Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

I do not understand. Are we pretending that low level keys or flex normal raids require much effort?

There absolutely should be a gearing path for solo based world play. Also a more polished form of instanced content like visions or islands that rewarded gear on a scaling difficulty would be huge for the game in the same way solo shuffle will bring in more people to pvp.

Catering to raid loggers is the wrong move.


Someone who isn’t arrogant or bullheaded enough to base their opinion on pure estimation.

Blizzard is the only one who has the real data and they’re not going to share it with you or I just to disprove the other.

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Missing a comment because I’m at work isn’t being scared.

Maybe you should stop going full Karen and link your main.

Link your main.

SS isn’t proof.

Link your main.

You think there’s hard evidence on black holes? It’s all based on theory.

As are your views.

They’re not facts.

Only one part of a bigger story you’re deliberately ignoring in favor of your own narrative.

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My opinions are based on facts.

Keep trolling though.

1 out of 12 possible facts.

Keep being divisive I guess?

Will be around when you’re ready to have any constructive conversation.

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There’s no constructive conversation to be had with you. You’re just an non credible troll

Not between you and I no.

Either way neither of us comes out of this without looking like trolls.

Back in BFA the only real reason I started to do raids and m+ was cuz solo gearing became trash. i have no idea how DF is going to be but if it wasnt for m+ i wouldnt even bother with this game.

how is missing if even after I point it out you still dont answer even days after? lmao

? no

1 yes it is
2 I can show you in game

Imaging thinking that you need even close to heroic raid ilv let alone the silly recommended numbers Blizzard put on Torghast. Next you are going to say mage tower was overtuned.

Because I did answer.

Even if I didn’t. I don’t care enough to scroll back to find it.

Link your main.


No it isn’t.

Kinda hard when I shoot pool on Wednesday nights?

i won the lottery

you didnt, you can see the post has 0 replies from you.


yes it is

like I said, I can wait

Torghast with more interesting and varied rewards would have been cool.

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your mistake was reading the forums. only a very small I mean an extremally small percentage of paying customers / players use this forum or even know about it.

And neither do you lol.

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Sorry, but not buying it. The only way you didn’t get any transmogs or better gear thru open world this expansion was by not playing the game because covenants were too ingrained in the game to be missed. You got transmogs, gear that you could upgrade at your covenant and numerous mounts. the higher you leveled your renown.

Now you are just making things up.

Sorry, but I’m not interested in changing your mind nor do I care if you stay playing.

Gear drops from WQ as well as world bosses. You also got gear the higher your renown level. I just recently leveled a brand new dracthyr with the invasion event and ran him in some LFR to get a few 265 pieces. That’s more than enough for an alt that won’t be doing anything but open world content.

I have no sympathy for posters who lie about the game. Sorry bud, but I play solo most of my time in game. This is my only character that does normal or above raiding. All my alts only get as high as LFR and I almost never touch M plus. So don’t try and B.S me that gear and transmogs aren’t available in open world because I know better.

I agree. People like you are why discord exists and no one talks in open chat. You can’t handle being confronted with facts and just twist or dismiss any and every viewpoint that doesn’t align with yours, all while playing innocent victim. It’s obnoxious.

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same as well for you. and yes I did play sl until i got done and then i got bored. covenants were a joke. they weren’t nearly as well done as the legion class houses. and what content there was was absolutely boring and repetitive. at least with legion we got artifacts for our weapons. that was cool.

no gear has ever dropped for me for world bosses. i’m sorry. it doesn’t I don’t know if i have supremely bad rng status, but never ever have I gotten gear from a world quest boss. i get crap white or grey items. sorry you don’t believe me, but that’s how it is.

I’m not lying and since you have no proof of what you say maybe you should be careful because THAT statement is reportable. maybe take it down huh?

gear on open world (i don’t mean leveling quests) no longer exists especially for newer expansions.

what you are saying is not a fact, so maybe jump down off that high horse buddy. every so often you can be wrong. perhaps you should learn to eat a little crow now and then. it’s character building.