Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

It’s just odd that you contradict yourself in the same post.

The point of the post is that I’m paid whether or not I’m working because my workload is designated by projects. You, in your infinite wisdom, have chosen to zero in on something that, while I will admit is contradictory, is also arbitrary and doesn’t really matter to the point I’m making, likely to discredit me in some way.

Well, if you are paid hourly or per project, then you are in fact not being paid while not working or in between projects. It’s a basic concept.

I’m just pointing out your inconsistencies and if you are making stuff up about this, that doesn’t matter, then you are likely to make stuff up when things do matter.

Don’t group all solo players under one statement. Our thoughts are our own and not all of us are whining in the forums. With the return of master looting solo players will again get locked out of better gear when participating in raids and lfrs. Without a means to get gear comparable to that from questing we are left out of your elite grouping. Not all players have the time outside your raiding hours to get such gear even though we play just as hard when online as you do.


If you are in raids or LFR, then you are not a solo player.

You can get LFR level gear from solo-only content. Never stepping foot in group-instanced content.

Lol. No you don’t.

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wait what? the person doesnt get to describe them?

so if a M+ player do a raid he is now a raider? you gonna be this anal about stuff?

if so when you do solo content are you a solo player? does your type of play change evey single second as you interact with different content?
it kinda loses any kinda meaning if thats the case

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I never said I was paid per project. My workload is designated by projects so all I have to do is meet the deadline. If I finish the project well before the deadline (which is often), then I have time to do whatever it is that I want to do (provided I’m still able to be contacted by work if they need me). Even if I’m hourly or salary, I still get paid so it doesn’t matter whatever meaning you parse from my comments.

Reach harder lmao

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The game had over 10 million subscribers before the patch that introduced random dungeon finder in Wrath.

Try again kid.

If someone claims to be a solo-player then they participate in only solo-content. Otherwise they would just be a casual player.

Whatever the case may be, quit barking up the wrong tree then.

Doesn’t feel good when your own words are used against you.

What strong irony coming from you.

What words of my own are being used against me?

it also had 10million during WoD dude
investor. activision. com/news-releases/news-release-details/world-warcraftr-surpasses-10-million-subscribers-warlords#:~:text=Blizzard%20Entertainment%20today%20announced%20that,growth%20across%20all%20major%20regions.
educate yourself

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Oh I already knew that.

The argument that the game must evolve and cater to the lowest common denominator (casual / bad / solo players) is not a good argument because the game stood tall when it didn’t have anything for these players.

Try again, kid.

I’m not wasting time with you. You obviously want the game to die. You were given ideas and insist the current system is better… when it isn’t.

yes we do. your opinion ,fine. but mine is just as real. coming into a pugged raid from a guild. still makes me a solo players when it comes to getting loot. guilds will always gear their members before allowing the pug any gear. I know this by experience in such encounters.

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The problem with your argument is that you’re making an observation that, while valid, isn’t necessarily correct and you’re footing it as fact. Nobody actually knows what caused the decline in subscription numbers and nobody will ever likely know.

You should take your own advice. You were the one who was bitter and barking at everyone who disagreed in an aggressive and attacking manner. Like actually insulting others.

You can make your own definitions as much as you want, but it doesn’t make it the socially accepted one. We discussed what solo-player meant earlier in the thread and I said the same thing then and people agreed. If you are doing LFD or LFR then you are no longer a solo-player, you are just a casual player.

you are real dense eh? the game literally kept growing with every single addition until it stopped, just when literally every mmo started to dying.

and what about random bg? that was back in tbc what about that?

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Because to be frank, wording it as “disagreeing” and punishing people are two different things worthy of insults.

To be frank, you knee-jerk reply and personally insult people for having differing opinions. That’s a fact and your post history reflects that. Yes, I disagree with others on the forums, but I keep things civil on my end and don’t have a habit of making personal insults.