Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Have you?

Bis legendaries are.

Not repeating an answer I have answered multiple times already isnt me conceding. The only thing I concede on is that you’re not very smart.

All you have to do is scroll up and find it. The answers are in sequence with your questions. You can literally check each time you asked them.

Read the thread again and look at all your crying. Buddy nothing in life is fair. Same applies to videogames. Fair implies everyone wants the same thing. Reality is people want diff. Things. Reality is solo ay is not a true end game pillar move on. Reality is any of you scrubs that come in here demanding solo playy changes because the game is just so easy already anywaus and it takes no skill at all to earn cool things so we all should just get a participation trophy. God you all suck.

While I agree with you there’s no reason to stoop to their level. Don’t give them the satisfaction.

Don’t take the bait and break tos so they can send you in a vacation.

Gruf is actually one of the more laid back people actually discussing things even if we disagree.


and they dont drop in torghast, not matter how many times you do torghast you will never get the item by just doing that.

I did there isnt any answer, you want me to quote my original comment that until this day you havent reply to and therefore havent answered? :clown_face:

I’ve already gone on record saying that I don’t necessarily disagree with harder content giving the best gear in the game. I just want fun solo content and have provided examples for how Blizzard can do that without undermining the reward progression scheme they’ve put in place with raid and M+ difficulties.

Reality is that this is a video game and if you’re taking it as seriously as reflected by your comments then the only person who needs to get a grip is you.

That’s your opinion. I’m not the one who’s throwing a temper tantrum right now.

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Link main then.

The material make them does. Just like if it were a badge system.

I have. You just ignored it. I don’t care what you do. You’ll continue to troll and be mad and I will continue to be entertained.

What we want is meaningful world content, story, and lore and to actually have cool rewards that are on par with KSM/Gladiator/Mythic raids, especially the mounts. Why should you get all the cool :poop: for doing the bare minimum basic group content.What we want is meaningful world content, story, and lore and to actually have cool rewards that are on par with KSM/Gladiator/Mythic raids, especially the mounts. Why should you get all the cool :poop: for doing the bare minimum basic group content.
Either way, anything you have should be obtainable later on, you didn’t really earn it. You’re just lucky to have more time, money, or whatever else. Skill was not involved, and games aren’t hard to play. Only the developers make things annoying, tedious, hard or stupid.

there is the post i replied to that made you come running to argue with me. makes sense.

can you stop avoiding and actually answer the question? have you done all t16 flawless?

but the badge doesnt drop alone therefore its irrelevant, you cant get a gear by only doing torghast. this is a fact.

you want me to quote my comment that you coward away from replying and havent done so for like 2 days now despite me quoting it a few times?? :clown_face:

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I’ll answer when you link your main proving you did it.

Till then I’m not answering anything.

Yes it does. Bade turns into gear just like the currency.

Again I don’t care what you do. Keep going full Karen. It’s making me laugh irl.

I tend to be a solo player these days partly because I want to do my own thing and not get caught up in what others want to do and partly due to everyone I’ve played WoW with has either left or changed to Alliance.

I personally do not think that I should be getting anything as good as raiders/M+ players. I think gearing should go like this:

  • Open world content and crafting= lowest ilvl gear (lets say 100 ilvl)
  • WB’s, dungeons and high tier crafting w/ mats from dungeons = +15 ilvl gear (115 ilvl)
  • Raiders/M+ = +30 to +45 ilvl gear ( 130-145 ilvl)

I don’t think gearing should be too over the top as in giving the highest-level content more then 30-45 ilvls above the lowest gear possible.

To each their own.

And in case you haven’t noticed, I care extremely little about what comment you were responding to since my issue was the fact that you were equating a video game to the real world.

I don’t care what the reward scheme is. I don’t care if solo content doesn’t reward anything beyond normal raiding gear, but any sort of implication that WoW has to be this way because “muh real life” is an extremely delusional take and out-of-touch.

It’s a video game.


when casuals/solo players make an argument and say things like this. you don’t get any credit for what you say. people don’t do things to help you. it is reflective of ones self to belittle and smash things you can’t/wont do. if you want some cool solo things then ask for it. don’t come across acting like this poster.

OMG, I asked the question and you refuse to answer until I answer you? classic af, you havent right? lmao

wrong it doesnt, you need a bunch of other stuff and where you get badge you get actual gear, T doesnt do that.

so you know you didnt actually answered the question right? good keep being the liar you are :clown_face:

Solo players have access to normal raid level loot. In 9.2 they could get 252 compared to mythic raiders getting 278.

26 ilvl difference isn’t that massive.

yes because me saying life isn’t fair get used to it in response to someone crying game isn’t fair to them because they can’t/won’t do content, is me equating real lifeto a video game lol. stretch a little harder why don’t you.

Link your main.

Link your main.

I did. Literally multiple times.

Link your main.

Actually, that is exactly what you’re doing. You’re saying “life isn’t fair” to someone asking for something in a video game. That is the very definition of equating real life to a video game. If you can’t understand the implications of basic phrases, then you need a thesaurus more than you need this game, pal.

lol if that’s to much for you then sure i guess move along little buddy. keep stretching all you want mr. i don’t take this seriously as he has 100 posts in the thread lol.

so me saying life isn’t fair is more reflective than the trash poster i replied to making trash claims and demands lol. that in itself says enough about you that i can move on with my life knowing you are a troll.

Big difference between having conversations and offering cohesive observations on the state of the game vs. frothing at the mouth because an internet stranger had the gall to ask for something that has no actual real life implications.

Besides, I’ve already stated that most of my time spent here is killing time between projects while I’m working. You should probably take your own advice and read the thread again.

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