Why do the devs hate Night Elves so much?

For me you’re kinda right, cos the sacrifice was too big. Blizz thought and have been trying to tell us it’s not, but actually it’s really big. Including what Sylvanas did to the Saurfang and the Horde. Regardless of what the cause or the plan is.

If Blizz wanted us to think it’s not big, not sure it would’ve worked but, they should’ve revealed what the heck the plan is during this xpac. Now, time is not healing the wounds. It’s actually making it worse.

If Blizz want to convince someone like me of Sylvanas’s cause or plan, it must be one hell of a story.
Well, I know they don’t need to. I’m merely a humble subscriber. :woman_shrugging:

That same quote alleging that Sylvanas isn’t evil also goes on to say that she’s just trying to help her people. Then the character goes on to have a war specifically to kill as many people on both factions as possible.

It was an obvious lie to keep from spoiling what would come later in the expansion. There’s no reason to cling to the first half of that article quote when it got proven wrong already.

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Because they suck and soon with the Void Elves looking like Blood Elves , they will be uprooted as the most played Alliance race.

Alliance shd just let the horde exterminate them if you ask me .

Laughs in troll. Come back to me when there are more dungeons/raids killing night elves than there are trolls. Oh and almost every expac night elves get a zone and lore expanded upon. 10/10 bait for so many bites

What else was there to do with him? he was just a sad orc who wanted to die, so Blizzard killed him. He got what he wanted.

Its simple, they’re alliance and developers have horde bias.


Yes I’m just being curious about this.
The thread that existed 5 minutes ago, wasn’t flgged at all, with more than 150 replies just disappeared! I’ve never seen sth like this. What have you done OP!

I think this is some sort of glitch or something. Don’t want to think about other possibilities. Even for Blizzard, it’s weird that they pay attention to GD now lol


Because Blizzard loves the Horde, has major bias toward Horde.

They look at WC3, they look at the Alliance, and they realize that while they can ignore Dwarves, Humans, and Gnomes, they also know the Night Elves are a central part of lore and the best race in the Alliance.

It frustrates them, they want to just ignore the Alliance, but they can’t, because the Elves are too important. They have to keep making major storylines that involve them, even entire zones, books, and raids!

This frustrates them, so their compromise is to keep talking about them, but make them suffer, so they can experience schaudenfreude.


the night elves are arrogant creatures
They deserved to burn

All we need is for tyrande to die as a raid boss and then i will be happy

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We need a recon class to stop the elves

No more elves

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Because they keep reposting removed threads.


They haven’t. Technically the team didn’t know Teldrassil was going to be attacked while they made the battle for lordaeron and the stories for Kul’tiras and Zudalar.

Fortunately, Shandris was given more screen time even though she replaced her mother in Nazjatar to extend hostilities.

edit: The good news is the Night fae covenant has complete focus on the night elf souls and the night warrior.

OP is right. The Night Elves should’ve gotten true vengeance. Tyrande should’ve killed Nathanos and torn Sylvanas to shreds. Sylvanas would’ve resurrected using some mysterious power, which would later be revealed to be from the Jailer, but they could’ve made it look very painful. Like Sylvanas’ soul is scarred despite her coming back. The Horde would then lose the battle at Darkshore.


You all may hate on Tyrande and Malfurion, all you want, but I happen to love them.

I stand with them as they are being persecuted by the hate mob. lol

This really makes the most sense, well done!

Night Elves really need to stop complaining. Horde burned your tree and almost genocide the entire race but look at the bright side; now you have 3rd degree burn customization at the barbershop.


I’m still waiting for you to burn me at the stake, silly gnome. HA. :smiley:

Why do people get so upset about Teldrassil? It wasn’t important. People dying in WoW happens all the time, population in WoW make no sense so there is no weight behind a city worth of deaths. Faction lines move all the time, the Horde once controlled almost all of EK and then that was wiped away in a couple of stories.

Not saying you shouldn’t be upset by it, but man do night elf players in general scream being victim way too much for the proud race they claim to love. You all could join the gnome lore squad and just be stuck as comic relief.

But why do you think the original thread was removed? There were many good opinions and info. It’s rude to the people who participated in the discussion.
That’s why even I can’t delete my own post after some time right? Gees if they deliberatly removed the thread, I really don’t like this.

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As soon as I work out how to reach it