server they no longer play on.
I know it’s hard to understand.
I tried not to use big words.
I can only do so much.
Cheers! =)
You can got get the staff right now. It wasn’t removed.
Then you don’t get it, nor should you.
Then do what I’m doing and level that character, but it’s only meant to be an easier way to use the transformation we already have.
Neither do I. But when I do want to play my Priest, I don’t want to have to equip the staff anymore to use the transformation. And they solved that for me.
What you did was not understand what this reward is or why it exists.
Hot take, old raid lockouts should be removed or made daily. They don’t give much gold anyway. Firelands lockouts are the main issue here.
There is no issue. It’s a legendary. Spend the time to get it if you want a legendary.
And yes, you can still make decent gold off of old raids. Not spectacular but still decent. This game is losing gold sinks and doesn’t need more ways to easily get gold added into the mix.
Still haven’t done that legendary questline honestly. So at least you are ahead on people who did that.
Yeah a great flavourful addition…unless you play any of the classes that cant get it and you just get shut out from the storyline and reward entirely.
Literally every caster can run this legendary storyline. Did you get this bitter over the daggers or the mace or the axe or the fist weapon or the Legion class stuff, as well? No? Didn’t think so.
I’m actually in the same boat here. My Tarecgosa holder is a (now) level 35 Druid on a server I have nothing else on and have absolutely no intention of playing.
I would’ve maybe considered re-do’ing the whole thing on my Evoker to have fun in timewalking, but since they can’t even get the staff I just don’t want to do it at all.
They absolutely can. Many people have run it on their Evokers.
And if you do the quest chain locking it to characters you may not even play is incredibly lame and comparing it to a weapon mog is a weak false equivalency.
The whoile point of this change was to allow people who put in the effort to get it to continue to use it…and then punish those same players for daring to main something else now.
This may come as a shock but when I get it on one character I still got it, I still put in the work, I just dont get to have the reward apparently.
Inb4 “JuSt RoLL a CaStEr ThEn” - even then I have to do it a second, third, fourth, etc time? Thats ridiculous.
It was put in as a convenience for those that have the staff and still play those toons. Something like this has been asked for for years from players that have the staff.