Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

yeah but its 5man not 10 or 25 that was ask by people that didnt want to raid therefore its

I’m on about all the ways you forget wrath helped the casual/solo play.

can you please address this, its the 3rd time I ask

I forgot can you also provide a link for this claim pls

Considering you insist the current way, this is not true.

Just because we side with the decision Blizzard makes does not mean the Players are the one making the decisions.

Cherry-picking and extrapolating different meaning from someone’s arguments to distort the facts is hardly keeping things civil.

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Haven’t been spanked once.

Nah I just don’t prioritize clueless players that hide their mains who are delusional enough to think they have a clue.

That’s your subjective take on what I do. Also coming from you, who cherry picks while using an example. Ironic.

literally had to hide twice

more Ad hominem, now how about an actual argument and address my points? nah? didnt think so


I haven’t cherry picked anything. Anything you’ve mentioned, I’ve addressed in full. It’s not my fault that you’re incapable of bringing up good points and instead use trivial inconsistencies in someone’s remarks to discredit them.

Projecting much?

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You legit cherry picked and took things out of context. The very thing you are accusing me of. Lmao, can’t be real.

Oh, I see. You’re still salty that I refuted your arguments about leveling not being solo content yesterday.

You know, the thing that virtually everyone agrees on except you?

You understand that if you win the roll there is nothing that a guild can do right? The gear will come to you, not the raid leader.

This was the entire sentence and statement.

This what you quoted and addressed. The literal definition of cherry picking. Also out of context.

Lol at you think your posts worthy of me hiding rofl.

Once you make an actual argument with a valid point sure.

You still haven’t made any valid points.

Quoting only “I keep things civil” is not taking things out of context. That’s a plainly stated fact. Even if I had quoted your entire comment, what I said would still apply because you saying that is contradictory to your actions.

It is taking thing out of context when you blindly ignore every other part of the statement and don’t understand the disagreement that has been going on with the person I was talking to.

and yet you did…twice

cope, I already tagged you twice on the post, I wont keep doing since you are too afraid to actually reply, go bcak and look or accept your L

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No. It’s not. You’re not keeping things civil. You are deliberate in your attempts to flame others. You keep things civil in the sense that you don’t fling insults (until they start flinging insults, anyways). However, beyond that? Highly debatable.

You know, interestingly enough, up until you joined this thread yesterday, my interactions with others were, for the most part, relatively cordial. Then you hijacked my post about leveling being solo content and proceeded to obfuscate the conversation because you couldn’t actually keep up with the discourse.

So again, you’re not keeping things civil. You’re here for one reason and one reason only.

Yep, TBC added the ability to queue to BGs from anywhere in the open world as opposed to sitting at an NPC in a town queuing up.

BG queues have been a thing since classic vanilla, but you conveniently forgot about that didn’t you?

This doesn’t help your argument, kid.

Try again.

I specifically said that I keep things civil on my end and don’t have a habit of making personal insults. I discuss the topic and some people get emotionally invested in it. There are many times where people throw insults and I continue to keep things civil and keep discussing things as they were. Just because you can’t handle the truth doesn’t make it non-civil.

I attempt to “Flame” others? Where?

I didn’t hijack anything. I talked about the topic and explained why my opinion, and still is, that leveling content is not “solo-content”. You getting angry and frustrated is your own doing. No one forced you to continue responding to me.

You are 100% the type to blame others for things going sideways and it shows. Trying to blame me for “hijacking” the thread when you were just as involved if it was the case. You and your buddy from yesterday were absolutely teaming up on me, but I’m the one who hijacked, lmao.