Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

You cant tag anyone so keep making things up rofl

Yawn, I have refuted every single one of your points. Not my fault you cant understand them.

Nah like I said, I dont care about the opinions of bad players such as yourself.

Only in your diluted dreams.

I am not hunting down posts I have already refuted.

There are zero points you have actually destroyed me on. You are starting to remind me of Cartmen.

Hope I brought enough to share as we all watch snooze keep getting destroyed time and again by Nightwishs.


It just baffles me that someone takes their conversations over trolling on the WoW forum that seriously.

Which is why I keep bringing it up.

You can’t let go and you’re utterly convinced that you’re in the right when that clearly isn’t the case.

I’m begging to think you just thrive from mindless hate at this point, to have recruited such a strong following of haters and have so many posters block you.

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I mean you are the one that brings it up not me.

And why people that even disagree with me are pointing out you have an obsession.

Irony considering you cant let something from 9 months go.

Because its true.

Uneducated people generally dont like being told the truth hence the hatred.

No. It isn’t.

Denying it just launches into schoolyard fights from there.

Which you seem to relish.

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You are the one replying to me. I know you are unable to comprehend it but I dont reply to you in threads.

That doesn’t excuse the nature of your replies.

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This. This is so true. The amount of whining and complaining because they don’t put in the same effort as raiding or M+. The amount of entitlement is disappointing and disgusting. You want the gear? Put in the work. If not? Then stop whining.

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People aren’t going to rise to the challenge when there’s something better to play.


I dont sugarcoat things because of peoples feelings.

You can either deal with or ignore it. Dont care which one you do.

Then we can assume that your credibility amounts to nothing then.

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Weird and invalid take. Not sugarcoating things has nothing to do with credibility.

Keep trollin though

Your trolling everytime you mention credibility as a factor to reinforce your statical data that comes from an angle that requires doing something like trying to hit a bullet with a smaller bullet whilst wearing a blindfold, riding a horse to reach an unquestionable conclusion upon.


Solo players still like to PVP in battlegrounds and will not have the gear to survive against those who play hardcore arena or raids. This is a repeat of the mistake they made before, and now they have all new people working over there, they’re making it again.


It’s not trolling to say someone that doesn’t play the game (you) has zero credibility on content they don’t do.

I know you think your opinion is worth something but it’s literally worth nothing as you don’t do the content you comment on.

That’s why no one takes you seriously

Solo players don’t do BGs.

Also no people who only do random BGs should not be the same gear as someone that does rated.

Except I do play the game.

And your opinion is derived from the fear that your credibility will be surrendered to people who has none in your eyes.

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Oh but we do.
And BG being 40% gear, 40% spec and 20% skill to this day still is baffling to me.


I’m surprised anyone still plays nothing but bgs.

CoD is more balanced.

How do you know.

Are you a god? Can you see in everyone play screen?

Or is your definition of solo player as fluid as water?