Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

says the guy who disregards toxic rhetoric so long as it suits his agenda lol.

big difference between asking for something and the crap the poster did lol. but somehow you thinking that’s okay does not surprise me. sure you just casually posted like 100 responses because you just don’t really care at all. if your child treated someone that way, would it be tolerable? didn’t think so.

you are this scared of actually answering the question bruh? here is SS of me riding the mount reward with it on my collecton tab https ://ibb .co /p4w4b16
now answer the question and since you so adamant provide proof if you have

literally no replies from you despite me showing it to you multiple times

Link your main.

Link your main.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

I accept your concession

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Link your main.

I didn’t concede.

Who’s scared to link their main?

its fine if you think that I am, I can even say it if it will make you feel better.

I’m supe duper scared of showing my man, however I answered your question and showed you prove, now you do the same?

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That’s not proof. A quick google search can find an image with the mount.

Link your main unless you’re scared.

Why is time spent in M+/Raiding, more valuable than time spent PvP’ing, or exploring the virtual world.
People choose to do different things. Time spent in game is of the same value IMO, whether it be Crafting, or Raiding.

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it literally has my name with my mog, you wanna log in moonguard and have me wave at you?

answer the question and the post you always avoid

It’s not. Time spent in group content is harder is majority of scenarios.

Asking Blizzard to offer more to solo players isn’t toxic rhetoric lmao. Consumers are entitled to ask for things from the game they spend $15 a month on because that’s basic customer service just as much as you are entitled to disagree with them so long as it’s done in a respectful manner, something you’ve struggled to represent in just about every post of yours.

No. I take the game seriously. I’ve been playing it for 16 years now so I obviously care about the game, just not seriously in the sense that I’m going to make a bunch of unhinged, incoherent ramblings on the forums about it. At the end of the day, if Blizzard decides to buckle down on group content and further distance themselves from solo content, then that’s their choice. I will be disappointed by that choice but I’m not going to cry about it. I’ve abandoned the game before. I don’t have a problem doing it again.

The good news is that Dragonflight looks to be better for solo content players so I’m pretty content right now.

This is even assuming I have a child (I don’t), but regardless you should be asking yourself that question and do some self-reflection with how unhinged your comments make you look.

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Because we don’t get nothing besides content that feels lame, bland and unrewarding, after the first time you do it.

Also because people thing that gear isn’t imporntat to us when it kinda is. I don’t know how the solo world content would be in DF but I am eager to see my opnion changed.

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So much this.

I spent time running my 12 toons through Korthia, and ZM. I had a blast, and got my rewards that actually made me stronger to take on other world content. That 233 gear helped a bunch when ZM came out. I dont ask for much, i just want power progression in the open world as a solo player. What i do not want is scraps thrown at me as rewards for the time i spend doing the content.

If the rewards for open world content really are LFR level, for the crazy amount of time i will have to spend getting it, DF will be the first expansion i actually quit. Something between LFR and normal raid ilvl would be fine. If not, why waste 100’s, of hours doing the content?

My time is worth more than LFR ilvl gear especially if it is going to take me 2-3 months to get said gear.

Im not asking for the world here, just fair compensation for my time.


SUPER unhinged. Never seen so much name calling from a poster. I am truly amazed the mods let this person get away with all of those personal insults.

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They’d have to get reported enough for the mods to see it. Generally, posts this far down in the thread are usually overlooked by the masses and have less visibility as a result, so not enough people end up reporting it for it to be hidden. It only ever really happens when someone comes in with some wildly inappropriate takes (racism, homophobia, etc.).

That’s why it’s so easy for these threads to go so off-track. Less community moderation the longer it goes on so people get more bold with their takes.

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Quote his entire post and tell me where he just asked for solo play. Don’t leave anything out. Especially his last few sentences. And I’m the unhinged one lol. You want me to reflect on how I talk or treat others but the op I responded to is fine being the way he is lol. Makes sense.

You get up to normal raid gear which is a 26 ilvl difference in SL. That’s higher than you honestly should get.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

have you do all 16 flawless? remember to show proof

also answer the other questions

If you think this:

Warrants this:

Then you are 100% unhinged. Full stop. The dude didn’t target you. He expressed an opinion and you went full-throttle baby rage.

Get some perspective.

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why? is your time more valiuable than mine?

I pay the same as you, I just don’t want to do the same content you are on.

I am not asking the devs to give us free 356 ilevel. I am asking them to give us the ability to work to get that gear w/o doing the toxic wastland that is M+/raiding.