Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

The most challenging thing about gearing up is just finding people to gear up with, either way, it is also mind-numbingly boring content that provides nothing and is by literal definition a lame hamster wheel. Every 2 years all that “group effort” you put in becomes meaningless within 3 hours of a new expansion launch. There is no point, and people shouldn’t get exclusive rewards just for doing literally not even the bare minimum, it is simply just the worst form of content in MMOs.

Nope, you didn’t earn it lol.


If they come up with solo quests so hard that 95% of GD can’t do it, then getting rewards on par with Glad Drakes would be a reasonable request.

Sure, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that this post’s title is not an accurate summary of the post content. We can’t assume all the same people who respond to a similar thread are the same people who respond to this one.

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Oh i thought your first post was trolling satire

Were you being serious lol

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Spoken like someone who truly has no idea what they are talking about. You are 100% wrong, coming from someone who exclusively pugged this entire expansion.

This is your subjective opinion and has no bearing anything else.

You say it, but you can’t actually dispute it.

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I raid mythic casually. Just because I’m maximize my time playing the game and succeed in higher end content doesn’t make me not a casual as casual is a metric of time.

You don’t want the difficulty associated with those which is why it won’t happen.

Because blizzard rewards harder content with better stuff.

You do realize that mythic raiders are doing all those grinds in order to play their content right?

Every raider who was somewhat serious about it was farming ZM rep every day for unity.

Every raider was farming Korthia until they got max level conduits.

You like everyone else deserve nothing.

Skill not involved? You’re the guy that does LFR and dies to mechanics not realizing that you have defensives

Unfortunately, I am always right when it comes to this stuff. It is challenging, we have the worst community in gaming. Everyone gatekeeps and falsely reports and gets people banned. You play meta based on Blizzard’s god awful balancing and cheese 95% of the expansion or you don’t get anything.

You don’t deserve rewards for having more time, money, or random mediocre ability to hit basic buttons in a dungeon, raid or PVP.


It is trolling satire isn’t it

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Lol. If you mythic raid, you are not casual but I am unsurprised this terrible community is just mad that they’re literally always wrong. :joy:

True delusions.

WoW’s community is nothing special when it comes to pugging.

I’ll take 1000 for things that never happened.

META? A Protection Paladin, META? Since when has Protection Paladin been meta all expansion?

It’s pointless. People like you just seem to believe that you deserve things for doing nothing. And as usual, most replies in this thread have been falsely interpreted because you need to preserve that you have something that others didn’t get.

I’ll never understand that but hey the player base certainly keeps dwindling as Blizzard chops up the lore to push all race all class agenda and the happy go lucky faction hugging nonsense. I am certain that people will keep playing so long as they keep rewarding people like you. :joy:

People have been raiding casually for years.

I’m sorry you lack the skill level and social skills to be successful at this game.

Playing pet battles for 40
Hours a week doesn’t make you a casual.

There’s no way he isn’t trolling.

I am likely better at this game than most people here, I don’t have the time to bother with the terrible community though. Watching grass grow would be a better use of time.

You’re not but keep being delusional rofl.

But you have time to post on the forums about how good you are :+1:

Or learning some social skills so you can find some friends.

I got plenty of friends, they play better games though. :nerd_face:


It’s pointless when we have people like you who, have zero relevant experience, truly believes they know everything. Your take on pugging or the community is completely delusional and false. Yes, it’s not always sunshine and rainbows, but clearly it’s not the most challenging part if I (and many others) can pug successfully.

I like how you ignored this. Caught in another made up “anecdote”.

You ignored this claim too.

Sure thing.

You sound very bitter though.

It’s boredom, waiting for Blizzard to stop catering to people like you.

Sadly they seem to want the game to just die. I mean how many people play now? 20k?


Oh my god i think he’s serious