Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

so you cant back up any of your claims? cool
get rekt for the 3rd time

also what you talking about? this is my main I only happen to do that achievement on a alt, this is the one where I actually spend most of my time

Lie #1. You have to go collect old ars gear to cheese it.

Lie #2. Unless you have gear from grouped content, you hit a wall, period. 252 gear is not enough, no matter how much you believe this.

I know you can do all of them solo, the cap is that it can be done with 252, do you have any proof of that?

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I think that you all should stop excusing trash tier solo content. the only good things from all the content in SL that is cool for mog/mounts is the covenant and Thorghast*.

ZM stuff isn’t great, the cipher stuff, awful. boring it adds nothing of value. The only good thing on ZM was the mount maker.

Legion had a lot of great things to do as casual/solo players, campaings, power progression/cosmetic progression with the artifact powers. 12 unlockable mounts the class hall sistem that felt great.

SL only has covenants that dosen’t feel that good, and a mount maker that feels like a snorefest

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Doesn’t matter. It’s still money coming in.

I’m not trying to convert anyone.

citation needed

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Link your main.

Link your main instead of trying to deflect.

Not as much money as before though.

Blizzards greed will see your way of playing destroyed.

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i’m not trrying to deflected lmao, I quite literally said I wont link my main, but I did provide proof of everything I claimed, when you gonna do so ??

wasn’t the fact that blizz inflated their esports team like a big issue back in 2018? so big that almost killed OW and oblitarated Hots? and a lot of burning bridges on the esport escene?

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All but one achievement for Jailers Gauntlet were added in 9.1, when the highest item level you could realistically be was 252-255 with a full set of mythic gear.

The achievement for jailers gauntlet level 4 was added in 9.2. It’s recommended item level for completion is 275; however https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=15254/the-jailers-gauntlet-layer-4#comments
Several players in this comment section for the achievement have stated they were able to complete it in MUCH lower item level:
232 BM Hunter
249 Enhancement Shaman
235 Frost Mage

what about flawless T16?

As I explained to you.

Your proof isn’t actually proof.

Link your main is the only response you get until you link your main to prove it.

1 it is
2 I already said we can go online in whatever realm you want and I’ll show you the mount

Why can’t you respect the posters privacy?


he is butthurt cuz I got him 3 times in a row, you can see he literally wont address when you ask him to show proof of the BS he claims as he just did here

he just be saying BS and hoping nobody actually goes “wait, where did you get that from?”

the T16 flawless was hillarious cuz he didnt think I would have it, now he wants my main because he knows I dont wanna show him, in part just to clown him more tbh lol


It’s not. Any one can google an image of a mount.

And I said I’m at work. Can I you read?

Link your main.

He made a claim he needs to back up

with my name and my mog? lmao, ask a specific place anywhere in sw where a lvl 10 character can go, ask a pose lmao.

I can wait its ok, but where is my answers? have you do all t16 flawless? and

Can’t say I’d flash my main around you dude.

Not very respectful about anyone or anything.


like I said you can even ask for a place in SW where a lvl10 can get

https ://ibb. co /HtrksCR

I’m just lucky to google and find someone mentioning him about the exact conversation we are having with the same mog and name as I

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