Why do the devs hate Night Elves so much?

No you did not. That was an article from BEFORE launch. You are 100% ignoring everything after.

Again, you seem to have a real hard time understanding that they were being deceptive leading up to the launch to try and surprise us. None of that followed through AFTER launch.

Which completely ignores that the quest showed the pain and anger of the NE over their loses.

before BfA they’ve come out ahead a lot of times with their only major loss prior to that being Ashenvale

It was directly refering to Teldrassil. They knew Teld was going to burn at that point, and that Sylvanas would do it. They still said that Sylvanas isn’t evil.

It’s what they did though? Like they never openly said that Sylvanas is evil, or that her genocide was evil. They even denied the Night Elves any justice or closure so that they can focus on Sylvanas glorification instead.

So? Justice was still denied entirely. We know that the Night Elves are suffering, the writers like to show that but do nothing to make things better.

Not really though. They also lost big time in cata.

Nobody is safe from Blizzard’s Disney-inspired ideology. Maleficent… I mean Sylvanas… is, in Blizzard’s eyes, the single most important character in WoW history. What happens to their other pieces of lore is irrelevant as long as she comes out on top. Nelves were just an easy target.

I advise you not to take bad writing personally. Nobody wants to pay for real writers anymore, so this is what we’re stuck with.

Is it going to be BIS for all night elf classes? Or is that again going to be a more Horde themed Covenant?

Probably because this topic is beating a dead horse. It’s the same arguments again and again. It’s been two years. The story has continued and people are sick of seeing the same topic rehashed again and again. It’s the same reason high elf threads are usually flagged. People know it’s going to cause arguments and a lot of times it is someone trolling

Considering it actually lost us three in game zones, it was way more important than almost all the lore events to date.

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Because after 2 years, blizz has done absolutely nothing to fix the night elf story? In fact made things even worse by denying their justice and trying hard to paint the teldrassil genocide as heroic?

Of course there will be complaints if blizz is openly hostile towards a race and its playerbase.

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It was heroic
The less night elves the better

But seriously, tyrande is not done with her revenge plot and the souls of those who died are addressed in shadowlands and stick around as NPCs.

Shadowlands isn’t over yet but there is a lot more room for the story.
Im sorry you don’t feel it was adequately wrapped up in a time scale you would have preferred but the story is genuinely not over.

How many raids have been about killing night elves? How many dungeons? How many zones are dedicated to night elves? How much love did the night elves receive customization wise? The storyline continues in shadowlands. Tyrande kills nathanos in prepatch. Night elf lore is more developed than almost any other races. I’m sick of night elf fans acting like they get the short end of the stick when they don’t. every race has had devastating losses.

Edit: This is all I’m going to say on this topic. Congrats you got me too


You can ask a question without asserting that the developers of the game hate a specific race. That’s probably why your post got removed, It’s completely absurd…

Also Nathanos isn’t just some undead guy who mocks people, he was the only human to ever become a ranger rank in high elven / blood elf society so It’s completely understandable that he’s able to beat two measly night elves.

Also, who cares about genocide? This isn’t real life, It’s a game. Jaina genocided Zul’dazar when she lured out the entire horde army and the only people left inside were literally orphans and the king.

Trolls got it bad too, lore-wise. Basically every clan that ever existed sacrificed their freedom for some weird power that enslaved and killed them.

The last time you made this thread, didn’t Blizz lock and Delist it?


Oh I know. That’s why I mentioned the raids and dungeons because trolls are raid fodder. But you don’t see us making a bunch of posts about it. The dwarf starting quest line is about wiping out frost mane trolls who were pushed into dwarf territory by troggs. Instead of the dwarves just defending their towns they proceed to follow the trolls to their camp. and wipe them out. At least that’s what they tell the pc. And btw I hated the tree burning down, nathanos should have died in darkshore. But blizzard doesn’t hate night elves, they are not the only player race who has had devastating losses. The iron dwarves had a dungeon and raid all about killing them. I mean I could point out examples for every race, even vulpera and mechagnomes

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I think they’re the only playable race to have it happen while they were playable, though.

The closest comparison I can think of would be the trolls in 5.3, where they were being sniped in the streets outside of their own homes while firing squads held them at gunpoint in the execution position, but I don’t remember anybody really giving a crap about that at the time.


I could argue vulpera and mechagnomes. Vulpera were being burned alive by 7th legion despoiler npcs during the vol’dun assaults. Mechagnomes were having a civil war granted resolving that is part of unlocking them, and assaults were going on before vulpera were playable.

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They said she got all the revenge she was going to get in 8.1. There won’t be any more revenge, not against Sylvanas anyway.

As for the souls, many of them even get permanently destroyed in the maw, and we as players have to kill them off…

The only story that matters: The revenge plot for the Night Elves is over. Our lesson is that we should move on and forgive and forget, and Tyrande is wrong for trying to bring undead Hitler to justice…

I bet Tyrande dies too, because she’s like the last thing the Night Elves have left.

That was in the past, now it’s all gone.

There won’t be any more revenge though, they said that killing that Val’kyr made up for Teldrassil

Gives him a free ride to the maw where he can mock her together with Sylvanas…

Because no other race is hated enough to lose all of their zones in a single pre patch and be wiped out.


No it’s not. Blizz has proven it multiple times.

No this isn’t even worth it.

They restored and merged my old thread now. Maybe the removal was an error.

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You could say the same thing about Trolls. Their entire history is losing leaders, territory, the slaying of their Loa, and the genocide of their tribes. Heck, BFA left the Zandalari Empire with their King dead and their Great Fleet destroyed, Leaving them as a hollow shell of what they once were and no one really cares. The Horde moved on.
Night Elfs might be suffering greatly right now, but i think the trolls have it worse.

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Right now? Not really, the problem is that even though the Night Elves have nothing left, Blizz is still trying to make it even worse.

Troll have gotten an entire continent and a huge city of gold now, Night Elves don’t even have a single zone anymore.

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Hyjal… Val’sharah… Moonglade… WoD is the only expansion we didn’t get Night Elf content.