Why do the devs hate Night Elves so much?


Mines more a potentiometer or rheostat without a power-off setting. It just pulses between varying degrees of Doc Brown and Khadgar.

And I love this lore trivia. You’re a gift from Nirn, friend.

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Elder scrolls lore is my jam. I’m a bit rusty on ESO lore since I don’t play it, but the Mythic era and the Daedra are two of my favorites.

And khajiit kick butt.

But yeah. Why do people complain about the writing here? It’s been kinda miss for a while

Agreed. And I am out of likes, hence when your small heart silhouette is empty.

WoW lore does have the unenviable attribute of having to mesh with a changing-daily MMO. TES - Outside of ESO - has the gift of invariability. And TES started with a lot more and better world building, too. Right down to the days of the month.

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 you i respect.

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I didn’t hate night elves when I dreamed up BFA. Well, okay, maybe I did hate them, but I also loved them. I just wanted to shake things up and had vague ideas about making the two continents faction-specific which in retrospect was dumb but then there would still be draenei/blood elf zones and Blizzard someday might update those to have flying and be part of the Azeroth instead of separated on outland map
 anyway. I don’t really hate night elves. I just wanted to dream up the retaking of Lordaeron by humanity and had to offset that by burning Teldrassil. But kept the time travel NPCs in for people that loved the old capitols so they wouldn’t totally hate me and could still go there. I dunno.


It did.

WoW has a stable foundation but the ever changing lore and retconning makes it hard to stick with and study.

ESO specifically happens in the 2nd era, a time that had very little lore.

Daggerfall to Oblivion was a span of 28 years. Skyrim is about 200 after that. I don’t imagine 6 being too far from that. Most of the lore is stable, making it easy to study.

I’m a nerd and proud of it. Lol.

Blizzards writers could take note


Human insecurity.

Its obvious that Night Elf potential surpasses human potential in every single aspect, but the writers will never let you know that.

Look what they did to sylvanas, she was my favorite faction leader and one of the reasons i played horde side for 5 expansions
I was so happy when she was named warchief i drank digital alcohol in game to celebrate it

then they made her story suck so bad i switched back to alliance

they killed a lot of NEs, sure, but most of them are pretty much non important npcs

they pretty much butchered my favorite, most important npc, my warchief.


Don’t feel alone. They hate tauren too. At least your leader is kind of cool when she’s not crying for her husband. Mine is 100% suck.

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The game director is a one trick pony orc shaman who despises alliance.

His guild, Elitist Jerks is now full of senior game devs. It’s a horde guild.

The lead narrative designer, Steve Danuser, is ruining the game with his massive retcons and complete disregard for alliance players. His excuse is "oh well all the original lore was actually just the Titans perspective (ie. propaganda, also, this new revelation is itself, a retcon).

The game director has no intention of balancing factions. At all. Not even on their radar. If anything he goes out of his way to ensure nobody feels any pressure to ever play alliance, see the mechagnome racial nerfs as a perfect recent example.

Night Elves are just a punching bag for them, a cheap plot device. Alliance players are not going to get any redemption and the faction imbalance will continue to worsen year after year, has it has been for the last several years.

85% winrate for horde players in the Alterac Valley anniversary event. Embarrassing lack of Alliance guilds in the hall of fames for cutting edge. It’s not getting any better, it’s literally just getting worse and worse as more and more guilds abandon alliance and switch to horde so they can recruit enough members to stay active and do the newest content.


Turalyon should exile the night elves from stormwind.

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LOL, choked on that

Night elves ask for a part in the story Also night elves: “How dare you destroy our city so we can have development in the story because night elves are so isolated they won’t have a part in the story unless the city gets destroyed! How dare you!”

drink more Skooma
 then your bearcat wish might come truew

Didnt we go over this topic months ago already and now we are just waiting to see how the story develops?

I dont believe its been stated categorically their story is over, still got a very angry elf running around looking for revenge.

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They hate Night Elves so much that they made Illidan the Chosen One, made two of the four Legion leveling zones based around Night Elves, made another zone based around people who used to be Night Elves, and made Night Elves the only race on the Alliance that can be Demon Hunters.


Damn the skinny elf is all spicy and mean to the tall elves.

Thats what i dont get about night elf fans when they talk about how bad they have it.

They lost imaginary people.
Like, let’s say 10,000 night elves died.
99980 of them we would never have met. 20 of them would have sold you some useless wine.

Undead lost sylvanas & Nathanos (not that anyone liked him)
Orcs lost saurfang
Goblins lost gallywix

Night elves really didnt have it that bad this expansion


Well to be honest, I would’ve taken it a step further and killed them all so they wouldn’t ever be a problem again. But this is the alliance we are talking about, and it would be nice to see how the night elves feel about getting exiled since they like to do it so much.