Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

so no comment how being able to join a bunch of bg fro anywhere is literally blizzard giving to casuals what they want? ok

also please dont answer only one part of the post try to reply to everything, here is what you missed.

And I disputed it in full and you got tilted about it, accusing everyone of being wrong. Keep huffing the copium.

You can “dispute” it all you want, but it doesn’t make your opinion objectively true. Do you know what opinions are? I still stand by leveling content as separate from solo-content.

Keep blaming others for your own actions. Remember you are the one who continued to engage with me yesterday. Then, called me a hijacker today while continuing to engage with me again.

No its not. Not in the slightest giving into casuals “what they want”.

How stupid are you?

In fact, id say people who were queuing to BGs in Classic and TBC were more of the hardcore crowd trying to rank up to Grand Marshal. lol.

You keep going in circles with your logic.

So what is it, are you arguing more “casual” friendly, or what the topic is: “SOLO players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players”

Lol its in the title of the post. You are only enforcing my argument, and failing to make any points of your own.

Keep trying, kid.

Keep thinking that. I might make it true!

Yet I have zero notifications from you. No L for me.

I know what opinions are. Do you? Because you certainly seemed to struggle with the very concept in this thread.

Some things are subjective and others are objective. I know that’s a foreign concept to you. The discussion we had yesterday, that you brought up out of thin air, was subjective. Do you enjoy digging up the past in irrelevant and unconnected arguments?

I don’t recall talking about leveling content at all today until you brought it up for no reason.

yes it was, the hardcore players would go in group and do all the PVP they wanted, for the causal and solo player was a nightmare cuz if there wasnt anyone there it would take forever and you couldn’t do anything else while waiting for the BG, its 100% made for them.

wrong I was answering to your comment where you said

I’m literally showing you that you are wrong and it did give those players what they wanted and asked for as I have showed.

also where is the link for you pandaria claim? or are you accepting that pandaria was more successeful than wrath and therefore it should be the model blizz follows according to your “logic” ?

I mean if I show you the 2 posts you hide from and didnt reply even after I tag you again, is that “true” enough?

I know you already saw them and choose to hide lol

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And it continued to gain subscribers after said patch was implemented, at markedly increased rate. The decline began with Cataclysm, which doubled down on a lot of things the bulk of the playerbase, group-oriented and solo, did not care for.

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Everyone in here is echoing an opinion. The only people propagating their opinions as fact are the people who continue to deny the substantial existence of solo players. I never claimed that my opinions were fact. I’ve offered up observations about the state of the game.

I’m just pointing out your hypocrisy. You said you like to keep things civil, yet your approach in this thread yesterday (and by extension, today) was anything but. No build-up, just immediate rejection of anyone’s opinion and an attempt to override the discourse in the thread by undermining others.

What discussion? Leveling being solo content? It wasn’t out of thin air and it had nothing to do with you until you bombarded the thread. I was talking with someone else and provided an observation about the state of solo play in 2004 vs 2022 because we were talking about solo content with regards to WoW’s history.

The only thing that happened out of thin air was your inability to keep the discourse civil.

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The real hypocrisy is you. Someone who accused me of hijacking, yet look at what you are doing right now.

I kept things civil on my end. Even yesterday when you and your forum buddy were coming after me, especially the other guy. You can personally believe I wasn’t civil, I don’t care.

I’m talking about TODAY. You dug up an argument we had yesterday when I was talking to someone else about a completely different topic. Man, get with the times, you seem so lost.

Nope because I never received notifications. Again nothing you could say would ever cause me to hide.

I don’t take people that hide their mains opinions seriously at all

Can’t see something I never got.

yes you never receive notifications every time I tag you because you didnt answer something…sure buddy

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I can take a screenshot and show you.

The funny part is you’re complaining about me supposedly “hiding” because I missed some posts yet you hide your main.

You’re nothing but a hypocrite

The thread is already hijacked. Was long ago, in case you haven’t noticed. I’m not doing anything that wasn’t already occurring.

Dude, you weren’t even in the thread. YOU came after me with your cherry-picked arguments about sporadic group quests and endgame content (which I never disputed), all of which had nothing to do with what I was saying. And when I did dispute your arguments, you escalated the conversation and accused me of cherry-picking and then gaslit me for focusing on leveling when my entire argument was that solo content was leveling, as if I had no right to make that observation.

Don’t even try and act like a victim here.

Because you weren’t, hence why I’m bringing it up in light of you saying “I keep things civil.”

In case you haven’t noticed, you haven’t had a single civil conversation since entering the thread, so I seriously doubt you’re actually here to keep it civil.

yeah buddy, every single time not only you miss the post but you also miss my comments reminding you of the post, for sure.

also I dont care about your character or anyone else, I care about argument or in your case lack of.

the fact that you keep hiding from my arguments and trying to move the conversation to character profile just shows how much you lack

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So you just call people out on things and proceed to do it too? Isn’t that the definition of being hypocritical?

For real? I came “after” you? I quoted a part of a multi-paragraph response you wrote out and chimed in. Cause you know, this is a public forum. I wasn’t going “after” you. You are not some victim. Here let me dig it up for you since you have some severe twisted sense of what happened.

Are you seriously going to sit there and say that I came after you? Lmao.

Blame, blame, blame. Again, no, that’s not what happened.


I am civil. I’m having discussions and discourse. You on the other hand can’t even stay on topic and are arguing just to argue.

I can be more fluid too and accept the way you view things in terms of casual/solo-player. At least you are consistent which I can respect.

I mean, here’s one example of a conclusion to a discussion I had in this thread. This alone disproves your statement Grufo.

I’m not here to be the peacemaker. I keep myself civil, which I stated as such multiple times.

I just don’t care enough about your opinion to scroll up and look for it.

I mean you’re hiding your character so we can’t see how bad at the game you are.

I can’t hide from something you haven’t made. You still have yet to post a valid argument.

Very convenient of you to leave this out: