Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

I understand you’re being facetious here, but it’s not some deeply kept secret that WoW, in fact, revolutionized MMOs. It revolutionized it so much that it has survived the death of the genre, its revival, its second death, and its second revival. In spite of the genre’s failure to take hold in the mainstream, WoW is still referred to in pop culture and is extremely well-known by most people today. It didn’t manage to do that by just being your typical MMORPG.


It’s not master looting. This has been stated numerous times. Are you even playing the game? These changes have been in long enough for you to experience them.

I’m not the one following people into threads and practically stalking them.

I can’t generalize for everyone, but when I feel like the content isn’t there for solo play, it’s normally the feeling of having little-to-no actual character progression.

I see you’re a classic toon. Leveling in classic was stellar solo player progression. Sure, you had to party up here and there for some kills, but the bulk of the game is doable without any role requirements. That and it has a lot going on.

Leveling was engaging. There are a bunch of RP mechanics on the way up that keep you invested in your progression, and the progression was notable. That piece of gear you got or that level you got made a big difference.

Retail doesn’t have that anymore. We have essentially a scaling tutorial for endgame.

So now a lot of us vets who don’t necessarily want to replay really old content and visuals with classic are often looking for something to do to fill that void.

I mean, there are more things at max level to mess with. But not really anything that competes with what we had for the feeling of playing a RPG, right?

For some people, the answer is paths of gearing. We just want to log in, play for a little bit without having to group, and feel like we got somewhere with our character.

I used to have the best of both worlds as a raider back in the day. I’d raid on my raid nights, and I’d farm a rep or level a character outside of that when I wasn’t working on professions. I always felt like I had something meaningful to do that fulfilled that “I got somewhere” vibe I was looking for when I logged in.

Now it’s like, I can run M+… Can camp RNG drops off of rares once a day, and spend most of my time waiting for a spawn…


Pot meet kettle.

Why do you keep bringing up something that happened in some discord almost a year ago with some other poster?

You saying they are stalking you because of that?

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Youre using words you don’t understand.

Because said poster keeps bringing it up. He’s brought it up three times in two weeks.

No. I’m saying they are obsessed because they are mad over the discord comment from 9 months ago and constantly follow me into multiple threads.

Even multiple people have told him to let it go lol.

You have done it to me man.

Just saying, its getting kind of old.

I don’t obsess or follow people into threads so no you’re using it incorrectly.

Also nice job ignoring the rest of the post proving you wrong.

See, this is why posters have a problem with you.

You are snide, and never let anything slide. I told you long ago in this thread that i was done arguing with someone that HAS TO be right 100% of the time, or they just hit you with one line zingers that add nothing to the current conversation.

Just saying man, tone down a “snide” and you wouldnt have problems.

Just my observations as of late.

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I honestly don’t care if posters have a problem with me. I don’t sugarcoat things because people get proven wrong and don’t like it.

You came at me randomly with no interaction making a snide comment about the irony of me calling someone “obsessive” then once you get proven wrong to the pointy oh look like a fool you ignore it and try to change direction.

Tone down the comments on stuff you don’t have a clue on and you won’t get snide remarks.

Great example of what i am talking about.



Great example of your hypocrisy.

You make a snide remark at the start then turn and play victim after you got embarrassed.

It’s so sad it’s almost not even funny.

If you can’t handle the remarks don’t make them to begin with.

1.8k post in and still the same thing. Bad players hiding behind “casual” crying why they can’t get mythic loot. Nothing to see here


said the guy who actually hide twice because you cant backup your bs.

thats not how credibility works, you dont go “ohh wow you never done X so despite that I cant actually counter your argument I wont answer and I win because i indeed have done x”

that is literally a fallacy and what you always try to do because you dont actually have any arguments or counter points. prove me wrong

pretty much what you said


I back up my statements just fine.

Actually thats exactly how credibility works. If you have zer oexperience raiding mythic SOTFO you have zero credbility regarding the raid.

Irony considering you dont have any arguments but to whine over 2 posts I missed and just repeat that I am “hiding” while hiding on an alt lol

“Pretty much” isnt what I said nor close to what I said.

Keep throwing your tantrum though.

actually false and straight up lies, you literally fail to do so twice despite being given multiple reminders.

we are not talking about raid strategy so again pointless.

I literally destroyed you so bad twice you refuse to reply, I tag you multiple times and you kept refusing stop lying.

yeah it was you know it


Rewards. If what is available is a grind, and the reward for doing it is only mediocre, why bother? Do the content, see that you can keep grinding for not very interesting stuff, and quit playing for a few months until new content comes out.

You can. If someone were to say, “the sky is red, its my opinion, you cant refute it”, its easily refuted. And disproven.

No matter how many time’s you repeat it it wont make it true.

What is an example for $500 Bob?

ROFL the only thing you have destroyed is brain cells.

Nah, if you were actually confident you wouldnt keep repeating the same drivel over and over again like a broken record.

PS anyone who has to repeatedly state they “destroyed” someone hasnt destroyed anything.

wow so you just straight up lying again? its not true I called you out multiple times and tag you multiple times and despite all that you never addressed those posts? you such a liar dude lmao, dont make me grab the receipts.

so still refusing to actually address the points and just keep moving the goal post to your fallacy because of your lack of argument?

yours? I bet you must be running on fumes right now lmao

aand yet destroyed you are.

feel free to actually replied to my arguments any time tho, I bet you can do it if you think really hard.

I even tell you this instead of crying and moaning to me just you know actually go back and address the points that I used to destroy you, so you know you can actually claim to have an argument