Why do the devs hate Night Elves so much?

Working on it.

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population numbers mean nothing in Warcraft. Look at the void elves.


i dunno. in the usa, our nation may not survive this election season. may not even have working internet. or running water. wont much matter what happens with azeroth at that point. we’ll all be too busy with a very bad version of reality


cough Because y’all make threads like this all the time. cough


It is disheartening to see that whenever Blizzard wants to use the Night elves in a major role for the Alliance vs the Horde it always involves them either losing something or a lot of things or needing the humans to fight for them.

The same with the Draenei who are basically absent from everything outside of some (very small capacity) unnamed or named npcs that would just be there and do little to nothing for the Alliance.


I am sorry that you are disheartened by my dreaming. Hopefully Blizzard comes up with more likable things for you.


I don’t even care anymore. Blizzard’s faction-based story telling is garbage.

Blizz can just genocide them to the point where only Night Elves left are people’s characters and make Alliance Horde slaves in the story… just don’t **** up my class or raid tier.


Meanwhile Anduin is the best and super popular, but… nothing.

Well he slapped wrathion I guess.

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Night Elves are particularly popular for their attractive females, which is something current Blizzard hates.

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The night elves, especially the leaders are very strong. But unfortunately for the sake of story they let things that would seem unrealistic pass.

Would Tyrande/Malfurion actually let Nathanos go after what they did at Darkshore? Tyrande is especially not the type.

Malfurion is super underrated in the game. The cinematic probably demonstrates him best.

Plot armour is the strongest material in WoW.


The Worgen helped them


Worgen lived and died on the tree too.
If the night elves are nearly extict, I’m sure the worgen must be too. So that would still be a tiny army who had no chance of winning

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I think the Worgen were pretty tiny in numbers anyway lol their population is basically just from one zone Gilneas it’s not liked Gilneans lived all over Azeroth they were enclosed behind a wall for a long time so yeah when you think about it there probably isn’t that many Worgen lore wise anyway.


Tell ya what though, they’re damn good sports about it! Never seen them make a thread complaining. Unless its about not having a tail


Lmaaaaaao that’s true! Can’t lie about that one :joy:

For the same reason everybody else does; they’re awful. Bunch of ecoterrorists who flip out if you cut down a tree. We did Azeroth a service when we torched the shrub.


It’s because the Sin’dorei are taking over, chico !

/throws mouth toothpick at Darana

That was a full fledged punch.

True, true.

I think tragedy is thematic with elves in general. They are often portrayed as a beautiful mystical race that for some reason are made scarce. Elves generally are rare and mysterious.

In WoW, night elves follow the tradition. Since classic you learn about the burning of Nordrassil, how they lost their immortality, their attempts to recover it growing Teldrassil but it wasn’t blessed by the dragons and was corrupted…

You’ve probably noticed that in recent years WoW has been recycling its stories… WoD reprised RTS, Legion reprised BC, BFA… was sort of original but I think it set up SL to reprise WotLK…

Anyways, the burning of Teldrassil? The burning of Nordrassil.

Listen to the BFA intro cinematic Sylvanas talking about cycles. There’s a good hint.