Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Pretty rough being a fan of someone who constantly lies and spreads a false narrative isn’t it?

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100%, i’ve been advocating for mythic raid to get its own “elite” cosmetic that goes away after the tier and i wanted players who complete the zone achievements in korthia/ZM and things like veilstreider to also have some unique cosmetic

Even something like fully upgrading your pocopoc machine thing awards you an option to spend X amount of flux to comvert one of the cypher items into an elite cosmetic variant with added particles or a golden colour scheme that goes away after the expansion

I mean doesn’t need to be exactly that but things like that imo would have been nice for those who do that content

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See I’d love that because I upgraded mine fully of course and I love the elite appearances but never have the time to get them. It would be fun if there was a world content appearance in a similar design, it doesn’t have to be 100% looking like the elite sets or even the mythic raid set.

Something that just said I wasted too much time in ZM but I got a fun appearance out of it. :joy:

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I get you :blue_heart:

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I like the lore. Not so much what they did with it. Shadowlands could have been fun. Have you ever seen the clone wars? There’s a point in the later seasons where ahsoka is confronted with the question of good vs evil really being a question of who you are asking. There was a settlement that was peaceful and the imperials never bothered them but the rebels were the threat. I thought they were going to do some complex journey that weaves through reconciliations and emotions when they introduced uther, but in the end it was a nah homie, uther was just traveling the long path to find his true home with the light.

I havent, i need to resub to a streaming service to watch it. Its def on my list!

Unfortunately i can’t really comment on the lore as i spent most of shadowlands whining about renown locked honor upgrades, conduits not being accessible through pvp and hpal nerfs

Actually i fully own up to the majority of my posts being shadowlands whining regarding casual pvp

You play a blizzard game. Pretty rough being a fan of all those things those people were accused of?

The point is not telling you to stop playing blizzard games. If you bother to like anything, there will be a compromise. I like pizza.

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My hopes for dragonflight casual solo content is just that the content is fun and engaging, and that you get gear good enough to kill things without issue. I dont care what ilvl the gear is so long as i dont feel like im struggling at all.

1 week until we find out.

At this point there isnt much to gain about debating anything.
Lets see what we actually get and take it from there.

Probably for the same reason that Blizzard doesn’t publish subscription numbers anymore because it’s a lot easier to control the narrative surrounding this game without it. Ion has flagrantly lied about arbitrary things in the past. It’s cute that you actually trust a corporation’s word on anything.

So, basically:

I’m glad you and I could at least agree on something.


What certain employees are accused of doesn’t concern me and I don’t honestly care.

Pizza is good.

My point is that murder routinely spreads lies that I swap characters to bypass ignores which is a flat out lie.

Just so you know.

It’s cute you make that assumption.

That you need to work on your reading? Sure.

Uhh most solo players aren’t casual by the way.

You have had access to normal raid level gear for majority of SL.

Lmaoo the projection is palpable

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So are your excuses

My excuses are… palpable?

I don’t think that landed in the way you think it did. Try again.

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People use more than one meaning for the word casual.
Ive seen your usage of it and it is very different from the meaning i use. And from the meaning ive seen most people use.

In my opinion people who use your definition are just trying to belittle and rob casual players of the catagory they belong to.

I wont say more on this topic however.

Yes and that does not apply to dragonflight as of now.
Until we know how it feels to play without it, its impossible to say if its good enough or not.

What has come in the past does equal the present or the future.


It’s a metric of time.

Most people’s feelings don’t change the definition of words

Nope. It’s trying to show that casual players play all levels of content. People that use your definition are solo players trying to pretend to be casual players to try and add more credibility to their weak arguments.

You’re not a casual player if you play 40 hours a week no matter what content you play.

The first tier always rewards LFR level gear (see SL and covenant sets) and then the next patch and on it awards normal gear.

If you’re struggling to play the solo content in this game with out raid gear it’s 100% a you issue.


I love how some guy was just like “Hey, we don’t know anything about Dragonflight’s solo offerings but I hope it’s fun” and Snozay’s immediate reaction was to extrapolate meaning from his comment that wasn’t the intention to begin with. It’s almost like he’s just here to flame and argue in bad faith.


But we do. Anyone that’s been paying attention to beta knows.

Even then I must have really hurt your feelings if you keep persisting to dragging me into this since improved you wrong.

More like killing time until my next project is ready.

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