Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Very convenient for you to leave this out. You focused on me including group quests in a list of other content. That’s cherry picking.

You’re kidding, right? Literally, in the quote you just provided, I address your list of other content.

I think the only person lost here is you.

you didnt had to you saw it and ignore it lmao.

I could be the worrst player ever, it has 0 weight in whatever my arguments are good or bad, trying to discredit someone based on personal insults is a literal fallacy but ok keep going.

you yourself even said you are too afraid to scroll up or something like that, you know its there you just scared its ok buddy

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Being dismissive and addressing are two very different things. You “addressing” everything else was an afterthought.

Keep coming after me. I got time. Let’s not forget who engaged who today.

I just toss out the ridiculous ones. Like the bypassing ignore lists. Who would even do that? That’s like 4 stops past checked out on the train to crazy.

It’s not me, so I don’t have to live with someone repeating everywhere I post that I am a creep who cant handle being ignored I know I shouldn’t laugh, but :joy:

Not cool. Not a fan of the murdercarpet. Stlll a fan of pizza.

Dude, what is there to address? I agreed with you that endgame content was group-focused. I never disputed this. My focus was on leveling which is why I made the distinction between my arguments and your arguments. There’s nothing to address because Scholomance and UBRS are not leveling content. They are irrelevant to the discourse surrounding leveling as a form of solo content. Honestly, I genuinely do not know how to better illustrate this for you.

To which I disagreed with, yet you couldn’t handle it and felt like I was targeting you and going “after you”.

The WoW community in general has agreed that leveling is a form of solo content. In my years of playing this game, you are the only person I’ve ever seen disagree with that sentiment. It’s not a matter of me not being able to handle it, it’s just a matter of being absolutely perplexed by your opinion. It’s certainly your opinion and you’re more than entitled to it, but just know that most of us, even the ones that have been at each other’s throats this entire thread, disagree with you.

I don’t think you’re targeting me by disagreeing. I think you’re targeting me for the reasons I’ve listed above. Within 5 minutes of our exchange yesterday, you gaslit me and told me I was cherry-picking your arguments even though I didn’t.

And no, Scholomance and UBRS are not within the same vein of leveling content that I was describing. They are transitional endgame experiences meant to prepare the player for the endgame, so they are wholly irrelevant.

That isn’t an argument in my case, because I already don’t do group content. All better gear would do is encourage me to play the game more.

I would also like to point out that some people don’t like to do group content until they feel useful to the group, so I might argue that giving solo players a decent gearing path may actually encourage group play rather than detracting from it.

What was I worried about? You know what you’re talking about. Great post.


You can’t. They do so much messed up stuff that anyone who cares is terribly depressed at this point.

master looting unless they’ve changed parameters this time around allows the holder to give it where they want despite the roll.

Where is this consensus laid out? Just because you heard it doesn’t make it objective truth. This is exactly what I was talking about before when you are passing off opinion as fact.

You mean the three people who were tag teaming me yesterday? That’s hardly most people.


Okay, let me ask you this: Why shouldn’t it be regarded as solo content?

Blizzard didn’t bring back master looter, they reimplemented group loot with some restrictions. If you’re present on a kill and an item that matches your designated loot spec, you can roll need on the item and there’s nothing anyone else can do about it.

Anyone talking about loot council or master looter in DF is either mistaken or speaking about groups where every member chooses to pass items except for the person who will act as a de facto master looter. If you do not agree with there being a master looter, they cannot force you to pass.

It’s funny how you’re so confident and wrong at the same time.

I’m not the one throwing insults here.

Also you should probably google credibility.

Not what I said at all rofl.

As already mentioned.

Master looter isn’t in the game.

I consider leveling unique in the fact it can be done solo (questing) or done via group (dungeons, bgs). It has multiple paths to reach it’s endpoint so I consider it neither solo or group play.

That’s why I personally don’t think it is true “solo content”

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Then what is actual real solo content then? Just about everything we categorize as solo content in this game can be done either in a group or by yourself. We categorize it as such because it is designed with solo players in mind. World quests, Torghast, the Maw, transmog farming, mount farming, all major solo-oriented features are then declassified as solo content.

The only real solo content by this measure is the mage tower then.

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I have to agree with Grufo.

Questing is the main primary solo content in the game.

While yes it can be done in groups it’s intended for a solo person.

I’ve already explained it. You don’t have to like the answer I gave the first time, but I already explained it.

Best solution that blizz has continually ignored would be make raid gear like pvp gear. Only works in raids or instanced content.

World players should have their own sets.

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