Why do the devs hate Night Elves so much?

It’s not that Blizzard hate Nelves.
They just don’t care about the identity of the existing races because they want to force us to accept their new concepts.
They’re trying to pretend they care but actually they don’t. And they still believe their way will work in SL.
I could’ve embraced it except their methods really suck.

Edit) In my opinion? Teldrassil was merely a stepping stone to them for their Jailor Sylvanas Shadowlands lore. They just don’t care or don’t know how people would feel about it.
Don’t expect that Blizz will allow Nelf to have some revenge. I really want it, but we’re lucky if they make at least Sylvanas really dead in SL.

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And their new concept is that the Night Elves are gone entirely?

Nope, they already confirmed that this isn’t happening. They even said that Sylvanas won’t even be evil and that Teldrassil was/will be justified.

Nah the new concept is that past legacy based in Chronicles is not important now. Blizz is just using it to build their new world. Hence they don’t know/care how the aftermath will be. It’s kinda embarassing thing for me to say but the only one character they care in the Alliance is Anduin now. (And they are NOT doing it well)(edit: Jaina added) I’m sure they are thinking about the next sacrifice. I’m afraid it will be either Turalyon or Genn.

confirmed? when? Can you link the source? How can Teldrassil be justified if Sylvanas is not evil? You mean the Darkshore bs?

the only force capable of challenging death is life.

Well, they said that Teldrassil was not evil and that the Night Elves had it coming for them is a valid excuse for Horde players.
Then they said that Tyrande got her revenge for the Night Elves in 8.1, meaning that they’re even with Sylvanas and the Horde now, thus they forgave the Horde and Sylvanas and they were never mentioned again afterwards.

They meanwhile also mentioned that Sylvanas won’t be a raid boss and that she won’t die.
Furthermore, they also said that Sylvanas has a plan and that people who hate her will change their minds about her unless their stubborn.

Can you provide a source for this? The version I heard was that “it would give fans of Sylvanas something new to think about.”

i seem to recall something like…some people will not like sylvannas’ shadowlands story and i got the distinct impression it was because they dont want to accept the explanation for why she did what she did

We’re talking about the same interview here if it’s the Danuser one. Blizz has tried to make Sylvanas seem as evil as possible and those that care about Sylvanas (her fans) will have new things to think about (that she’s actually not evil). In the end they’ll say “Ha gotcha”.

Now that Nightborne is a thing, i think Night Elves have served their purpose.

Night Elves should be the symbol of stagnation, and Nightborne should be the symbol of growth & thirst for power.

At least Azshara is still out there and thank god since she one of the most known,popular and loved Night elven characters

They led the siege of orgrimmar. Killing every man woman and child to get to garrosh. Fruit vendors, auctioneers and trainers were killed. There was just no fancy cinematic. Orcs moved on and rebuilt.

Azshara is a Highborne, she’s closer to Nightborne if anything. Nazjatar lore proved this, Thalyssra and Lor’themar are 2 of the main protagonist in the raid.

Yea that’s fan fiction

Rarely read such BS before

She’s a Highborne yes but still a night elf! The Alliance has the remaining Highborne in their faction now. And she’s isn’t close to the Nightborne at all besides them being her former subjects. Thallysra was there because blizzard wanted to use her that’s all. Nightborne changed both in culture and appearance while the Highborne are still the same.

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She’s a naga

The loser one, Highborne hates lowborne, they don’t like sleeping in a tree, it just doesn’t make sense.

Thalyssra is there because she has a connection to Zin’Azshari, every elite in the zone know or was the friend of Thalyssra.

It used to be a city, and lowborn doesn’t live in a city.

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Cause they’re Alliance <3

Humans and most other Alliance races are treated just fine. It’s only Night Elves that get to feel the full wrath of the devs

It’s because Night Elves are perfect, obviously. Everyone hates perfection.

I mean look at how Night Elves hate Nightborne. Lesser perfection hating perfect perfection.

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Yeah I know this. Bs.

Told you Blizz don’t know lol

I know this too, but I heard this is specifically about BFA. Not after that.

If this is the exact quote as Sarm posted, it’s hard to say whether Sylv will be redeemed or not.
The nuance of something new is kinda disturbing tho. Let’s see.

See, people are jumping on that quote like, “OMG, THEY’RE GOING TO VINDICATE HER.”

However, as someone who used to enjoy Sylvanas’s character, this translates to me as, “You guys didn’t get the message. We’re dragging this character through the mud, and you guys STILL wanted to side with her. So, we’re gonna make her skin a puppy and eat it alive. Enjoy.”