Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

I’m the problem? I think you and I both suffer from that because you’re refusing to see both sides. It’s a problem because people are working their dumptrucks off to get good gear while people like you just want to do things like Torghast or whatever. I don’t care if people get good gear, but it shouldn’t be such good gear as raiding or mythic+ gear. And I am not harassing anyone over disagreeing with someone or stating an opinion but ok

How do I treat others lol? I think you’re the one who suffers from NPD because look at how many people you have ignored. I am just sort of confused on how I treat others? I’m sorry that you don’t agree with my opinion lol.

You can look, but okay. She has more achievements than me and has been playing longer.

Is this your alt here Fatlazydrunk?

Wildcherrie: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/853493788836364309/1039348298076672100/image.png Earliest is 2013 according to her anniversary.


My earliest: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/853493788836364309/1039348485700456600/image.png

my achievements: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/853493788836364309/1039348614306213928/image.png

Look me up I am not her alt. Surely you know how to do that, but obviously do not know how to block people.

The reason Torghast has no gear, is because people cried about the timer and having a 'fail" stated back in alpha/beta, so Blizzard neuter it before it came live and made it easy baby mode.

Every time there is hard “solo” content, the forums cry about it until it gets nerfed into oblivion. Just look at lfr as that is the pinnacle for solo players content.

I took your advice and block you too, problem solved

Whatever lfr is considered lol

Personally i put bgs and lfr under solo player activity

By that definition i’m primarily a solo player who has friends :joy:

The better question is why does blizzard feel entitled to having more people play the game when their playstyle isn’t being catered to.

If the endgame is to only ever be group content and nothing else then that needs to just be the plan, full stop, no coy BS and creation catalyst nonsense, just fully stop supporting solo play after the questline is complete.

The problem is they feel like they can have their cake and eat it too, and it’s clear they’ve never been able to hit a solid balance between mythic+/mythic raiding and soloers aside from maybe with legion.

I want the all or nothing approach, tell the players how the game will be shaped so everyone can stop wasting their time.


Torghast had a fail state on launch.


Nope wrong server. Again for the last time,please quit harassing me.

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good, That means you won’t reply to me anymore. :slight_smile: Winning!!!

That’s easy. I want BiS gear mailed into my inbox for logging in.

You mean like everyone who wants rare TCG mounts for muting a stream for a few hours.

No, I suffer from Teenage Syndrome.

your shoes must be pristine

100% agree, it was kinda silly that they tacked on huge ilvl requirements towards the end of it but didn’t give solo players a reliable way to get that ilvl requirement.


you going to sit here and claim you soloed all the group quests in vanilla or even tbc? calling b.s. stv troll quests when thy were elites are calling.questlines for attunement in tbc are calling you.

I didn’t play Vanilla much, and didn’t play TBC at all. I still hated WoW at the time. :person_shrugging: We aren’t talking about those eras, though.

see, that karen joke i made right after that quote u like of mine… there you are claiming you pay all the bills lol. you stupid or what? casuals/solo players claim they are flocking away from the game and they pay the bills yet wow is enjoying record profits lol. what a joke.

I confess my 9k hp mage died to the elite in the starting hub of bastion and i still struggle with soloing the stupid bastion flamingo on a class that doesn’t have self heals if i’m undergeared

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I’m showing that wow since day 1, has been designed around group play. why is that hard for you to understand?