Why do the devs hate Night Elves so much?

Not a fan of elves of any kind
So whatever

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Do you really want to talk about how nearly every race in Azeroth has been battered, bruised and nearly destroyed over the years?

Draenei, lost their entire world and fled for 25,000 years only to be slaughtered by the orcs.
All the human capitals(including Theramore) have been destroyed at one point or another(technically Kul Tiras was more of a destroyed in a now retconned portion of Warcraft 2).
The gnomes still only have the upper portion of Gnomeragen back.
The worgens are homeless, TWICE!
Even the Wildhammer got scattered during Legion.
The orcs lost their home planet. The trolls lost their isle and only reclaimed it in Cata.

Also, Blizzard has answer the question LONG ago:

In truth, a historical account of the Warcraft universe reads like a war crimes trial. Empires topple, leaders are corrupted, populations are massacred, entire civilizations fall to ruin (often at their peak of power)… Warcraft is a dark place. Just ask the Draenei: We trashed their homeworld and tortured its last uncorrupted children for tens of thousands of years. We’re downright cruel. I’ve never met a more sadistic team of story folk.


Says the panda.

Oh look, a human.
How quaint.

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because they’re normie purple humans, go home nobody likes you

Should those that commited the genocide get away with it?
Should genocide be called not evil and that the victims deserved it?
Should a self insert mock us in our revenge patch and then get away
Should there be absolutely no resolution at all, and should our zones just be given away to the Horde or be destroyed just for the sake of it.

Says the Zandalari troll!

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ztroll = 5% of horde population
nelf = 50% of the alliance population

ok normie


It was a great source of death for the sake of SL’s plot. I guess the burning of Teldrassil was more dramatic or realistic choice to feed the power of the Jailer and Sylvanas. Maybe the elves will have a solid spot in SL’s storyline to make you feel better?

No and that is why we are chasing Sylvanas and her inner circle as we speak. As for the soldiers under her command. The answer has always been it is complicated, Especially considering pursing a war is likely to end up will all of us dead due to a third party threat.

No one is saying it was not dispicable and hence why we all went and fought the Horde.

If your talking about Nathanos then you just have to wait until the patch to get your revenge.

Darkshore is back in night elven hands. Most likely so is Ashenvale considering Tyrande never once complained about it belonging to the Horde.

As for a resolution, those normally take years to even happen, and most of the time it doesnt happen the way we all intend it to. Hell, I waited almost a decade to see Arthas fall. Sylvanas’ story will end one way or another in SL.

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Horde gets story focus: looses 3 warchiefs in as many expansions, are in constant crisis and on the brink of shattering, has their capital sieged and turned into a raid.

Alliance: “this is horde bias, the story always focuses on them, why can’t we ever get some attention”

Alliance gets story focus: Their tree gets burned, undercity gets destroyed, dazaar’alor gets attacked and turned into a raid, orgrimmar gets sieged AGAIN and horde looses a fourth warchief.

Alliance: “why are you so mean to us!!!”


Nope, blizz already stated that the burning and revenge plot was resolved in BfA.

Doesn’t matter if we are chasing her when blizz already confirmed her fate.

Besides of course the writers. They said it’s not evil, and that Sylvanas is not evil.

Giving Nathanos a free ticket to the maw isn’t exactly giving me a feeling of revenge.

A destroyed and blighted darkshore. Ashenvale was more important, it’s gone. Teldrassil was more important, it’s gone too. Hyjal is neutral too.

They have destroyed the Orcs.

Now its the Elves turn.

Hyjal actually belongs to the night elves now. Tyrande is shagging up there. We dont know the fate of Ashenvale. Darkshore was blighted, but we saw Malfurion literally bring it back to life with druidic magic during the Warfronts.

Still his stay in the maw will probably be a pretty painful ordeal. You can take some comfort in it. Plus he was all but discarded by Sylvanas.

If you squint hard enough even Sargeras’ actions can be portrayed as reasonable. I think it is more deflection about Sylvanas motives rather than anything else.

Except we dont know her fate yet.


Can’t really know about that since only Tyrande went there.

Well Sylvanas can just free him from the maw anyway, also why would he be discarded by Sylvanas when he’s stronger than gods.

They didn’t say from her perspective. They said that she is generally not evil and that the Night Elves had it coming

That sounds like something a few Horde players would say, but it’s an unreasonable thing and nothing the writers should say.

They said that she has a plan, isn’t evil, won’t die, won’t be a raid boss and that her haters will change their minds unless they’re stubborn

they really have done baine dirty, gosh i miss carine, there was a chieftain, i really liked when he pimpslapped garrosh.

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This. Every character I’ve loved I have tormented, challenged, and taken them to the edge of destruction. Characters we love are the characters which get the hardest conflict; the more we love them the more place that conflict in direct opposition of that characters driving needs and wants. Nelfs are loved by blizzard, darn near every horrible Major event can be traced right back to them.

To summarize, probably to the point of error, Nelfs want to protect and nurture Azeroth(need and want). How many Azeroth destroying events have been of the curve of happening? Conflict directly opposing them and every one which is a bleed down through history event started by Nelfs, is even More loving to the Nelfs…Because so many were alive way back when they remember who/why that snow ball choice was made…There is a huge amount of quandary which I haven’t seen the Nelfs society actually look at. Their so long lived, but they keep making choices in the moment which ultimately risks their need/desire to protect Azeroth.

It’s like being a parent; you want to protect your child but every major choice you make is increasing the danger to your child and you are becoming less and less capable of saving your child from the dangers You are creating.

The Nelfs aren’t hated, they’re not abandoned; the writers just don’t seem to know how to explore what they’ve caused and us as readers realize there is Something Big that’s not being explored.


Dont even need the too.

Imagine being an OG Horde Race and the last thing of note the race got was… Heritage Armor, granted its one of the best, bless that artist, but still before that it was…what? an axe in Cataclysm?

Oh and enjoy some dead lore characters.

Oh wait, I forgot the Sunwalker dad guy from Mists but that story went nowhere because the world is still stuck in Cataclysm writing.

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Bro, we’re all in it together riding Ion’s crazy/broken lore-toboggan to the bottom this hill where someone dumped a pile of toxic waste and razor-wire. Hold on tight, there’s no sealtbelts on this thing.

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Ah Turalyon one of my absolute favorite characters, There is a real leader for the Alliance/Humanity

If they do him dirty and try that whole “The Light will be the new bad guys!” bullcrap Bellular was advancing, i’ll riot!

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It’s been a while since we’ve seen a good Night Elf victim thread. I’m glad the GD delivered.