Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Still waiting for your proof. Post your main.

Group content takes more organization and is overall harder than solo content.

We pay for the access to the server not the same outcome of gear. If you want the gear that I have then do the content that I do.

You already get normal raid gear very easily. That’s more than enough.

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You’re most definitely wrong about that one.

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I can’t be wrong on a definition from the dictionary.

If you do BGs you’re not playing solo.

…so do you close your eyes and plug in your ears every time someone queues solo?

I don’t do qued content out side of BGs to farm honor.

End of the day quing into a group is not solo play.

By your definition.

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You can’t ask most people in GD to take accountability for their own actions/playstyle/situation. They will go to war trying to prove it’s someone else’s fault.


By Merrimack websters definition of the word solo.


If you’re going that far then technically everyone is a group player regardless of what content they engage in.

As such no one group has a stronger case for dev time than the other.

Game should be made to accommodate all, not the few.

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I already showed proof
https ://ibb. co /p4w4b16

your turn where is it?

also dont ignore the rest

answer the questions

If you engage in anything that puts you in a group you’re playing in a group. Stop being obtuse.

Organized groups >random groups.

That’s not proof. That’s a photo anyone can google.

Stop being scared and link main.

Already did.

Of course. It’s mythic raiders fault they can’t time a +4 :joy:

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Why would blizzard waste resources developing content that people don’t play? There is quite literally hundreds of hours of solo content in Shadowlands, that the vast majority of “solo-players” didn’t bother with. So why create more?

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lol pretty sure the latter keeps the lights on around here.

A very important factor you’re forgetting when you’re constantly pushing for organized group content only.

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no, its my mog with my name, also I can log right now on moonguard and show it to you, lets go?

as you can see on the quoted post you never did stop lying.

answer the question.

Major citation needed!

They don’t.

I’m not pushing for anything. My issue is effor/reward

Now you’re lying.

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:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

[quote=“Nightwishs-moon-guard, post:1938, topic:1396308, full:true”]

no, its my mog with my name, also I can log right now on moonguard and show it to you, lets go?

as you can see on the quoted post you never did stop lying.

answer the question.