Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

I’m not. Solo players aren’t the majority and they aren’t the ones buying tokens or keeping their subs subbed

You have no idea whose actually bringing in the big bucks and it ain’t the E-sports scene or the raid loggers

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I’m still at work.

Link your main.

Link your main.

Esports alone is bringing in more money than anything solo players do.

I already told you no, I already showed you proof. you cant even answer the questions.

have you done all t16 flawless?


My brother in the light, you absolute clown of a man. I kept my sub for all the entirety to legion to bfa with the exception of 8.2 cuz it sucked , and for the most of SL till Season 4 because it had 0 content for casual/solo players.

and I boughjt 3 exapacs for 3 of my friends, so shut the you mouth if you know 0 thing about casual players.


Link your main.


I bet it isn’t.

Always took E-sports as a huge embarrassment in WoWs case.

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Sure! Let’s go through some of it:

There are 4 covenants with 4 unique progression systems that offer transmog, mounts, titles, pets, and toys. They all require investment of time, and effort to complete, and a little bit of RNG.

There are 12 Mage tower transmogs that you can work for, none of which requires gear because it is all scaled down. You can go in with greens and you have the same opportunity as everyone else.

You can complete all of the existing torghast achievements to obtain the tower ranger title, all of which can be completed with 252 gear which is all obtainable in the open world.

You can fill out your cypher tree in ZM to level up the open world gear.

You can collect the 41 mounts that were added to the game in 9.2

You can collect all the 53 battle pets added to the game in 9.2

There’s tons more than this, but my point stands. Blizzard added all this content, and people still whine abut not having anything to do in the open world.

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I wont, but I already back up every single claim of mine, when you gonna back your claims?

solo? this is cap

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Ahh insults because you are wrong.

That’s cute because I have kept my sub all of SL BFA and legion.

You do realize I’m a casual player right?

There was plenty of content for solo and casual players.

Stop being scared and hiding. Post your main

You don’t get to dictate the benchmark for anyone else.

no, I’m too scared to post my main so I wont, but I already showed you proof and answered all your question, when you gonna do the same?

have you done all torghast 16 flawless? show proof


Esports has sponsors and contracts.

That alone brings in more than solo players.

Most players bad at the game do.

You not liking the content doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

It’s not, go look at achievements required to get Tower Ranger, not a single one of them requires grouping up. In fact it was made even easier when they nerfed the jailers gauntlet bit to only require layer 4 not layer 8. It’s even MORE soloable.

Once you link your main.

That’s the only response you’re getting until you do it.

Link your main

The only compelling things from there are the covenant stuff, and mage tower.

I already done the convenants, I have no interest on the mogs on Mage tower. The other the ZM stuff, is so annoying so grindy so freaking awful that Why would I do that?

their rewards are useless when DF enters, the gear isn’t being scaled for season 4

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None of the good ones, which matters more.

For someone trying to convert people you’re doing a horrible job.

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