Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

That’s funny. 170,540 characters in the US & OCE have earned KSM this last season of the expansion. That doesn’t account for raiders, the supposed 60% casuals, or PvPers.

He is 100% serious. The bigger picture is that he has delusions thinking he “is always right”.

Blizzard spent the last two expansions catering to bad solo players.

They definitely did not cater to raiders in SL :joy:

Imagine being this confident and still being wrong rofl.

I mean I am right. You didn’t earn anything in a video game. You just got lucky. :rofl:

What solo players? The content we got through all of SL and 95% of BFA was a joke.


Nah, I looked him up. He’s an AoTC kid yanking chains for fun.

I didn’t know I just join a group and /roll to see if I win.

Probably bought it since he said all you need is money.

You not liking the content doesn’t mean you didn’t get it.

Solo players are the entitled children that no matter what you do will never be happy.

I’d be happy if they just stopped making the lore :poop: for no actual reason. That’s actually all it would take for me personally.


Does ignore matter here? Don’t you see posts when it is quoted by someone else? If I quoted snozay, would you be able to see it?

You still have to have the willpower to scroll past without responding.

The lore being bad has nothing to do with ksm/gladiator/CE lol

Like if we delete dungeons from the game the story and quests are still bad

Murdercarpet is just another angry troll who gets mad at other people’s success.

They called me entitled or others, I don’t know. But I said what would get me to relax. I don’t need anything else but I also don’t believe anyone deserves some sort of fancy exclusive trophy for just existing in the right place or time. If that is how life worked then we should all be sitting here with billions of dollars.

Except that’s not how it works

If you were a better player than most here you would see that

I am not that much of a jerk, unfortunately.

If we’re going to compare things with rewards then every zone meta achievement that people didn’t finish should also have been removed. Why do you get to raid and then go get the crab mount? You shouldn’t be getting both.

This line directly contradicts the one right before it. Being at the right place at the right time means you have to be lucky, which everyone cannot be. If everyone was lucky, no one would be lucky.

That was kind of the point.

People who have CE, Gladiator, or KSH did not have it fall on their laps. It wasn’t a lucky /roll.

See i actually agree with that, i wish more rewards were time sensitive and exclusive to those who did them

That includes world content

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I don’t like fomo stuff but I’d like it if the content I did would have rewards that were similar.

I’d like a better story too, or Suramar like zones. That’d be nice to have again. More zone mount metas are always good, that’s the content I like, I don’t see why it can’t be exclusive to solo players like myself.

Then everyone gets something that they can claim they did or whatever.

And don’t force people who gear to do rep grinds, I know they don’t want to do that probably.

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Murdercarpet posted an instruction for making a pizza that kind of cheats a brick oven. Here’s the thing: it requires NOTHING. a frying pan and maybe a broiler. A toaster oven has a broiler. Have not tried it yet, but no reason to doubt.

tl;dr I am a fan of murdercarpet