Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Man you sure do like wasting time, especially when you are “working”.

I mean i do the same thing at work when I have down time so I get that.

I must have hurt his feel feels though.

Oh i know, most people do.

Its just he wastes so much time from all his comments and replies over the course of this thread, you would think he doesn’t actually have a job lol.

Especially since his comments are so asinine to begin with.

Because in today’s world , people think everyone should get equal rewards even if you are not capable of it. Welcome to Woke

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His over confidence and doubling back is entertaining though.

You have more posts on this thread than he does.
And snozay (who your telling this to) is way way in the lead, actually having the most posts here out of everyone with 250 of them.

It feels an odd point for you to make.

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I have been in this thread over several days responding to multiple people

I wasnt trying to call you out for your post count.
Just that its odd telling the person with 5 times the post count of everyone else, that someone else is talking a lot in here.

I have posts throughout since I started this thread, what like 2 weeks ago? So yeah, i’d hope I have more. Since he joined a couple days ago he’s racked up quite a few.

I guess what I really would like the outcome of this thread to be, is for solo players to stop complaining.

Thats all. Just please stop complaining that you get nothing vs raiders and m+ players. Because 90% of the game is created with the intent that people can solo it. The questing experience you can choose not to group with anyone.

The outdoor world you can choose not to group with anyone.

The content is there for you. And if you choose that you want better gear, the group content is waiting for you too. No one is baring you from participating except yourself.

I get paid hourly and my workload is designated by projects. Finishing a project early means I have a lot of time to kill but I still need to be at my desk in case someone tries to contact me. It’s not a matter of wasting time, just a matter of not having much else to do while I wait for something to come in. I bounce back and forth between this and my group chats.

In other words:

“I’m upsetti spaghetti that someone like Grufo has so much time to kill while still getting paid a full-time salary.”

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I’m glad you are being paid a full-time salary. Cheers. All i’m saying is you sure have racked up a lot of posts since you started commenting in this thread. But I understand why now. All the downtime between your projects that you are getting paid for allows you to comment in chats and forums. :slight_smile:

A few years ago I’d have agreed with you, but at this point I have been forced to accept that times have changed. Most other multiplayer genres have already adapted to current player expectations and wants. MMOs are beginning to follow suit as well. Some of them figured it out a long time ago, and it’s kept them going all this time.

The lion’s share of players these days are all about personal challenge and time investment returns. What, precisely, do you think the issue would be with putting challenging solo content in the game? And don’t reply with the usual “but muh mage tower,” because that’s not a viable answer. The number of people that complained about it were a minority. And even then, most people required M+ or raid gear to complete it in a timely manner.

More geared people means more people feeling confident enough to step into raids or M+, where before that they might not have. Other MMOs to make the shift have already proven this - their endgame group content player pool only grew once the solo player pool was able to dig in and get a bit of decent gear.

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except when you get spanked multiple times in a row.

when that happens you just play pretend blind and hide


Ill just leave this here:

Blizzard had over 10 million players SUBSCRIBED to this game BEFORE they added in any of these solo activities. BEFORE they added random dungeon finder, BEFORE they added LFR.

Over the course of the first 7 years of the games lifespan, the subscribers GREW by MILLIONS each year, WITHOUT the solo activities you are whining and begging for.

So yeah, I think Blizzard could do just fine catering to their original player base instead of some whiny, entitled kids who think they deserve mythic level raid gear for killing boars in the open world.

Its never been about “equal” treatment for them. Its been pure envy, jealousy, and greed from the solo playerbase. Blizzard creates the game for equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome.

The only argument I’ve seen that would maybe debunk the idea that solo content absolutely needs better gear is that most people wouldn’t do group content anymore and instead opt for solo content.

But this is so easily disputed when you consider that every other MMO that does this still has high group content participation, and it’s because of one thing:

Because people who do group content do group content because they want to, not because they need to.

To be clear, I don’t care what Blizzard does. If they want to have the best gear locked behind the hardest content, they can do that, but they should make solo content better.

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You keep making these strawman arguments. No one has at any point asked to get mythic raid level gear from killing boars in the open world. People are asking for solo challenges of sufficient difficulty to warrant providing that kind of gear.

As for the population; I’m well aware, having been here since November of 2004. In that time, I’ve witnessed several “changings of the guard,” if you will. Most of the original players are gone now. This and most other games belong to a new generation of gamers now, and they have very different priorities. Those few of us that do remain from the old days, we still want things how they were, but it’s about time we opened our eyes and realized that won’t work anymore.

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Which one is it?

Either or. Whichever one you prefer, honey.

It doesn’t really matter because I’m getting paid either way.

wrong, random dg finder came during wrath which was bigger than classic and tbc before it

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