Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

you sure?

also feel free to actually address this post

this is the most recently one I believe, where I literally quoted you twice because you be talking bs but hey, keep telling yourself those lies

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If people actually did the solo activities we had in Shadowlands we would see more of them in DF, the lack of them shows how popular they were.

What people want is gear and not stuff to do and for that we already have 3 ways to obtain gear, pick one of them.

Lets be honest here, Torghost would’ve been a lot better if it had useable gear drop in it instead of more currency to make gear.


so if the solo player couldn’t do torghast because it literally required you to gear up in group content to do it, its their fault there isnt more solo content?

does this has any logic to you?

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Maybe if you were half sleep you would need the gear it recommended, in reality it was easily doable with gear from m0 or LFR even before they nerfed it the first month.

do you have a clip of you soloing a 16 flawless with m0 or lfr gear?


I dont video myself doing mundane stuff, sorry.

lmao, so yeah you trolling, cool


You don’t.

I don’t care what your opinion is let alone what your opinion of me is.

BGs are group content. Solo players don’t play group content.

Stop being obtuse.

Considering my definition uses the actual dictionary’s version nah.

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Blizzard doesn’t rank torghast harder than m15

More people completing xy content doesn’t make it easier than xz content.

Both of those points were already addressed and refuted.

Stay mad buddy

Though i respect your opinion, if you think warcraft has more lore than the witcher (1986), star wars (1977), or LotR (1954-55), your opinion may be skewed. Say whatever you want about those franchises, i get not everyone has to love them, but know there is more lore for those (along with many games) than anything warcraft can offer.

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As much as I enjoy watching Snozay be the punching bag for players. At this point it is becoming sad.

When he got caught saying gear does not matter. It became downhill for him with any logic from him on this topic.


I generally don’t engage in much group content, but there’s a lot of stuff for me to do normally. It would be nice to do m+/raiding, but it just seems so overly complicated. I’m fine waiting a few expansions and getting whatever transmog I wanted. But all the limited stuff feels bad. That’s easily the worst part. I’d argue that is part of the “get nothing” mentality. But if it bothers you that much there’s always gold carrys.

Don’t forget all the years you’ve spent collecting things and leveling characters.

You can’t just walk away from all that.

WoW is where soloers belong. It’s the raiders we need to oust.


Never said that.

Imagine lying and taking what o said out of context and then trying to flex.

It does, it literally suggest a better gear, you are not addressing anything just lying

Are you blind or just dumb? You ignored the whole comment the only thing you addressed was you lying, please address everything

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Your very own words, so if rewards does not matter as much as you say it. Why are you against this again?

No twisting of words here. Your own twisted logic. If rewards don’t matter. Why the heck are you against players for getting better rewards for solo content.

For something that does not matter. Why are you against it again?


A suggestion isn’t a requirement. That’s not proof it’s harder lol.

It was already addressed. Sorry you weren’t able to comprehend it.

I never said they don’t matter. I just said rewards aren’t the primary reason.

I don’t raid mythic so I can show off my gear in oribos.

Gear is a part of performance and progression.

You can’t even understand what context is.