Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Yes they suggest you to be able to get higher than M15 gear to do t16, so for them t16 is harder than m15, cope harder

No you haven’t answered you just being a coward and avoiding the question

1st where is you proof that m+ is what keeps wow going?

2nd why you cry when people don’t accept your statistics but when I showed one that proves you wrong you didn’t accepted and cryed again?

3rd you kept saying harder content is what you need to do to get better gear, t16 flawless is miles ahead of many mythic keys and m0, shouldn’t it give gear then?


I am a primarily solo player, and I’ve never seen this sentiment on the forums, and I also don’t feel this way. This smacks of ginning up a conflict that doesn’t really exist.

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Another strawman argument. That isn’t what people are asking for. People are asking for solo content to present the same challenge as M+ and raiding so they can be justifiably given that kind of gear.

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The problem is that these people focus on the minority instead of the majority and refuse to listen to anything except that minority, opting for massive generalizations. There’s no reasoning with them.


If nothing else, they’re quite insecure. The idea of solo players being able to earn gear really seems to grind their gears.


Considering m15 gear is max level gear outside of the final bosses on mythic that would be false.

Keep talking about things you don’t have a clue.

I have answered multiple times. Just because you don’t like the answer doesn’t mean it’s not an answer.

Harder group content. Torghast does give gear. It gives legendaries.

Nothing to be insecure about. Asking people to play the game instead of asking for special treatment for bis gear isn’t being insecure.

It’s not false it’s what blizzard put in the game.

It doesn’t, or are implying that resource nodes give 291 gear because it gives the craft mat?

Quote your answers to

I’ll wait

At best its a recommendation. Group quests That recommended 3 people can be easily soloed. Doesn’t make it harder. It’s just a suggestion for bad players.

Up until 9.2 it was the only way to make legendaries.

I don’t care enough to go back and find quotes because you can’t read.

Keep waiting. It’s kind of fun seeing how mad abd overconfident you get.

It literally does a group quest is harder than a normal quest, by blizzard standards the average player will need better gear than m15 things a fact.

It’s still not a gear drop, if raid dropped craft material instead or loot people wouldn’t be like " ohh it’s the same" because that’s dumb af

I accept your concession.

I’m glad you finally showing your true colors, like i said i have spanked you so bad twice now that you refuse to actually answer my question because you can’t back up the bs you say. I might even go back and find the first time you ran away scared

The average player doesn’t do 16t so either it’s hard and no one does it or everyone does it. You can’t use the average player when saying content is hard :joy:

It’s not dumb. It drops currency which you turn into gear. The same way a badge system used to work.

I didn’t concede.

My true colors? Just giving you back what you’re giving to me.

The fact you’re so overconfident and rude when you’re 100% wrong is actually hilariously entertaining. It’s like watching a Karen in the wild.

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who should I use them? the top players? the ones that think m15 is easy? what you even talking about?

also your argument use to be that solo content is easy because its meant for everyone to do it, is it meant for everyone or not? can you make up your crazy mind?

is it a gear drop tho? no, and yes it is dumb, are you really implying it would make no difference to remove gear drops and just drop craft material? what asinine argument is this?

you clearly did, you didnt answer my question when I first asked, proceed to say you missed the question, I asked you to go back and look you said you wouldnt, now that I brought it back you are refusing to answer again saying you already have which is a lie.
stop being a child.

you havent giving me any argument tho, are you insane?

then show me I’m wrong, actually address the points that you are running away from for like 2 days or something like that


(post deleted by author)

Solo content is easy. You’re the one trying to imply torghast is harder than mplus.

Yes it’s considered gear.

Nope. I didn’t concede. Nowhere did I say I was conceding. I did answer it. You just are so out of touch you didn’t see it and now are just a broken record of overconfidence.

I have given you multiple arguments that you just don’t understand or ignore.

I already have. You just ignore it.

not according to blizz, have you done all t16 flawless?

no its not, craft material is not gear, I’m not even gonna entertain that, its stupid.

you did conced by refusing to answer as always.

show me where? again you are a liar you just go “yes I have answer and my arguments are amazing, no I cant repeat them or quote the, they are nowhere in this thread but I did” :clown_face:


Wow you really are an idiot. News flash for you snowflake, the world ain’t fair. Reward reflects effort. Another of the crappy solo players shows up crying the game is so damn easy that all loot be made available to players who can’t/won’t to certain content. If it’s so easy figure it out. Moron.

This isn’t the real world.

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Solo content some here, some abandoned.

Pet battles
Mage Tower
Brawlers guild
Pet battle dungeons

I think that’s about it, but they can be evergreen content for players.

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Yet here you are throwing a hissy fit and arguing because you didn’t get what you wanted lol. What did you say again? Oh yeah it’s a video game. Lol what a joke.

You’re mistaking me for someone else. Maybe yourself since you’re so tilted over this.

Because it is a video game. I don’t care what your prerogatives are over the game and its reward scheme but leveraging real world implications as reason for why a video game should be reflective of that is ridiculous.

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