Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Link your main.

You’re not getting any answers till you link your main.

Yes because there’s so much I can do with it.

You’re the one with the creepy stalker tendencies that doesnt let things go rofl.

I’m respectful When people are respectful back.

Dude kept saying I was scared because I missed a post or two he made towards me but he can’t link his main. Just returning his own comments back at him.

You keep putting a big target on your back.

It’s difficult to ignore your brand of dictating ignorance.

I know why you’re here and I’m not in any way fooled that its for anything noble.


:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

so you dont actually want proof you just want something that I dont wanna do?

I accept your concession for a 4th time

wrong, I point out you missed the post multiple times and you kept saying you didnt and when I asked for a answer you refused, only them I called you a coward…because you were acting like one tbh.

just like you are now.


If you say so.

“I don’t agree with you so you’re ignorant”

Sure you do.

You specifically kept saying I was scared.

Link your main.

Then stop posting your opinion as fact.

Cause it ain’t. If it was it’d be shouted at from the rooftops, not obscurity used to disprove nuiances in conversations just to always to seemingly be in the right every time.

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My opinion is based on facts. Sorry you can’t handle it.

Oh. The 1 in 12th slice of data that requires drawing a conclusion like trying to hit a bullet with a smaller bullet whilst wearing a blindfold, riding a horse to reach an unquestionable conclusion upon?

Sure thing dude.

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ohh you literally mean the first time and when I just said you were scared? you literally call people lazy and entitle all the time but I cant give you a adjective or I hurt your feelings? talking about being a hypocrite.

also I already told you know I wont link my main.

do you wanna proof of my t16 flawless or no?

I’m a good shot.


You didn’t hurt my feelings at all. I’m not a sensitive snow flake.

I return the energy that’s directed at me. Yes people wanting bis gear from trivial content is entitlement. Wanting the devs to cater to them is entitlement.

Link your main.

So your scared?

Yes that’s why I’m asking you to link your main.


I’ll put it more accurately.

You’re just a troll.

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Nope. Not a troll. Just smarter and better at comprehending data.

One slice of data.

Is more than you understand.

I understand that someone smart wouldn’t base their rep on one slice of data.

Unless they’re incredibly stupid or just looking for trouble.

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hiding to not answer questions is being scared gg.

yes I have said that I am multiple times, i’m too scared to show my main.

I already gave you an SS and offer to show you in game, if those are no good for you clearly dont want proof and you are just trying to avoiding having to answe the question like you always do


So what does that make you who bases their rep on zero data?