Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

And inadvertently proving that they’ve changed that by not having better examples after the fact.

so then why complaining then if its clearly designed for solo playrs ? haha didnt think about that did ya. typical gd. they have added more and more solo player contnt since vanilla yes. yet here they are all caliming wow is gutting casuals every xpack and catering to the elites. do you understand how you sound like a moron yet? its called contradicting statements.

I suppose I can do some legwork for you, since I reckon it’s hard, given how soloable most world content is these days (since Legion at the bare minimum) and obviously outside of World Bosses.

The most recent fights to my recollection that felt as though they truly needed a group were the Krolusk-rider in Vol’dun (particularly if you were doing it before max, i.e. you’re Horde) and potentially Aggregate of Doom in ShL, though I have soloed him leveling on a few classes.

Blizzard really did not give solo players any avenue to obtain gear without doing content they may not want to participate in. Same with RP players

I was a M+, Dungeon, Raiding etc. type players. I lost my playing partners for M+ for various reasons, quit the game, a couple passed away, other RL issues.

Dungeons were ok but I hardly ever got a drop I could use. Same with LFR Raiding.

I am 6/10 Normal but never got to finish it.

No guilds I was a member of would bother to run with me thru content they did months ago.

Mythic Raiding was out of the question.

So to get the gear I have I have patrolled the AH, Bought gear from other players selling it thru Trade. I have had some lucky Torghast runs.

Now I have about 12 characters in various states of Leveling. I have 2 Dragonflight Boosted 60’s, one Horde and one Alliance. I have 4 level 60’s that have never set foot in Shadowlands. I leveled them using XP from Fishing and Cooking Daily Quests. Took Months.

So I do not know if I answered your question Barenjude but I think you have some idea what I have been doing instead of end game content.

Dragonflight holds the promise of my doing this again. I always seem to be behind everyone else.

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again missing the point entirely. why care you complaining about it if the game clearly trending towards solo players not the opposite then?

I know you didn’t read what I said in order to assess whether I understood your point in the time it took you to post that. Try again.

Because they don’t. I am not a solo player but isn’t this common knowledge? Unless you’re a new player or something.

I think that they feel this way because there really isn’t much solo play rewards out there. Blizzard wants more group play and will obviously reward group play, always. For a reason, its harder to tolerate group nonsense than to deal with yourself.

I don’t know, maybe make it beneficial to someone who puts hours upon hours of it in solo play. And actually enjoys it. Make it a grind but make it so that only those who are there to enjoy that grind get it.

There’s been threads on these to be honest. You could just browse their lists of complaints to get your answer. Infact one of the OP’s who made one such topic had a long explanation on it too, forgive me but I am too lazy to sift through and find it for you.

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I mean, fair enough.

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As a solo player, what I want is progression in terms of content – stuff to do – rather than gear.

To put it clearly, every time there’s a new patch and there’s a new raid/mythic/pvp season? New world content to do. Yes, Virginia, the gear ilevel would increase for that content – just as it does for new raids/mythic/pvp content. Said gear doesn’t have to be “the best”, it just has to be objectively better than gear I’m wearing into the new content.


Yeah heaven forbid if you had to use the bathroom during a run. Even in a raid I can take a bio break. Not in torghast unless you wanted to risk some entity appearing out of nowhere and killing you.

I just couldn’t get into torghast. No amount of rewards would have enticed me to go there. If it hadn’t been for legendaries being tied to it I would have never step foot back in there. I will not miss that place.

I’m a solo player who doesn’t raid or do PvP because I don’t want to join your groups, don’t like other players because they interfere with my escape from reality and cause problems with my attempt to relax in Azeroth after work. Nothing I wear is pristine, especially my shoes.


It was a shoehorn joke, bringing the TCG discussion into here.

Blizzard had to nerf Torghast because it was mandatory for Soul Ash, and people didn’t like wasting 45 minutes on a run and getting nothing at the end when the only reason they were there to begin with was to farm ash. If it had been completely separate from the mandatory power systems, it would’ve been fine to have a fail state; but you can’t have something be 100% required by everyone on every character every week, and also make it fail-able.

The trick is to make optional challenging content that gives progressively better rewards, but which people are fully able to ignore if they don’t like it. Torghast wasn’t that.


Yeah it was a little cringe but I made a point.

You’re the one who started this not me

So actually you’re the person that is the Bully.

You just didn’t stop.

Like I said, there is help out there if you need it .

by what you have posted in this thread, It does sound like you have some deep anger Issues.

Like i said earlier the NPD is showing and there is help for it.


Just put him on ignore and block him, I don’t see his side anymore but I assume he’s writing 100 replies like he was before.

He’s not worth it, he has some sort of problem thats beyond our help.


Think there’s three issues.

First they conflate a contents replay value with content. They get tons more content, it’s just not the content anyone would want to do over and over, let alone over and over for more than a year.

Second, they conflate the rewards for content. They want the same rewards as group content, but fail to realize that would mean there’s no rewards for group content.

And finally, they get a lot of what they ask for. Torghast, Korthia catch up system for example, but people tend to hate these things.

What it comes down to, is they’re asking for a unicorn or they’re asking for the loot. There is no way to create scripted story based single player content fast enough. Games like the Witcher have a week or two of content. But they can’t create them every couple of weeks.

And as for the loot, it’s the loot for things that are too tough to solo. When they can solo it they can get the loot, until then they need cooperate with a team.

Tell me, how am I being a bully?

NPD? Please, tell me how I have NPD because I don’t recall you being my therapist and or someone that is licensed

That isn’t anger issues lol, it was me clearly being sarcastic. And I will admit I was being a bit rude but that isn’t anger issues and or a sign of NPD.

He’s a teenager, enough said about that.

Would you like me to give you the divination of it?