Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

why? if I claim to be a raider I can only do raids? where you got tht definition from? your own personal opinion? no one cares about that


You haven’t either. I’ve seen how others react, you’re no saint.

The decline in subscribed players directly correlates to the features they put into the game to cater to the masses, aka when random dungeon finder and LFR entered the game, they directly saw subscriber losses right after.

Of course with new expansion launches they see an increase of subscribers because people want to try out the new content.

But the core features and design of the game is what largely dictates how long people stay subscribed. When they started to cater to casual / bad / solo players, the game suffered as a result.

Its all there. I’m not speaking anything that hasn’t been said by the developers themselves. EVEN GHOSTCRAWLER, the game’s former director admitted that it was a mistake for the longevity and health of the game that they introduced LFR into the game. It was one of his regrets as game director that he allowed it to be developed and implemented into the game.

wrong, pandaria had more players than wrath and tbc

you literally used launch wrath to say it wasnt the lfd that brought people.


Define the term “solo”.

If someone is a Mythic raider or a Gladiator PvP, can they call themselves a casual?

Yes, I disagree with others on the forums, but I keep things civil on my end and don’t have a habit of making personal insults.

Read my post again. You and I are nothing alike.

On the one hand, I want the game to succeed. On the other hand, you want the game to crash and burn by gatekeeping others.

lol, panda land. what an argument.

And how long did panda land have 12m subscribers? what like 3 months? Yeah, thats what I thought.

Again, people come back to the game to try the new content, but guess what, panda land ended with 7 million subscribers until GASP WoD came along and people resubscribed to try the new content.

What a surprise!

This isn’t black and white and you know that. You are also trying to change the subject because you know you were wrong. Stay mad.

solo player to me means that that person cares way more about solo and expend the majority of their time solo.

same way if you call yourself a PVP player I assume you prefer PVP and thats what you spend most of your time, but if I see you doing raid I wont be like “ohhh you no PVP player” that makes no sense

I dont think a casual would call themselves a mythic raider no, but there are casuals that do mythic raid yes same is true for pvp

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You only gatekeep yourself by not participating in the content that has been developed.

Its there for you to go get, but you refuse to do what it takes to get those rewards.

None of that is a correlation though. Thats like saying if we remove transmogging players will come back because the game was better when we all looked homeless

The game grew because marketing is a powerful thing and it had literally no competition. Few people had xbox360s let alone xbox Live gold membership, league of legends didn’t exist, the top free to play online game was Runescape with Club Penguin thrown in there

It was legit dark times and wow got to capitalize on that timing. I was in elementary school and my friends were saying their older siblings had started playing wow so obviously when i got to highschool and got my first laptop i was interested in contributing to wow’s 12 million playerbase. Didn’t help that every window you opened on school computers also had adds for wow on the side bars and you couldn’t go to future shop or gamestop without seeing full displays of wow box covers

It’s just a really inaccurate thing to say that lack of quality of life and user unfriendly systems were what made wow good- absence of competitors and gaming being new and accessible for a lot of people at that time is what made it the beast it was. Home PCs and semi decent, non dial up connections were becoming more available so the timing was perfect

Heck the extent of “gaming” my parents who both work in IT knew was SimsCity 2000. WoW in 2006 was mind blowing to them. They’re not impressed anymore now that they’ve seen better and what games can be



If your definitions are so fluid then I am a casual player. I have always said that, not just to make a point. I don’t have a team or set schedule, I pug everything, but I casually played and ended up being a 1%er. Do you accept that?

I’d probably make a better Game Director than either Ion or GC.

But the real issue’s Bobby.

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You make the game harder and harder, to whose benefit? Eventually you’ll hit the wall too.

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can you please decide if its the start the end or the middle that matters?

you keep changing to try to fit your narrative, wrath had lfd and end strong what about that ?

I dont really remember how many playres mop had at the end, do you have a link for your claim?


I dont try to label people, I dont care what you do, if you play casually but when you have time or will to play to put the effort and do whatever you want and you wanna call yourself casual yeah thats fine with me.

This is where you keep going after the players when we are not the ones making the decisions. Take it up with Blizzard, not everyone else who you disagree with.

I can be more fluid too and accept the way you view things in terms of casual/solo-player. At least you are consistent which I can respect.

I made my point earlier. Did you read it?

I said the game 100% has the ability to stand on its own without the solo friendly features, and without blizzard caving to the demands to a small minority of loud mouthed bad players who use the term “casual” and “solo player” to mask the fact that they are bad and either cant or wont participate in group content to get the gear they want.

The game stood tall at 10m+ subscribers WITHOUT all the crap thats in the retail game today.

Apparently reading is hard for you.

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again you are really dense, tbc already had random bg, wrath gave players 10man version of every raid to help players that dont enjoy or couldnt do 25, it gave us lfd and a bunch of vendor with with good gear for casuals and with the next xpac the game gave more and more and it literally kept growing, you have no point

also looking at what a game did 10y ago and saying “well if it did that again it would achieve the same lvl of success” makes no logical sense.

imagine thinking they could delete m+ and force everyone on 10/25man without lfr and it would actually be better. thats some huge copium

M+ takes skill at the higher levels. Its group content. lol.

What are you on about?

Also, M+ is something that these solo bads cry about all the time as well.

Keep it up, you are doing great!